
March 15th, 2012



“There's a word for that sort of thing, what word is that?”

Who: Gaila Scotty
What: The R word gets a label finally, gawking nose-picking kid voyeur ruins the mood. I lulz'd my way through this. Gawking Kid FTW!
When: Today!
Where: Undisclosed Park, Santa Ana
Rating: PG-13, Language, sexual innuendo, unfinished friskiness
Status: Complete

...survival? )



We're going to need to get his pants off.

Who: Sulu, Kirk, Isabella, McCoy, Scotty, Varric, thug midgets. Please tag if I've missed anyone!
What: Meetings, drinkins, and bar brawl redeux w/the Shortbread Battalion - the Helm's Deep edition! lulz!
When: Today!
Where: Mad Dogs & Englishmen
Rating: PG-13, Language, innuendo, the usual - but no friskiness!
Status: Complete

Something tells me he'll like it more if you help with that. )



Her knockers were this big, I swear.

Who: Aveline, Alice, and Jack Harper (aka Illusive Man)
What: Envelopes and brunch. Alice tells Aveline about illegal adventures! And she comes away confuzzled. Iseelesbians,they'reeverywhere
When: Today!
Where: Near a cafe and then at the cafe
Rating: PG-13---ish
Status: Complete

But her knockers. Out to here. )

His eyes locked on the bikes first

Who: Frodo, Isabela
What: Frodo attempts to repay Isabela’s kindness with a purchase from her shop
When: Thursday Afternoon.
Where: Crossbones Pawn Shop
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete!

You know, I collect cars, but I don’t have any motorcycles. )