
July 31st, 2013



How can that... possibly not be enough?

Who: Obi and Faiza
What: Lunch and relationship talk
When: Day or two ago
Where: Food places
Status: complete
Rating: PG

And if that...if that's not enough... )




Who: Scud + Mavis
What: Catchin' up
When: Mid July
Where: The park
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Did I tell you I got to help fly a spaceship? )




Who: Justin Taylor and River Tam
What: Random Meeting
When: Wednesday, July 31st. Afternoon
Where: A coffee shop
Rating: Low to start
Status: In Progress

As far as Justin was concerned, the last few weeks had been pretty good )




Who: Belle and Vanille
Where: Their place
What: Breaking up
When: 7/28
Warnings/Rating: pg just in case, but mostly this log is all about the feels.
Status complete

If she’s dumb enough t’ let whatever you’re dreamin’ change how she feels about you then she ain’t worth your time, and there are so many worthy women in the world for you )