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February 18th, 2018

[info]ashtawawidiwin in [info]thedisplaced

[quick sketch of the view looking up towards Henneth Annûn]

I'm remembering what I love about being out completely on my own. Really has a way of clearing out the bullshit. It reminds me of the feeling of just packing up and taking off somewhere new where I've never been and don't know anyone. I miss it.

[info]imthefox in [info]thedisplaced

It's a bit too big, but I think I can pull this off.

[ Inserted is an image of Kira in an over-sized mithril shirt. ]

[info]zunia in [info]thedisplaced

For anyone who knew him, Alastor Moody is gone. I should have known it wouldn't last

[info]antari in [info]thedisplaced

I'd like to thank everyone who was helpful during my arrival yesterday, and apologize to anyone I alarmed.

My name is Kell Maresh. I am a blood magician, which I've come to understand sounds concerning, but I only work with my own blood.

[info]easterly in [info]thedisplaced

I've filled most of a notebook talking to local gardeners and botanists about plants that can grow in small spaces. I've got photographs and samples and I think I'm going to spend the evening planning a good layout for the balcony outside my room, if anyone would like to join me at the cafe on the ship.

[info]snipps in [info]thedisplaced

Wanna go fight something?
I have to admit to being a little restless.

They say there's orcs nearby, and I wondered if you would be against me taking off for a while?

[info]drexaminer in [info]thedisplaced

I think Roy's archery skills got me fixated on trying it out for myself, even if I probably wouldn't be able to hit a spider from the same distance.

Filter: Roy Harper
Other than that awkward being-mistaken-for-a-family moment, I'd say three days out there with the company was a pretty great idea!

[info]otkazatsya in [info]thedisplaced

How do you feel about meeting a magician from a world similar to ours? More similar than any other world I've heard described, at least.

[info]kamala in [info]thedisplaced

And in this month's Shredder Update...

Someone was upset with me that I decided not to take him out to this world like I did in Atlantis. So, I had to spend some time away from Middle Earth to appease his temper. It's just kinda hard to explain to a dog, that you don't want him to be mistaken for eagle food out there, ya know.

[Attached video, pretend its a boat hallway]

[info]redperilous in [info]thedisplaced

Can u believe that a Dwarve thought he cuold outdrink Russian? Elven wine. I drank.... a lot of shots. Do not kno. Anyway, he loses and I win mithril tunic!!!!

Middel Earth is... Лучший!

[ooc: hover on the Russian text in this post and replies for translation.]

[info]paintswithred in [info]thedisplaced

Hello! I don't know how I got here but I'm looking for a very large herd of red-haired folk that I call my family. And if any of them ask... no, I did not get here via apparition, because, no I still haven't passed my apparition test.

[info]brokendeal in [info]thedisplaced

Hey. I've got something for you.

[info]spidergwen in [info]thedisplaced


I still have my spider sense!

[info]uprise in [info]thedisplaced

Groan really loud if you're in your suite recovering from a wicked hangover. /groan

I think was pizza was good? I can't remember.

[info]rogerthat in [info]thedisplaced

[MICHAEL (the architect)]

Hello. I'm Captain Steve Rogers. I'm a friend of Quentin's.

Do you think you could stop doing to him whatever you're doing to him? He's a sensitive kid guy and takes this kind of stuff personal. And I've been told that swearing is actually a sign of more intelligence.