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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28animated%29:+canon:+torunn+thordot'

Jun. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

[time-stamped middle of the night]

Can't stop smelling blood.

I want to crawl out of my skin.

I forgot I've almost run out of puzzles.

This name thing is getting stupid and confusing.

Jun. 25th, 2017



Voice post;

[posting from his hospital bed, voice a little tight with discomfort, but also a little spacey, thanks to the pain killers]

Still alive and not made of plastic. A+. Means I can ground my son from now until the end of time. Maybe beyond the end of time. We've got science-y types here. Is that possible?

Torunn, I'm going to need to borrow your sword. Don't worry. It's for a good cause.

Jun. 24th, 2017




Sif To Group, including the TARDIS and Secondary pilots, just prior to boarding:

Today, we shall teach these Reapers a series of very important lessons about challenging worlds beyond their strength. I expect each and every one of you to fight valiantly. We will protect Lady Bloodstone while we make our way through this metal beast. We will slay and stop any enemy who seeks to harm her or prevent us from completing the task set before us. Today we shall slay this giant and show it how its size matters not, that it will not stand in the face of our combined strength.

Let us fight together, let our deeds and actions be worthy of the songs and legends attached to what we will do this day. Let us take back this planet, let us avenge it's fallen, and let us send a strong message to these Reapers that we will not stand for such vile plots. Let us show them that, should they ever seek to set their talons upon any other world, that we will be ready for them, that we have learned their weaknesses, and we will exploit them without hesitation.

It will be both a privilege and honor to fight with you all, to feast with you proper when this battle is done, and to drink to our deeds this day.

Now, let us go forth and fell a giant.

Jun. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

It appears there is a plan being made as an alternate means of fighting these great monsters from the inside out. I cannot say it is an ideal plan, but it seems clear to me our current means of engagement are not proving to be effective at stopping these Reapers. Let us hope this plan serves us better than what we have been doing because I worry that there will not be much of this planet left at all if we do not do something do soon.

It was been suggested that teams be put together and I have volunteered to serve as a leader for one of these groups. We are currently in need of bodies who will help fill the ranks and it would be considered of exceptional benefit should at least one of you have some knowledge in explosives.

[ Lady Torunn, Lady Diana, Lady Kara ]

Being more than familiar with all of you, I would personally like to invite you to join me in this battle. This is no place for mere mortals if it is avoidable and, as I can only imagine the nightmare will be worse once we are inside, I would prefer only those capable who are less likely to be injured to join me.

Jun. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

I guess I won't be spending my evening the way I had been planning because this was definitely not on the agenda.

Hey, I'm Kara Zor-El or Kara Danvers and this is....well I haven't quite decided what this is, but I'll figure it out at some point.

Jun. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

I need ice.

[James Rogers]
I am alive.

Jun. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

The fucking dog is okay. I just don't think Sorry if I just completely ignored you during that battle. Ears aren't working as they should be.

How're you doing?
How was that beer, by the way?

Jun. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Now that the battle has concluded, I would like to take time to praise those of you who aided in the defense of this station. I will see your fallen given proper honors and praise their names. May it serve as comfort during this time and I will lend both my sword and shield to the return of your taken comrades if you should find yourself in need.

Until such time I welcome you all to join me, Lady Sif of Asgard, at this Starlins -- as I understand this is your feasting hall of sorts? -- where will will toast to your fallen, to the honor and valor which you all fought.

Certainly all are welcome as none who fight shall ever be turned away from a revelry after, but I should particularly like to invite those of you wielding the strange blades of colored light, the red haired woman with the long jacket, the woman with the strange armor who was throwing magics through the air and her companions.

And the one known as Torunn. Your presence is expressly requested.

Jun. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Francis Barton, Torunn, and J and James Rogers]
Are you all okay?

If you are and you're willing, I know there's some people in the marketplace who could use some help with cleanup after that fight.



[No Subject]

Situation report. Troyjan and Ba-bani have made a full retreat. We have no reported dead, but many injuries. The miners were not so lucky. Have report of at least 5 dead.

Children and noncombatants are safe. I protect them. We will rebuild.

What is I hear about kidnappink? Everyone, report in. We find who is missink.

Currently reported M.I.A:
- Steve Rogers
- Tim Drake
- Red Robin
- Rose Tyler
- Ororo Munroe

Jun. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

[ Open Comms ]

Finally this place is starting to feel a little more normal.

[ Direct Comms: Torunn ]

So. Hulk and Asgardian land in a floating space head and your friend says...

How're you doing?

This joke is terrible. Blame it on the Star Spangled Idiot. The big one.

[ Direct Comms: Clint Barton(s) and Bobbi ]

So. This bow is awesome. Also, there's a Hulk. Also. These aliens are fucking persistent and really dumb.



[No Subject]

[Comms Post]
It's been a while since I had a good fight with alien spaceships.

Who needs backup and where?



[No Subject]

[Open Comms]

Were it not for the glorious nature of this battle, I would quite loudly curse those who would send me to this strange realm!

And there is a Hulk!?

Someone fetch a bard when this battle is done, songs will need to be written of this day!

Jun. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

In an effort to pass time and keep more of you alivekeep my own skills sharp. I would like to offer my services, when I am not assisting the Guardians, at The Palace. To those of you seeking instruction, approach me directly and we will see what we might do to increase your own skill.

[ Torunn Thorsdottir ]

I would, in particular, be interested in testing you, provided you are willing.

Jun. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

I've decided to take drop back to part time in the med bay to work part time in another department. After having spoken to Mantis, I'm joining her staff as a counselor. I'll be available for 4 hours Sunday afternoons, and Tuesday and Thursday mornings, if anyone wants to talk about...well, anything.

[Filtered to each of the Next Avengers, separately]
I know that there has been some upheaval lately for you, and that you're also in a place that is incredibly different from where you grew up. If you'd like to talk, my door is open to you.

May. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Torunn]
When you see this, if you want it, I have a second room available, even if just for the night. #328 in the 2 bedroom building. I'll leave the window open.



[No Subject]

I moved back to the barracks. Don't look for me in the apartment, okay?

Should have done this ages ago I handed the keys over to Cosmo, you might want to do the same.

May. 28th, 2017



[No Subject]

[ MomBobbi ]

So. On a scale of 1 to 1,000 -- if I, one hundred percent by accident blew up your training range, how mad would you be?

[ Torunn ]

Hey. Tori. I need some high flying.

[ James Rogers ]


I take back all the fucking shit I just said about random gifts.

May. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

[James Rogers]

Did you get me something?

[ Torunn ]

I said red was your color.

[ A few minutes later ]
Whatever this fucking would-be Santa Claus bullshitcrap is, I didn't leave out cookies and I didn't want presents. What am I supposed to do with a tube of red [...] whatever this is anyway?

May. 25th, 2017


[No Subject]

Watching the universe is kind of depressing.