Jurassic City - Network

July 2017



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February 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Huh. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered randomly getting married and deciding to take a honeymoon to a random tropical resort in the middle of nowhere.

Though, to be fair, with everything that's happened... I wouldn't be surprised if I got completely sauced and ran off.



[No Subject]

Well. Somehow married and surrounded by Dinosaurs.

Must be a Tuesday.



[No Subject]

Well, this isn't awkward at all.

Felicity, you were right.

Bucky, I'm okay. You're okay. Stevie is okay. Please don't murder whoever you're stuck with. Make right choices!



[No Subject]

So. Marriage, am I right? Kinda thought that if I got surprise married it would be to someone who isn't, you know, madly in love with and meant to be with someone else?

Please don't magic me out of existence, Billy, Teddy's a great guy and all but I'm pretty sure I prefer redheads or Rogerses or, hell, even your brother.



[No Subject]

Sure. Why not. This seems like a thing.

May, you're great and all, but I am way past the age for drunk one-night stands, so I'm guessing this is magic. Really weird magic.

I hate magic.

Futz me. My wife is going to kill me.



[No Subject]

[Private to Hope]
Okay. So. I mean that was weird and awkward, and I'm sorry, but I figured you know it wasn't either of our ideas by now too? So maybe we can just try to set up some ways to make the best of it we can? We can hang out and watch a lot of TV until it goes away? Our kids would have so much red hair.

[Private to Francis]
How do you even talk to someone when you're suddenly married to them? This sucks. I like Hope and she'll probably hate me now, and I'm not with you.

And you're with Teddy Altman. Who is kind of good looking and also can look like anyone.

I know I'm in the minority because I don't have any powers anyway, but I liked the last weird thing way better than this weird thing. I mean, that didn't make me wake up somewhere I didn't go to sleep.



[Voice Post]


So there's a little man I woke up with, and we've both got rings like we're married. He says it's happening to everyone and the ring doesn't come off, even when you grease it up with like a ton of mayonnaise and try to pull hard.

Anyway, someone said you're supposed to share all your stuff, so I'm getting stuff out of the bag, but there's only one jug. Should I break it and give him half?

And is this is a magic thing, and if it is, did anyone ask Gilmore or Allura? Because that's what we always have to do when it's magic, and if you already did it then I don't have to go listen to it. I thought it was just a thing that happened, but then he said magic. Or maybe he just meant being married.