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May 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

I moved back to the barracks. Don't look for me in the apartment, okay?

Should have done this ages ago I handed the keys over to Cosmo, you might want to do the same.



[No Subject]

[Private to Clint, Bobbi, Steve, and both Nats]

Pretty sure you know by now that there's been a little hubbub over in the kids' camp. I don't know how much any of you were able to piece together, but Francis thinks he broke up his team. Kid's taking it hard. I can't imagine the others are doing any better.

So do we say something or let them work this out? Much as I want to Dad the heck out of this, they are adults.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Torunn]
When you see this, if you want it, I have a second room available, even if just for the night. #328 in the 2 bedroom building. I'll leave the window open.



[No Subject]

[ Sam Wilson {MCU!AU} ]

Hey pal, you think I could borrow your skills for a minute?



[No Subject]

Hey, so, I gotta make a run to Earth for dog ... well, everything. Or Ace is going to turn my laundry into his very own army of playthings. Last thing I need is him carrying my unmentionables all over the apartment. So does anyone need anything? I'm not staying overnight, but I can grab a few things. Not sure when I'm going, yet. Have to put in for a passport. But definitely as soon as possible.



backdated to when the blackbird arrived

Did anyone order an odd looking quinjet? Because I know I didn't.



[No Subject]

(OOC: Forward/backdate this to after Jason's return from Earth. I meant to get this up sooner, but today just kind of exploded.)

[ Avengers at Large (616, AU, MCU) and the Guardians of the Galaxy ]

(Since it was pointed out that there's obviously some confusion here as to who Steve would consider an Avenger, here's a list to clarify who's under the filter:

MCU: All
Comics: All except: Jean Grey, Else Bloodstone, Cosmo)
AU: All)

I've received a package at the Docks, upon asking Doctor Banner to take a look at it, and him coming up largely with no idea, I'd appreciate some sets of eyes on this thing. Since we're seeing all manner of things show up, from a variety of different dimensions, and a lot of them seem to have specific ties to things, I thought this was the most efficient way we could get some answers as to what it is. I'll be at the docks for the next few hours, and would appreciate as many of you as you can coming to take a look and helping me figure it out.

Thank you.

(OOC: The package is The Cradle from Age of Ultron and, once this is figured out, Steve's just gonna get all stern lipped about it, thank everyone, and then casually just stare at it. He's gonna destroy it, and another one will be arriving in its place. Steve will not be happy.)

[ Delivered to Tony Stark ]

[ Gift wrapped for Tony is this present with a simple card that reads: 'Happy Birthday, Your friend, Steve'. ]

[ Jean Grey (616 ]

Hello Jean.