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May 3rd, 2018

[info]altean in [info]thedisplaced

Birthday celebrations among Altean royalty, I've learned, are vastly different from the way you celebrate it here. Our parties tended to be an extravagant event. Our castle was open to any and all inhabitants of ally planets, and representatives of each planet would give one gift to the birthday Altean.

I can't say I'm relieved to not partake in those -- I will always miss anything related to my people -- but, I've seen my fellow Paladins and friends celebrate their birthdays here, and I feel like a smaller close group of friends is more preferable. They also don't judge you if you decide to dress up for it either.

Also, I must say, Lady Congeniality was indeed correct. April 25th really is the perfect date.

Filter: Voltron-verse
Although it is not my real birthday, and I am not sure what my birthday would translate to in your world, you made it a special day for me anyway, and I appreciate that so much. Thank you for all the milkshakes!

[info]demisword in [info]thedisplaced

It appears Yuna has gone the way of Rikku... Home.

It feels almost odd. Being on my own again. I'm missing the noise of engines more.

[info]captcommunist in [info]thedisplaced

[Misty Knight]
You know what's in a couple weeks?

[info]janetisme in [info]thedisplaced

Although I have no need for money at all, I've decided that it is in my bests interests as a Growing Janet to take on a job of some kind. Is anyone in need of someone that can do anything, knows everything, and can instantaneously manifest anything that they may need? I'd be happy to offer my services and take your money.

[Brooke and Eleanor]

Hello! As my friends, I feel it's only right that I inform you that I am going on strike. As a Janet on the road to being More Than a Janet, I can no longer set aside my personal growth in order to serve and help others. To quote the Good Place's own Stevie Nicks: "I've been afraid of changing, 'cause I built my life around you. But time makes you bolder, children get older, and I'm getting older too.*"

I hope that I have your support me in my endeavor.

*Note that, in this context, 'my life' is referring to my existence, from activation onward, 'you' is referring to everyone in the universe, 'time' is referring to Michael's relentless determination to make his torture experiment work, resulting in my being murdered and reset 802 times, and that, as I am technically immortal and therefore I do not age, I am truly only 'getting older' chronologically.

[info]hurlyburly in [info]thedisplaced

who: Marina Andrieski & Julia Wicker
when: Monday April 16
where: Around Tumbleweed
What: Looking for Marina’s safehouse
warnings: Season 3 spoilers & mentions of sexual assault and murder
status: COMPLETE.

Magic was never about happy feelings and all that happy-go-lucky Harry Potter bullshit. )

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

filter to bucky barnes (ph) with kylo ren )