
March 25th, 2013




Who: Enjolras and Feuilly (Omigod Feuilly I love you, you're the best!)
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: Enj's place
What: Enjolras needs to talk to somebody about what's been going on in his mind and bribed Feuilly with pancakes.
Warnings: This is probably going to turn pretty traumatic at least in terms of relating stuff. Enj has some stuff to exorcise as it relates to trauma, the barricade, etc. Expect that and probably some swearing.
Status: In Progress

Read more... )




Who: Tenoh Haruka, Kaioh Michiru and Tomoe Hotaru.
What: Meeting Hotaru to see of possible adoption.
When: March 25th arounds 3pm
Where: Hotaru's Foster Home
Status:In Progress

I want our little girl, Haruka )




WHO: Kirsty Cotton and Giles Babcock
WHAT: Confessions and such.
WHEN: Friday 22
WHERE: The Cotton/Babcock home
RATING: Warnings for frank discussion and talk of death and sexual abuse
STATUS: Complete




Who: Kurt Wagner, dream!Hope, dream!Rogue, dream!Bastian
What: Kurt and Rogue are trying to bring Mutant-kind’s last hope to Utopia
When: During the Second Coming arc
Where: Las Vegas, and Utopia
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for character death and angst

I believe in you. )




Who: James Wilson and Audrey Baxter
When: Sometime this week
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Meeting!
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete!

She was treating the window by putting up decals of grass, flowers and butterflies )




Who: Emma Summers and Logan Howlett
What: fighting crime
When: Monday afternoon
Where: a decrepit house in the woods
Rating: R for mentions of extreme child abuse and the slaughter of those responsible
Status: complete

None can change in me these things that I believe, But I don't know what happens now )


Who: Mr. Gold and Samantha Carter
When: Friday 3/8
Where: Restaurant
What: A date
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

How’s teaching our future generation going? )




WHO: John Blake (Open).
WHAT: Open Batman-esque Log of Shenanigans. Open to anyone!
WHEN: Monday Night.
WARNINGS: Maybe semi-violence but really nope.

I am the Night. )

A phone conversation

Who: Mako and Korra
When: Monday
Where: Their respective places
What: Phone calls and date plans
Rating: Low / maybe some swearing. never know with these two.
Status: In Progress

Ring Ring )




Who: Tardis and Tenth Doctor
When: Saturday night after this
Where: A bar or something.
What: Drinking and stuff.
Rating: PG-13 for sweetness and innocent kisses.
Status: Complete.

Happy Birthday. Looks like you made lovely plans. Oh, you’re how old? Lovely, lovely. )




Who: Billy Horrible and Tinkerbell
When: After this conversation, March 9
Where: Movie Theater, etc.
What: A movie
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Because he kind of was the sort of guy who would pick them all out especially for her. )




Who: Hino Rei and Aino Minako
What: Rei at ER for stuff then leaving for Japan
When: March 20th
Rating:PG-13 for swears. TW for mention of drug use.

This isn’t goodbye, Rei-chan... I’ll be waiting for you. )


WHO: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson.
WHAT: Investigation and Eating. Apparently.
WHEN: Monday Afternoon.
WHERE: Running around the OC.
WARNINGS: None likely.

He wasn't wearing the hat. )




Who: Verity and Alice Ayres
When: Before 3/21
Where: Oliver and Alice’s house
What: Verity’s snoozing, Alice wakes her
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete

It’s weird, because I’m nauseous AND hungry. And exhausted. More than I’ve ever felt before. )




Who: TARDIS and Jack Harkness
When: 6:30 Monday Evening
Where: Tara's favourite coffee shop.
What: Meeting. Again. After they've remembered more.
Rating: PG most likely!
Status: In progress.

They were magical and horrifying all at once. )




Who: Annie and Portia
When: Sat 23rd March?
Where: Random mall
What: Meeting and fashion talk
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Doesn't that look lovely on you? )




Who: Harry and Thomas
Where: The airport then Harry’s place
What: Harry welcomes his brother home.
When: 03/13 after this
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Status complete

Welcome home the wandering brother. )




Who: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
What: Bathroom sex. Yes, really.
When: After these texts
Where: CSU
Rating: Very NC-17.
Status: Complete. :D

The one and only. )




Who: Faith Lehane and Joe Simmons
What: Talking. Serious things. Maybe.
Where His place and then who knows where
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

Time to figure out what she was doing in life. )




Who: Gaz and Kitty.
What: Goodbye kiss.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: Kitty's.
Rating: R for Gaz's mouth.
Status: Complete!

Game )




Who: Jefferson, Verity and Grace!
When: Recently
Where: For the Lulz
What: A visit and shopping!
Rating/Warnings: None! Cuteness abounds!
Status: Complete!

It made every day a day filled with joy and happiness. And pranking. Lots of pranking. )