
April 24th, 2013



And what practical application do you have in mind?

Who: Lúthien and Elphaba
What: A date. Sort of
When: Beginning of April
Where: Elphie’s place
Status: complete
Rating: NC-17 for sexytimes!

I could probably write a paper and present it to you if you want.. )




Who: Gabriel and Castiel
When: Tuesday
Where: The burger bar
What: A conversation about, well, THINGS. Of an angelic nature.
Warnings: Offhand, I can't think of any. Will update if they are. Maybe for Gabe swearing?
if certain other members of their family wound up here with those dreams? All Hell, literal Hell was going to break loose. )



Now, back to that thing about pants

Who: Iroh and Kerrigan
What: A date and moletovcocktails
When: Recent
Where: Iroh’s place
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13
Triggers: PTSD and gunfights

I don’t remember anything about pants. You old perv. )




Who: Motoko
What: She receives the go-ahead to come to the States
When: a few weeks ago
Where: Japan
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

What is it to be human? )




Who: R and John Connor.
When: Some recent afternoon.
Where: A smoothie shop.
What: Random encounter.
Warnings/Ratings: Low.
Status: Complete.

You get walked into a lot then? )




Who: Scud + Tom Branson
What: Working, chatting
When: 4/21
Where: Autobody/car shop
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

So --uh. How’s...the wife. And kids. )




Who: John Watson and Victor Frankenstein.
Where: The clinic.
What: Meeting
Warnings/Ratings: Low
Status: Complete

I’m not sure if I can feign interest in climbing ivy any longer than strictly necessary. )




Who: Tiffany and Wally
When: Wednesday, April 24; Evening
Where: Street
What: Random Encounter
Rating: PG for light swearing
Status: Complete

How do I get your shirt back to you? )




Who: Harry Dresden and Emma Frost
Where: a cafe
What: A meeting to talk about things that are not so good, part two of Harry's Crazy Week.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings/Rating: PG-13, for references to very bad crimes against children
Status complete

Come in, to my makeshift office... )




Who: Romana and Severus
When: Thursday, April 11
Where: Their place
What: Being married and happy, cookies and putting Daisy to bed.
Rating/Warnings: High-ish. There's some heavy petting and under the clothes hands action.
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Harry, Magius, and Elaine
Where: The clinic
What: Paternity test results
When: Wednesday morning, 04/24/13, part three of Harry's Crazy Week
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for medical stuff
Status complete

Wow... )




Who: Harry, Elaine, and Corazon
Where: Elaine and Cora's house
What: Harry and Elaine reveal that Harry is Cora's dad
When: 04/24, part four of Harry's Crazy Week
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status complete

I am your father... )




Who: Nate and Corazon
Where: a cab, then his house
What: a sleepover between friends
When: tonight, Wednesday, 04/24
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for discussion of life issues and Dreamer stuff
Status complete

Dreams can be fun! )




Who: Pansy Malfoy and Zuko
When: April 16th ish
Where: Pansy, Draco and (now) Zuko’s place
What: Things are... awkward? Getting over the awkward?
Rating/Warnings: None/Low/Totally Awkward
Status: Complete

Zuko didn’t do a whole lot of undressing women in general, so probably that wasn’t going to happen any time ever. )




Who: Harry Dresden and Alicia Tarot
Where: His offices
What: Alicia has a minor breakdown and Harry helps her deal
When: Monday afternoon, Part one of Harry's Crazy Week
Warnings/Rating: R for mentions of sexual crimes and offenses toward minors
Status complete

Sorrow shared is halved... )




Who: Hermione Granger and Zuko
When: Monday, 4/15. Tax Day!
Where: Coffee Shop
What: Catching up
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

It’s good. It means we both have time to regain the ability to walk. )



Multi-pup log post to avoid clutter. OTA

Who: A few of mine & OPEN
What: Random encounters. Because someone has been horrible with activity this month.
When: Week of April 21
Where: Various places.
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Please wait for subthreads. They're up! For now, I've only set starter threads up for Kate, Remy, and Poppet because they have the least activity. But if you'd like Helen or Clara for anything in particular, just let me know!


Who: Yuriko and Logan
Where: The servants' quarters, the Oyama house
What: Logan catches Yuriko up on the dreams.
When: Night of 4/23
Warnings/Rating: PG, language
Status: Complete

I'm not a monster )