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January 7th, 2020

[info]butscience in [info]thedisplaced

If anyone got new ships that take fuel not used here for Christmas, I'm still looking for fuel samples for experimenting in creating replication with our current materials.

Also I got more outside lab equipment! I'm going to fill up this whole warehouse. I just need to fit the old with the new and what I've already been working on.

[Lorna and Number Five]

Which of you is better at charming people to let us look at their ships? I've gathered up quite a few blueprints that we can model after to try and build prototypes in order to begin fuel testing stages.

If the other is more interested you can help me with breaking down what fuel samples we've gathered so far. I don't have a sample from each possible ship here so I'm not sure when we should stop bugging people for samples.

Also given you've both been here longer, though not involved necessarily with the portal directly, personal perspectives on phenomena could be helpful. Contextualize some of our data.


Thanks for the new intern.

[info]iceage in [info]thedisplaced

Have we figured out if we got money from Santa if that has to be declared on our taxes or not?

[info]formvoltron in [info]thedisplaced

[Filter to Alice Quinn]
You mentioned how Shiro promised to take you up into space. Did he ever promise what type of ship

[Filter to Tahiri Veila]
Hey, so I got a question. Might be a weird one.

[Filter to Voltron]
Do we want to do a moon trip this weekend? Just pack up some provisions and see where adventure takes us?

[info]leo_valdez in [info]thedisplaced

I'm getting that 'need to build things' itch again, so if anyone has projects they want to do, I'm happy to help.

Hey. Um. I was thinking. Maybe...maybe [...] do you think engineering would be a good idea? I mean, I guess I could start my own contracting business or like go to school for that. Trades pay pretty well apparently. I dunno. It might be stupid.

[info]katieb in [info]thedisplaced

Just in case anyone likes listening to stuff while they sleep, I highly recommend lofi on YouTube. I wanted to listen to something while I relaxed and fell asleep for an hour, so clearly it works.

On the upside, Stella and I had an amazing nap.

On the downside, I completely forgot what I was going to do this afternoon. I'm sure if it was that important I'll remember eventually.

It's Tuesday and we all know what that means! I'm on the hunt for delicious tacos.

[info]vendaai in [info]thedisplaced

Those of you who have space vehicles of various shapes and sizes, how far have you been able to get and how does it compare to your ship's usual range?

I'm looking into cloaking and recharge options for the new shuttles. Once that's lined up, you wanna go for a ride?

I know you've got plenty on your plate, but when you have time, any chance you could put together cloaking for the shuttles Breq and I received from Santa?

[info]leaveatrail in [info]thedisplaced

[Margo Hanson]
So what's your availability look like? I have a few places I want to check out. I got my bar back, but I'm considering making it more of a small seafood restaurant instead, but I'm not going to pay to get food delivered if I can avoid that instead. Even if this would be easier to do a ridiculous number of doors. You can do portals without the doors? Cause I want to find the best places for the things I want before I make a doorway for them. I'll pay you for it.

[info]subject89p13 in [info]thedisplaced

you wanna know what people eat in iceland? blood pudding. and a whole flarkin sheep's head on a plate. i been around most of the galaxy and i ain't never seen anything served up with all its teeth grinning at me

anyway i was thinking it's time to break out the waffle iron this weekend. first of the year