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February 19th, 2018

[info]hurlyburly in [info]thedisplaced

psa time for the smokers

longbottom leaf, old toby and one other one i cant remember are basically tobacco that smell nice

southern star is not tobacco...

your welcome lol

[info]learnhowtofall in [info]thedisplaced

Seems chugging as much Elven wine as you can has turned into an Olympic sport. Y'all remember that there were Olympics about to happen back in Tumbleweed? I really wanted to see figure skating and snowboarding. Guess we get to go back and watch clips.

Anyway, a whole lot of you guys are going to be aching when you get back on this ship, desperate for Elven wine you can't get anymore, so take it slower. That stuff's potent.

[info]keithno in [info]thedisplaced

[Voltron+ (minus Shiro) + Alice Quinn]
I know we've got other priorities going on while we're off ship, but Shiro's birthday is coming up soon after we leave port. We all know what options we have on the ship, so this could be a good time to pick up some extra supplies for a party. Especially since we could have better luck finding a stove or oven to use for our own food prep here in Middle Earth.

Also, keep it quiet to Shiro. I don't know if he's expecting anything or not, but let's make this a nice surprise for him.

[info]aracelypenalba in [info]thedisplaced

I met these little hobbit kids that were playing with their dolls and they showed me how they make clothes for them just like build a bear!

[info]report_this in [info]thedisplaced

That elf wine is good stuff. I highly recommend it.

[info]gfweasley in [info]thedisplaced

I love you and it's going to be okay.

[info]idontkill in [info]thedisplaced

Would anyone like to [...] venture with me to Mordor [...] the Land of Darkness? I will keep us safe.

[info]encrypting in [info]thedisplaced

I'm in trouble.

No, wait, don't panic. Good trouble. Hopefully.

[info]fallenrobin in [info]thedisplaced

On my way to the Paths of the Dead. I have an inappropriate and irresistible urge to declare "The way is shut!" to all comers.


Get in, losers. We're going.

[info]son_of_batman in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to Ellie Phimister]
If you are not otherwise preoccupied, I'm available to continue self defense training.

[Filtered to Hope Summers]
The Elven bows are remarkably made. Would you be interested in some target practice?

[info]embered in [info]thedisplaced

Rogue (1610)
WHERE: Pyro's suite
WHEN: A few days after Atlantis
WHAT: Rogue got some of Pyro's power, and his psyche, during the Atlantis battle. Feelings need discussing
STATUS: Complete
VIEW WARNINGS: Cute adorable idiots being cute, some kissing

It was a good thing she’d opted to damper her powers, not that John knew the ins and outs of that, but he wasn’t on the floor with no powers, so he took that as a good sign.Read more... )