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May 2nd, 2018

[info]rebornhunter in [info]thedisplaced

My Rockruff's disappeared on me. Haven't seen him since this afternoon, and I thought he'd just be playing around on camp with Percy's dogs but I haven't seen him.

Please let me know if you've managed to spot him!

[info]thatlanewit in [info]thedisplaced

Now that it isn't the middle of the night and my son and I have slept and eaten more pancakes than I know what to do with--protip always keep emergency money in your bra, ladies--I've got a few questions. I read through the network a bit so might not quite be your typical ones from new arrivals.

Already know the fiction thing; googled myself about 10 minutes into being here.

  • Has anyone checked the town newspaper archives for more information on the incident that went down at the base?

    I saw that you all fought various things when you came back from the cruise ship and the next day the people in town were calling it a gas leak or something like that. More instances of gas leaks or evacuations of the town for something not out of this world might give a better timeline of when things have come through and what occurred in those days right after the attack on the base. Especially since I'm gathering you don't know what happened to the perpetrator(s).

  • Schools.

    My 10 year old can keep glaring at me all he wants, but who can explain the school situation a bit better to me. Because he's going.

  • Housing. It just shows up? Are you tracking that in any way?

    Because Granny's is great but we're not about to move in here.

    Oh right. Lois Lane.

  • [info]nosuitnoservice in [info]thedisplaced

    2 unfiltered gifs )

    I really was not missing the summer heat here. Do you think we could just stick with April weather? I'd appreciate it.

    [info]whatthebucky in [info]thedisplaced

    I need a new breakfast place, I can't deal with the sorry excuse for pancakes JJ's has. Recommendations?

    And has anyone seen this asshole around? He answers (when he feels like it) to Kap.

    Thank you for letting me stay at the townhouse and thank you for letting me grumble at wood on your rooftop. I should be done your rooftop retreat within the week.

    So The past couple of weeks I've been working on reworking my go to outlets for when things get frustrating and for when I can't handle a situation anymore. I think I've set up some strong methods with dealing with this that don't involve spiraling down bad paths, so I'm ready to go home and resume my life.

    I'm going to work on finding a job next, so if you have any recommendations, hit me.

    If you guys are ready for it, I'd like to come back home.

    [info]blackwidowed in [info]thedisplaced

    Okay guys, when people come out of this portal, we get a set of keys with them. There's no address or any indication of where this place is.

    I need you guys to work double on figuring that out. See if there's some kind of portal surge that just materializes housing or something. Even if we have a bunch of people arrive, we can still take the keys and check those places out so that by the time the vaccine has done its thing, they've got a place to go.

    [info]harvelle in [info]thedisplaced

    [Sam Winchester]
    So it's my turn to ask! What do you want to do for your birthday?
    [Snow White]
    Hey, Council Lady. Happy Birthday! Pick a night this week that you want to go out for some you time, or you and Charlie time, and I'll come over and watch the kids.

    [info]phasing in [info]thedisplaced

    I miss you. I know that things have been awkward since it came out. Your feelings for me. I've been trying to give you space, and I've been trying to figure out my own feelings.

    It's complicated. I love you. You're my best friend. Sometimes I feel like there's more, but I've never really thought about it being attraction. I guess because of Piotr. It feels weird to think about you like that, like I'm just interested in any of you. Like it doesn't matter which Rasputin. But it does. You and Piotr are both my best friends, and is it weird if I say I want to try with you?

    [info]fuzzy_elf in [info]thedisplaced

    [Private to Laura Howlett]
    I'm interested in teaching a class at the gym. How would I go about arranging that?

    [info]earpish in [info]thedisplaced

    Filtered to friends, but not Wynonna or Doc, tw for slight gore and pregnancy mention )

    [ooc: feel free to assume friendship things if you've talked to Waverly/want your character to be friends with Waverly. She's da best.]

    [info]cutsthewire in [info]thedisplaced

    Not what I was expecting when my perimeter alarms were tripped, but preferable to whatever left the mess at Fort Neill. I can't believe my address is Texas.

    [ video embedded in the post ]

    [ Bucky Barnes (PH) ]
    Had your fill of one-armed man jokes yet? Swing by the house. Your arm is ready for a test drive.

    [info]katebishop in [info]thedisplaced


    The Roadhouse.

    Bring your party hats, but not really. Just a lowkey birthday at the bar. Enjoy my purple confetti trick arrow. Buy him a beer. He's an old man.
    How's the Roadhouse?

    [info]foxtale in [info]thedisplaced

    Japan, unsurprisingly, is still very much itself here. Though I'm a little disappointed in the skill set of my temporary business associates. Some small challenge would be welcome.

    [info]docbrucebanner in [info]thedisplaced


    That kleptomaniac cat of Tony's, Yen. He's a thieving sneak. My stuff kept coming up missing, so I finally set up security cameras, and this is what it caught.

    [Instead of an Instagram post, pretend it's security footage, and instead of an ordinary Russian Blue cat, pretend it's an Alolan Meowth]

    SONOFABITCH! Where are my glasses??! They were right here on my desk a minute ago.


    [info]mister_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

    [Private to Sam Winchester - backdated to yesterday]
    The spell was a success. Your wards held perfectly. The demon Schrodinger has been exorcised from Alucard.

    Now what do you suggest we do with Schrodinger?