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May 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

My usual sparring partner's fucked off to Earth, so I'm quietly just going to - attempt to both flail and stew over a drink. And just a fair warning, I'm very selective about potential drinking partners.

Did you really just fucking ask if his arm was detachable?
Drink with me.



[No Subject]

Characters: Integra, Alucard, and The Tenth Doctor
When/Where: The Mines, shortly after this conversation.
Rating/Warnings: Hmm, PG-13? I don't think there will be any bad language, but they could get into some trouble with mobsters and get shot at, or chased, or smacked around?

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's into the mines we go. )



[No Subject]

You know you've found the rough shit when most of the work you pick up is "deliver this parcel without fucking dying".



[No Subject]

If anyone's in the mood for a fight, I'll be at the Hovel. If no one shows after an hour, I'm going to start pulling in locals from the street. Couldn't hurt to see what they can do.



[No Subject]

I'm afraid that those who went to Earth have been brought back this evening and are in the medical area being treated for varying, but serious, symptoms. We're still working out exactly what happened. They can receive visitors, but for now just for limited stretches and one visitor at a time, for tonight. That may be adjusted for tomorrow, once we see how they're doing.



netpost; scott lang

Don't think I'm supposed to go into too much detail, but I can say these passports are seriously cool. Like Star Trek tech cool. And while I had hoped there would be more of a transporter room vibe when programming them, I'm still enjoying the work.



netpost; tim drake-wayne

Giant space head? Talking cosmonaut dog? It must be Friday.