June 2020




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Jul. 10th, 2018


Mia is gone. Shep and I are homeless. I think he's freaking out more than I am. Does anyone here have experience with service dogs? And does anyone need one? He's been training with Mia, but I know she'd want him to go to someone who needs him for what he's been trained for, rather than staying with me when I don't need a service dog. He's a golden retriever, and a total sweetheart.

Jul. 7th, 2018


Someone suggested I go to a yard sale and look for more furniture but the last time I looked, one of the sales looked like a rainbow threw up all over it.

I have one bed, one sofa, and one coffee table for myself. Is that not enough? How the heck do people rack up so many things?? Like WHY do you need the most ridiculous shit in the world, like plates you don't even use to EAT on?

Filter: Hope Summers
I'm tired of looking for shit on my own. Let's go get some food.

Jul. 4th, 2018


So I got myself in a pickle here. I need to get a job, but I ain't ever had a straight job. I used to be a criminal. Not anymore, no no sir.

But say someone was looking for a job and they had those skills, what would they do?


Tried to get Ace up to go to the manor this morning. Managed to get him to move from my bed to the armchair. We're halfway to the door at least. Chuck's already in the foyer and wondering what's taking so long.

Jul. 3rd, 2018


[Filtered against Michael]
Not even gonna lie, but I suck at feelings. So who out there can walk me through how to help out a really depressed and sad demon? Right now we've got cocoa, booze, carbs, cookie dough, and hugs planned.

Sam Winchester, looking at you in particular.

Jun. 28th, 2018


Friendly reminder go give folks a warning if you're going to blow stuff up over the holiday. Just in case.


We doing anything for the fourth?

Jun. 27th, 2018


Attention people of the network. I'm now accepting any and all pieces of furniture or house things that you decide you don't want anymore. I'll pay you 5 dollars for each of them, thanks.

No worries about beds though. I have one for myself already. Including a cat bed. And a litter box and cat food so I'm all set there.

Jun. 26th, 2018


I think one of the most fascinating things about humans is that even when they feel they are utterly finished with something, it makes its way to a store where someone else may find it and use it in their own lives. The sheer persistence of the existence of humans and their creations is astounding.

[Mr. Rory]
I believe I have found what you are looking for.


That was weird. I have a migraine.

[Cassie Sandsmark]

Can we eat junk food and watch bad movies?

[Jason Todd]

Hey, you.

...We should probably talk.

Jun. 24th, 2018


[Filtered Away from Mia]

My heart unto yours is knit
So that but one heart we can make of it;
Two bosoms interchained with an oath;
So then two bosoms and a single troth.

Do you guys think she'll like it?


First an Elf. Now I've got one of the Fae proclaiming his love for me.

Anyone know how to turn one down without offending them?


How was I to know that asking a guy who's half horse and half human just how he and other half horse people bang was going to offend him?


I put in for a service dog. Apparently, they can be good for people in wheelchairs to help with mobility and other things. Plus, it'll be nice to have someone who can help me so that Cassie isn't doing extra work for me. I found a program that pairs people with dogs fairly quickly, and I'll have to take some classes so I can get used to having one, but it's a step forward. I've had a woman involved with the program contact me, and I've already been paired with one.

Image, not an ic cut )

Jun. 23rd, 2018


Why doesn't this town sell things people actually need?


Probably should have thought of this earlier, but I've had a talk with my manager and she's cleared me to be out of the office Tuesday afternoon to do a college prep seminar at the community centre. Anyone who is thinking about enrolling, whether you're looking at the community college, Tumbleweed University campus, University of Texas, or something else entirely, if you haven't been to university before this will probably be useful.

Since we've got people who aren't from a world similar to this, I'll start with half an hour on the complete basics. That'll be 1pm-1.30pm, so people who know vaguely how university works can skip that part. From 1.30 we'll go through enrollment, picking a major (or not picking one) and choosing classes, as well as online study and how that works.

So. Tuesday, 1.00 or 1.30pm, community centre.

Jun. 21st, 2018


Filter: Jason Todd
We haven't talked about this since we were on the cruise and Alfred took your pack away, but I thought I'd bring it up to ask: have you still been trying to keep off of smoking or are you still doing it?

ooc: tw: talks of smoking, alcohol use, etc. in comments

Jun. 14th, 2018


Attn: anyone who needs to know.

