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September 19th, 2018

[info]jalapenopoppers in [info]thedisplaced

Yo, this is the worst. I was trying to get some free food by pretending there was a fly in it like Pillboi and I used to do, but then I just told them that I put the fly there and I couldn't get free food and I had a fly in my food, so I couldn't eat it. So I had to pay for it and I didn't even get to eat it.

[info]waspish in [info]thedisplaced

Does anyone have copies of the Dazzler albums? Apparently they might be hard to come by. But I'm also open to checking out other artists, if anybody has recommendations. I need something to dance to that isn't weird enchanted fairy dancing.

... Who helped get me free that night? I wanted to thank them.

I haven't really had a chance to talk to you since the fairy ball, but I saw that you haven't been able to speak? I'm sorry you got cursed! The whole ordeal was very exhausting. Let me know when you can talk again, I wanted to catch up. You looked pretty upset that night but I wasn't able to get to you. I know you don't know me very well yet, but Janet means so much to me and has done so much for me, so if there's anything I can do for you please let me know.

I'm so so so sorry I missed our science and coffee date, and everything has been so chaotic since then and I've been stuck in school. It's more time consuming than I anticipated. When were you free to reschedule? I kinda got sidetracked on one of my projects after something you said about memory updates. I theorized maybe there was a way to contact our home worlds if there is a point of crossing over that allowed that exchange of information. Problem is I don't really have any data or frequencies to go off of. I made a model of a colleague's helmet to try mirroring communication, but so far haven't had any success. I might be hitting a dead end with it, but I thought it might have potential.

Otherwise I did want to start testing some of my quantum calculations and thought you could look over them for accuracy. Last time we were barely off, Scott and I ended up in entanglement and I don't want to repeat that. I did run some diagnostics on my tech and everything still seems fully functional.

Also also have you tried banana nut bread because I saw a video on how to make it on youtube and I might have made too much???

[Jarvis, Peggy]
I was thinking of putting together a food drive of sorts. Like just a simple door to door collection, but I'm not quite sure how to make that sort of thing legitimate. But I'll probably start by calling one of the community shelters, if you're okay with this. Would I be able to use a room in the house to organize? I'm mostly trying to help somebody learn about the importance of giving to others.

[info]brother_mine in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Mycroft Holmes, Lily Potter
WHERE: Mycroft’s apartment
WHEN: Wednesday, August 15, morning - after this exchange
WHAT: Lilu gives Mycroft a hand by helping to get rid of an intrusive breakfast Toon
STATUS: Complete in gdocs

Good God, thank you for coming at such short notice... )

[info]altean in [info]thedisplaced

What is this process? I am getting incredibly tired of being myself in the mornings only to transform back into a cat at night. There is far too much white hair in the control room! I don't even shed that much hair as an Altean! And I have an incredibly limited time to actually be able to read and do my homework in the evenings.

[info]fabulous in [info]thedisplaced

Ahoy! 'tis natter like a pirate day, 'n since I can nah natter, I needs ye all t' do it fer me.

'n go!

[info]boywhobelieves in [info]thedisplaced

[Mom and Dad aka Emma and Neal]
1. Did you ever wonder about me?

2. Would you ever actually trust me with the quill?

3. Why aren't you guys together yet?

[info]thundering in [info]thedisplaced

If you find that your mind is unquiet, if you need help refocusing and revitalizing your body, mind and spirit, and developing strength and flexibility in your muscles and tendons, please sign up for yoga classes at the Center for Performing and Creative Arts with me, Thor. I will be teach Tao yin classes at 6 AM every morning, Monday to Friday. Classes will run approximately an hour long. Required items, fee, and recommendations can be found on the center's website.

First class is tomorrow. I hope I see many of you soon. :)

Thank you for this opportunity. I hope it brings more attention ton your center.

No change.

[info]rebelrebel in [info]thedisplaced

Ugh. So apparently it's Wednesday?

[info]burningwings in [info]thedisplaced

I have [...] a lot of pearls. They've finally stopped falling out of my mouth, thankfully, but I don't really know what to do with them. If Annie were still here, she could

Does anyone here still make jewelry or clothing and want them for that? Or have another purpose for them? Otherwise I guess I'll just [...] put them somewhere where they can look pretty.

[info]lovesfire in [info]thedisplaced

Beer's not helping this migraine. Who's got something stronger?

[DC TV: Legends/Supergirl]

Yeah, okay. Now I remember a wedding... and a giant blue thing.

[info]antari in [info]thedisplaced


You were at the ball.

[info]andrieski in [info]thedisplaced

voice to text

On the plus side, I can jump scare people now. It's too easy, but it's something.

[Voice to text: Ethan Chandler]
I can't even drink to make this more interesting. That is perhaps the most tragic part of this whole situation. This is what I imagine cabin fever must be like.

It's fucking boring as shit.