
April 23rd, 2012



Maybe if the girl had ritalin, it'd be even easier.

Who: Jubilee and Janice
What: Organizing!
When: Last night
Where: Jubilee's Studio
status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

As Pinkie would say, Jubilee was full of life. )




Who: Brandon Sullivan & Lucas North
What: Dinner following this
When: Monday evening
Where: Mr Chow Restaurant, Los Angeles
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

The ghost in my machine is set in such a good time right now. )


Who: Graham, Roy Harper, and OPEN. Come oooooon down!
When: Monday night.
Where: A pub. Somewhere. Graham really did throw darts at a map.
What: Carousing. Throwing sharp objects at a small circular board. Humor. Who knows!
Rating: ...no idea. Maybe PG-13 for language?
Status: In progress.

It was quiet, probably because it was Monday. He really needed some better timing. )



"Yeah. Her phone is off."

Who: Jim and Aveline
What: Meeting for a request!
Where: Denny's
When: Today
Rating PG
Status: complete

Maybe she doesn't want to be found. )