I have found a permanent place of my own. I'll text you the address. But I do mean it. It's permanent. I don't know how to cook or anything so my place currently just as cereal boxes and milk, but whatever. They're fortified with vitamins and stuff.

Jun. 13th, 2018


Can't believe I'm watching a fucking livestream of a raccoon napping on a twenty-fourth floor window ledge.

Jun. 12th, 2018


I've controlled and redirected hellfire, but I can't figure out how to not burn eggs. Or toast. Or pretty much anything besides tea.

This is sad.


First I've seen of the unusual things that happen. It isn't too different from home, but the invasions are a bit different. Last bug infestation we had was an over-sized pain in the ass of a roach. Then again, arachnoids and bugs aren't really the same thing.

The people in these places still seem to forget what happens or has this never happened spread out like this?

Jun. 10th, 2018


How dare you, CBS, tease me with Josh Groban singing All I Ask of You by only playing fifteen seconds.

Shame, CBS, shame.



I'm either going to need some sort of soundproof warding on my apartment, or, like... move before I piss off more neighbors. Who'd be willing to help me? I'll pay even. Cash or food.

And by that, I mean helping with the soundproofing. I am definitely not leaving this apartment in my state.

Filter: Johnny Storm
So how about a trip to NYC Pride in two weeks with your bisexual girlfriend? Not amidst the crowd per se, but I'm sure we can find a rooftop that won't be crowded.

Filter: Matt Murdock
Are we still working on being a better superhero without sight with meditation and stuff like that?

Jun. 9th, 2018


Happy Pride month to all who are celebrating! Perhaps I'll see some of you at the parties.

Are you interested in going to one of these Pride events? They are for people not exclusively attracted to the opposite gender. Alucard and I are planning to go to a few of them.

I thought you might be most interested in the ones in Mexico and London, since we had wanted to go there anyway. We could catch a ride to the parade and then explore on our own, and come back by way of either your magic or the teleporter bracelets.

Is there anything more we need to do for Egypt?

Jun. 7th, 2018


[Texts to Jason Todd]
›› Heyyyy, you busy?
›› Because if not, I could use your expertise
›› How long do I cook a pork roast for?
›› I got it from the grocery store, but the instructions were covered by a sticker and when I peeled it up they came up too.
›› And I keep getting conflicting answers from the internet.
›› So. Help?

Jun. 6th, 2018


Did you look like this when you were younger? Minus the glasses. Unless you had glasses.

It's really too bad Dean isn't here, I want to see his face when he finds out there's a Harry Potter who looks like he did at that age.

Jun. 5th, 2018


Filter: Jason Todd / Mick Rory (separately)
I think I should get a permanent place to stay. I might need some help finding a place.


So after sleeping for a solid 16 hours I started digging around on the internet. And found movies.

That probably sounds sketchy.

I found movies that include parts of my life.

It turns out my life is an alternate ending. So that's... cool. I guess. Not really.

Is this normal? Does this sort of thing exist for everyone?

Jun. 4th, 2018


That ball was like a Capitol party, I should have bought a less comfortable dress to get the real experience.

Wood & Waves is still looking for a clerk. Just let me or Annie know if you're interested. Until then, we'll just get up from our work whenever someone comes in.

I've set my A/C to 65 and I think Murphy froze to death, I can't be sure.

Jun. 3rd, 2018



Dear residents of pecan place. I really hope the walls are soundproof. Otherwise, I'm so sorry for the drum-banging. The portal decided to gift me with those some days ago, and I've been trying to grow accustomed to using them again without sight.

Needless to say, I'm seriously rusty.

Jun. 2nd, 2018


Settled on a name. Say hi again to Charles de Batz de Castelmore d'Artagnan.

Or, as I like to call him, Chuck.

Jun. 3rd, 2018


Yeah, alright, Jan. You win. Nobody got killed at the ball and I actually had a good time. I owe you an ice cream or something.

I'm only slightly less grumpy with being here now.

May. 31st, 2018


i got questions

1) isn't there some party coming up?? when's that happening?

2) who do i gotta talk to about getting groot his own phone and network account? he keeps trying to take mine


The ball completely snuck up on me and I forgot to buy a dress. Anyone else want to do some super last-minute shopping with me tomorrow?

