
April 1st, 2012



"Scotty, he wants a treat, what did you do?!"

Who: Scotty, Faiza, (Gaila for a blip)
What: Somebody takes a tumble, gets a wee bit smarter, and a beagle shows up like demon magic whoa (only not, but Gaila's mom thought it was). Also? Clitty Patrick the dog is gone off with Catholic mom. *\o/*
When: Yesterday. Sorry! Belatedly posting stuffs!
Where: Mad Monty's
Rating: PG13, language
Status: Complete

Treat? What treat? And what'd ye mean WHAT'D I DAE?! )



"It's probably just..allergies."

Who: Scotty, Gaila, Faiza
What: The log in which someone has a (soon to be recurring) dream-flashback to the big bridge brawl, tech journals suddenly look rudimentary, where someone else turns green, and a fine freak out happens between two people and a doctor.
When: Today.
Where: Mad Monty's
Rating: PG13, language
Status: Complete

Yer GREEN. That's not ALLERGIES. )




Who: Eddard & Arya Stark
What: Daily rituals
Where: The Stark Home
When: Monday Morning
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

Mornings were the bane of Arya's teenage existence. )



"Well if it ain't mah darhlin and best girl."

Who: Gaila, Faiza, McCoy and Scotty
What: Further doctoring and flirting
Where: Faiza's clinic
When: Saturday
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete!

I dae declare that I might have need of yer expertise, sir, as I'm feelin' haaawt an' twitterpated. )



"What WOULD your super power be then?"

Who: Faiza and Mccoy
What: Tea date!
Where: a cafe
When: Saturday
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

Like a healing touch, that would be magnificant. )




Who: Spock, son of Sarek
What: A little narrative about a dream
Where: Casa Spock
When: Sunday morning
Rating: G
Status: Boom, finished!

You gotta listen to your dreams, that's how you find your dream girl. )