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February 17th, 2018

[info]letsfightstuff in [info]thedisplaced

NGL, talking to the horses in Rohan is making me miss Blackjack. Who I had basically wished for in that Santa letter and never got. Santa, whatchu got against Pegasi??

Anyway, you should hear about the Funny Tourist stories some of these horses had to share. Most of them were cocky riders who thought they had it when in fact, they didn't. Probably realizing that after they told the horses to run and the riders themselves slid off the back and into poop. Other stuff.... I've been sworn to secrecy, sorry.

Also, for the record.. if the horses try to follow us back to the boat. It's totally not my fault. I totally did not tell them of life back in Tumbleweed or the awesome stables we have back there in either our camp or in the town itself. Totally didn't say any of that!

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

Apparently gifting someone mithril ore is a big deal here. I was just trying to be thoughtful cause we've had a real nice time in Rivendell and the Elves have been nothing but nice and courteous to me and the girls. So I figured I'd give them one of the rather large pieces I managed to get from the mountain earlier in the week as a thank ya.

Now I've had to try and diplomatically turn down a proposal, try to explain I ain't needing anything in return since it was a thank ya for their hospitality in the first place, turn down a horse cause I ain't sure where it'd go on the boat, and now accepted enough genuine Elven clothing and jewelry for me and the girls to wear for a month or more.

So ya know, be careful of any gifts ya try and give.

[info]hurlyburly in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Julia and Waverly
What:Shopping and trying on costumes in the most touristy part of Middle Earth
Where: The Gray Haven Port
When: Weekendish?
Rating: A for Adorable

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[info]saint_matthew in [info]thedisplaced

[Private to Friends]

[Voice to Text]
A few days ago, Qui-Gon Jinn made me an offer. He said he might be able to temporarily give me sight. I'm seriously thinking about taking it.

If I do, I want all of you around so I can see your stupid faces. This might be the only chance I'll ever get.

[Private to Qui-Gon]
Remember you told might be able temporarily give me sight? How long is 'temporary'? Fifteen minutes? An hour? Longer?

[info]grossbuglady in [info]thedisplaced

Middle Earth is very beautiful. So many places to see and so many pretty colors. I am happy we came here.

[info]notlykmostwomen in [info]thedisplaced

This has been a most enjoyable port.

[info]tooktheredone in [info]thedisplaced

stitch bored

[info]uprise in [info]thedisplaced

[The 100 Fam + Johanna Mason + friends]

[picture of him wearing a mithril shirt and looking smug as hell about it.]

They like me so much that they needed to give me a gift.

[info]myvalue in [info]thedisplaced

[Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Bucky (PH), and Tina Cohen-Chang EDITED TO ADD: Bucky 1 and Natasha Romanoff]
[Have some lovely footage of drunk Bucky (PH) on the floor from last night.]

You're welcome.

Please help ensure that he is a dwarf for the rest of the weekend.

Also we are heading to the Shire for pizza. All of you are coming.

[info]ezekieljones in [info]thedisplaced


We failed in finding our prize, but we are not defeated. WE HAVE ALL THAT WE NEED TO MAKE AN EXCELLENT PIE. So now we head to the Shire to become their new Overlords.


Edit: Just to be clear, we're going to party in the Shire. Alcohol, pizza, and dancing. You know you want to be here.

[info]nightbleeder in [info]thedisplaced

I am no longer sick, and they cannot have my blood.

[info]antari in [info]thedisplaced

Please, I cannot stay here. Someone will die if I stay here.

Kes la? Tol?

Nijk shöst.

[info]odetolove in [info]thedisplaced

What is WRONG with you?

[info]likeamayfly in [info]thedisplaced

I wish my dad was here. He'd really like it. So would Sammy.

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedisplaced

[Filter to Ray Palmer, Pidge Gunderson, Matt Holt, Amadeus Cho, Anakin Solo, Violet Parr, Rhodey, Cisco Ramon, and Leo Valdez]
So, who wants to play with some mithril? I know there was talk of mining, but my luck with shopping has been stellar and I got an entire shirt of it. I've got some ideas for parts of it, but there's still plenty to have some fun with for anyone interested.

[info]forestry in [info]thedisplaced

I'm ready to go home now. Home home.
Edited that night
Lindon is pretty.


What do you do when someone says they broke up with you and you were not aware of that?


So you broke up with me?