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September 18th, 2018

[info]easterly in [info]thedisplaced

It might be best if I come to stay at the mansion until this is over. I seem to be taking on cat instincts as well as appearance and I have far too many breakables for this little supervision.

[info]skyhunter in [info]thedisplaced

Cool how it's the second week of school and half the teachers are already out with fairy curses. I guess this is easier than public school. Even though I'm fine. Not that I'm complaining but it feels like with the number of people they screwed it would have been easier to just get everyone instead of picking and choosing.

[info]queent in [info]thedisplaced

We realize the timing worked out to not be ideal, but we're hoping this gives some people something to look forward to.



[info]drchakrabarti in [info]thedisplaced

Hello all! Just checking in to see if I've missed anyone that required my assistance.

If you know a person that is cursed to a dreamless sleep and I haven't already left you supplies, instructions, and hooked up IVs and monitors for you, please do let me know and I'll come fix that. I'm also completely willing to look after them at Bureau in our medical wing if there will be a problem caring for them at home.

The morgue is available to those that are decaying to help slow down the process. I also have a room at my home set to freezer temperatures, courtesy of a very helpful mediwitch, so I will make that available to anyone that needs it.

Those that are transforming into animals for half of the day, Liv Moore would like to come see you and help make sure that everything is normal for the animal you've become. Please don't be a horse about it, she's only trying to look out for you.

Incorporeal beings, if you need anything done that you can't do right now, please don't hesitate to reach out.

And...I think that's it! If you need help, just say the word. I'm sleeping for a week straight after thi-

Thank you for the assistance with the teleportation. Not my favorite method of getting around, but the coolest by far. I owe you one.

[info]whynonna in [info]thedisplaced

Being ten foot tall is wrecking my game, dude. I thought being 5'8" was a killer for some guys, but no. People scream and holler, and I think I just got fired from my job. No more old school vagina tools for me. Also sleeping in the BARN is getting hella old.

[info]swhite in [info]thedisplaced

Apparently, I am no longer decaying. The freezer was suddenly far too cold for me, and after getting a clean bill of health, I am out of here.

Still not quite as bad as recovering from being shot in the head.

[info]typeaplus in [info]thedisplaced

So what does everyone use for background noise because it is kind of creepy how silent my dorm is rn.

[info]zunia in [info]thedisplaced

I can honestly say this experience has been emotionally exhausting. It'd be nice if we could go back to something less [...] whatever we're calling this.

[Albus Potter]
Thank you again for watching Dudley for me. Do you have a favourite dinner or dessert?

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced

[Voice to text; after nightfall]
I am tired of this.

[info]aramente in [info]thedisplaced

I think I've given up trying to figure out much of what goes on in this place. It's better for my sanity. It's like living in the feywild.

If anyone needs help with turning into animals, I'm pretty efficient at it and I've been a lot of different ones.

I've made some raspberry scones, if anyone wants any. I'm happy to share.

[info]troopcarrier in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Kell Maresh & Justice of Toren
WHAT: Having trouble sleeping
WHEN: Mid-late August? When Kell moved to Athoek Station
WHERE: Athoek Station, Kell's quarters
WARNINGS: References to slavery/servitude. Awkwardness? Insomnia.

To be completely free of any bonds, of any restrictions, is lonely )

[info]encrypting in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Matt & Shiro
WHAT: The morning of the canon bumps, Matt & Shiro run into each other in the kitchen
WHEN: Backdated to August 24th
WHERE: Holt House
WARNINGS: Mentions of canon character death (not a character in game) and just generally the stuff Shiro's been through... I think that's it

... )

[info]ydidueatmyfries in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Baelfire & Marceline
What: Learning Marcy wasn’t taken by fairies, Bae goes to check on Marcy. They get back together (woo!) but then Bae turns into a wolf (boo!).
When: Sunday, immeadiate after this
Where: The Ugly Pink House
Warnings: Kissing and dramatic teenage feels
Status: Complete in gdocs

Can I be bae again? )

[info]ydidueatmyfries in [info]thedisplaced

Midnight wolf runs. Who's in?

Also I started working on the pool again. I think it'll be done in a week or two. Pool party?

[Emma & Neal]
So, I don't want you guys to feel bad for what I did. I chose it. So like don't feel bad about it. Plus it all worked out for some reason I don't really know. Usually it's better not to question that stuff too hard.

But thanks for worrying? Is that weird to thank you for?

[Bae & Henry]
So... Emma and Neal are acting different, right?

Added: Nevermind! They're just like hit with a truth thing or something.

[info]slymshady in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Kitty Pryde, Rogue]
The TFD found a pulled alarm in today's inspection. Security footage didn't show anyone physically near the alarm when it was pulled, on any of the days so far. So they've chalked it up to malfunction of our alarm system and fined us.

That should be the end of it on their end provided this doesn't continue. But I think we all know this wasn't a malfunction.
[Filtered to Rogue + Warren Worthington & Betsy Braddock [/ Charles Xavier] (separate filters)]
So looking into the fire alarms we've been having, it seems someone's been remotely pulling them and we don't want to bring the Tumbleweed authorities in anymore than they already have been. We're left with a pretty short list of kids with telekinetic or magical abilities who were around for the three might have been involved in this?
[Filtered to Rogue & Caroline Forbes]
We're looking into the fire alarms. Have you noticed anything off with the elementary kids lately?

[info]fenrisshield in [info]thedisplaced

So if I bring food, will you do another video game night?

[info]andrieski in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Marina Andrieski & Holland Vosijk
WHERE: Near the library
WHAT: Marina’s attempts at avoidance go sideways
WARNINGS: I don’t think so??
STATUS: Complete in gdocs

You’re a terrible liar’ )

[info]andrieski in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Marina Andrieski & Ethan Chandler
WHERE: His room
WHEN: August 13 after this
WHAT: Drinking adventures
WARNINGS: I don’t think so??
STATUS: Complete in gdocs

Or we could each take a bottle and see who can drink more than the other and you will probably win, but I will put up an impressive fight and then you can sleep on the floor )