May. 30th, 2018


Cass is gone. Looks like it's just me and Cassie in the house, now.

May. 29th, 2018


Anyone have suggestions for best places to apply for work around here for someone who's resume mostly involves fighting, time travel, and alien invasions? The Bureau, maybe?

Burgers, fries, milkshakes and movies?

May. 27th, 2018


I figured out the dog thing. I think. Seems like Bruce adopted this mastiff after his owner died and, being the creative guy he is, named him Ace. At least in the comics. Because apparently every dog Bruce has ever owned has to be named Ace.

I'm not going to be that dog owner, so the drooling wonder needs a new name.

Seriously, it's a lot of drool.

May. 26th, 2018


Well, jumping to the future’s a new one. Anyone seen a 37 year old African-American man, 6’2” approximately 180 lbs with no regard for protocol. Answers to Slick, will argue if called Kid despite the fact that he behaves like one?

Guess I can rely on the coffee, but if they keep it up with that powder creamer, they’re going to have to find somewhere else to go.

May. 25th, 2018


The portal gave me $10,000

So I'm thinking, buy more lumber for the store and food for the house.

But the other part of me says get a car and drive far away.


Thanks to a gift from the portal, it looks like the plans for my clinic will be up and running sooner than expected, so it seems like a good time as any to put out a help wanted ad here.

In Vein Clinic will be opening in council 8 within the month of June. I'm looking for at least two more licensed physicians in family medicine, along with RNs, LPNs, and secretarial staff. I wanted to put this offer to those of us who are displaced first before looking elsewhere. While I do want our people to feel safe coming here for any treatment, I do want to let you know that the clinic will be open to all populations in the area.

That being said, if anyone would be willing to do magical wards of some kinds to our place and a designated room for some of us that have to hide our true identities, that would be much appreciated. I'd just like a list of people right now who I can reach out to when the clinic is completed next month.

May. 24th, 2018


Okay. I get the portal was trying to do something nice and send me something from home, but sending my Speedy costume only reminded me that I'm never going to be able to go out in it ever again.


Well, I know that I never had this when I was home, so I guess the portal is okay giving presents that don't exactly belong to you? At least I have a way to get to and from work now, so that's nice. I need to get a helmet, though.

not an IC cut )


Man, everyone is getting stuff from the portal. My birthday was two days ago and I didn't get anything. Whatever, portal. WHATEVER.

May. 23rd, 2018


The portal sure has a sense of humor.

cut for image, not an IC cut )



I'm supposed to be the widow of a creepy skull that belongs to the demon son of this super evil witch that tried to murder meeee. NOT GET IT BACK ALL GOOD AND NORMAL. Okay, I don't know if I actually married it, but there was a ritual thing and the Blacksmith never said I wasn't. She never said I was either, but!

No one wants a skull for a present. WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED?

May. 22nd, 2018


Right, so I guess I'm just going to be dealing with this now.

I'm Sara. Where's the best place to get a drink around here?


Appreciate the little bit of rain we got, but the mutt and I are going to head down to Perdita to cool off. Anyone wanna come? Jojo, you can come sit on my back if you want.

May. 21st, 2018


Guys. Why is there a French Mastiff addressed to me from the portal?

Pic, no filter )

May. 17th, 2018


I need an expert in clothes to assist me - particularly, jeans.

Gaby, come dancing with me on Friday? Rogue's organizing, but a group of us are going to NYC to find a club to our liking. Illya, you're welcome to come along as well, but I will be stealing Gaby away from you for the night if she'll let me.

I haven't seen much of you on the network, but a few of us are going to New York City this Friday for a night out in the clubs, organized by your sister. Care to join us? Quentin will be there as well.

May. 16th, 2018


What are some hobbies that you all enjoy when the portal is not interrupting your lives?

filter: EPS staff & Howlett Gym
My name is Koriand'r. A friend tells me I should seek employment. As I do not blend in with Earthlings, working among you would be ideal. I have no specific skills that I remember from my time on Earth. All I know is my time with Jason and my life on my home planet: I am a warrior. So, if you have a need for an instructor of that nature, I would kindly ask for your consideration.

May. 15th, 2018


This town has way too many cemeteries.

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