
September 5th, 2013




Who: Hannigail.
What: Bringing him dinner.
When: Thursday evening, 9/5.
Where: Hannibal's office.
Rating: TBA; probably high considering their canon is one big trigger warning.
Trigger Warnings: Probably cannibalism, murder, older man / younger woman relationships, incest that's only incest in legal name only, swearing, and random deer metaphors.
Status: Complete!

I don't really wanna know what's good for me. )




Who: Belle Boudreaux and Winston Frost
Where: Boston
What: chatting
When: Tuesday
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status complete

We’ve both said our ‘I don’t love you’s to each other )




Who: Haymitch Abernathy and Raymond Garraty
When: Last evening
Where: Haymitch's dream
What: Ray's sleep walking
Warnings/Rating: Likely low outside some language

It's always still just you on the inside )




Who: Jenna and Ric Saltzman
What: Talking about moving.
Where: Saltzman Residence, Huntington Beach
When: Back-dated to around the Gilbert Funeral.
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete Log.

I need to talk to you about something. )




Who: Kitty and Yuna
What: Meeting the in-law so to speak and talking about love and faith
When: 8/20
Where: A cafe
Status: complete
Rating: PG for the gushing

A lot of people dream about more primitive standards of living. Doesn’t make them bad cultures, just different. )




Who: Lara and Rogue
What: Hiking.
When: Last weekend
Where: A trail
Status: complete
Rating: Pg-13 for bears

Ah ain’t gonna lie none, that? Was nerve wracking! )




Who: Dani Moonstar, Nate Summers
What: Nate saves Dani from herself, and his car is awesome.
When: After these text messages
Where: Nate's car, then The Place
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13, mild warnings for the crap going on in Dani's life.
Status: Complete!

S’what friends are for, right? That and watching your back in the inevitable bar fights, incidents, and crazinesses that crop up around us. )




Who: Gwen and Chuck.
When: Circa August 28.
Where: Stark Industries.
What: Meeting.
Rating/Warning: Low/None.
Status: Complete.

I'm all ... Daydreams McGee up here. )




Who: Victor Frankenstein and Leonard McCoy.
When: First week in September.
Where: McCoy’s office.
What: Meeting of minds.
Rating/Warning: Low/Mention of NPC death.
Status: Complete.

I had vaguely ulterior motives for coming here today. )




Who: Grumpier Old Men Obi-Wan and McCoy
When: Wednesday Afternoon 9/4
Where: Irvine General
What: Random Encounter/Obi’s looking for Faiza at the hospital
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete!

I suppose there's always the chance that someone's going to need a doctor, no matter where I go. )




Who: Castiel, Samandriel
What: Music, emotions, wings, family
When: Wednesday - 04 September
Where: The Winchester Compound
Rating: Low-Medium, some kissing because sometimes angels speak better without words.
Status: Complete

As you like. )




Who: Samandriel, Abigail Lecter
What: Samandriel visits Abigail in her dreams
When: Tuesday Night 03 September
Where: Dreams
Rating: Med-High, neither of their dreams are happy places. TW for that, but nothing more.
Status: Complete

A man with glasses and adrenaline just rolling off of him in anxious waves. )




Who: Deryn + Sam Winchester
When: Late August
What: Camping
Status: complete

You were a fish the whole time! )




Who: Castiel & Sam Winchester
When: Late August
Where: A diner
What: Lunch, chatting
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Suddenly, Sam was really hoping that this Cas wasn’t dreaming at all. )


Who: Weasley Twins + Verity
When: Late August
Where: For the Lulz
What: Chatting
Rating/Warning: Low / None
Status: Complete

Don’t be awkward. )