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September 19th, 2012

[info]siggeirsson in [info]invol_rpg

Election Nominations

Before lunch today, a list of the people who've been nominated for StuCo positions went up in the cafeteria, along with a note encouraging them to start campaigning.

The List. )

OOC Notes. )

[info]alizadeh in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Davi Alizadeh & Edwin Seabeck
WHAT: While out running, Davi and Edwin have a chat. And a minor hallucination. It's all good.
WHEN: Thursday, September 13th.
WHERE: Outside. By a rock. Near the fence.
WARNINGS: Awesomeness and such.
STATUS: Complete

Uncomfortable was an understatement at the moment.  )

[info]marine in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Marine van de Velde & Isadora Azevedo
WHAT: Oh? You're all using fancy powers to smash eggs? Who needs that when you're clumsy?
WHEN: Tuesday, 18 September.
WHERE: On the stairs in the girl dorm.
WARNINGS: None AS OF YET. Ominous sounds.
STATUS: Placeholder!

[info]veterinary in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Erik
FROM: Claudia

how seriously are you taking this egg game?

[info]primemover in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Ethan Young [SWAN] and Mason Laughlin [ROOSTER]
WHAT: Egg breaking times.
WHEN: Wednesday Morning, after breakfast but before first class of the day.
WHERE: Boy's Dorms
STATUS: Completed log


[info]moquist in [info]invol_rpg


To: Erik Svanström
From: Moa Enquist

(1) If I hypothetically had an egg and hypothetically wanted to spend the day and maybe night in your room because you're nice and Vidar is Vidar, would you break it?
(2) If you say yes you're an awful friend.
(3) If you say no and do it anyway you're an even awfuler friend.
(4) Which I know you're not so thank you I'll come by later.

[info]excommunicated in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Jodi
FROM: Ethan
Guess who tracked me to my dorm room just to break the swan egg

TO: Swanlyfe
FROM: Ethan
(1/2) Sorry guys. Mobile laughing got our egg
(2/2) Mason Laughlin. Stupid autocorrect

[Added later]

TO: Richie
FROM: Ethan
Hey Jodi's freaked out by spiders, can she stay w/ us?

[info]chimericals in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Jack Fuller, Jasmine Torres and Meena Mukherjee
WHAT: Loon helps take Rooster down a notch, but not without an unexpected (read: acidic) turn of events
WHERE: Outside the cafeteria
WHEN: Wednesday just after lunch
STATUS: In progress

Shit will be getting real behind here! )

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Meena
FROM: Jodi

hey lady. missed you in training today :(

TO: Jack
FROM: Jodi

how are you??

[info]biebian in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Meena
FROM: Bryn
HEY COME TO DINNER I saved you a seat

[info]freezeframes in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Chris Barbary and Oden Bbjornstrand
WHAT: Broken-hearted girl logic meets a poor little egg
WHERE: Outside the library
WHEN: Wednesday night after dinner (8:30-ish?)
STATUS: Completed log!

But he was a good looking guy - he’d probably broken lots of girls hearts. Dumped them over instant message even, maybe. So she hadn’t just broken the egg for Blackbird. She’d broken it for all of the girls whose dreams he had crushed. )

[info]freezeframes in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Blackbird (group text)
FROM: Chris Barbary
Broke an egg today. It was kind of fun, actually? I can hold it tomorrow, unless someone else wants to.

[info]sparky in [info]invol_rpg

email (wednesday afternoon)

TO: Meena Mukherjee [ymukherjee@ivi.edu.au]
FROM: Tanja Roze [troze@ivi.edu.au]
SUBJECT: where are you???

Meena my egg broke and I think I zapped my phone in the process STUPID POWERS I thought it would be a good idea to keep some charge on me in case people attacked but I didn't think they'd attack with water :(

Meena are you in the room?? I am in the library sending emails from a computer until I get the phone sorted it shouldn't be too long I hope.

♥ Tanja

TO: Taki Tanaka [ttanaka@ivi.edu.au]
FROM: Tanja Roze [troze@ivi.edu.au]
SUBJECT: hiding in the library :(

Taki where are you I am hiding :(

My stupid egg was all going really well and I was already to be defensive and spark someone who tried to get near it and this older boy from Swan came at me with water but it WASN'T water it smells gross and I think it was alcohol??? And I was ready to spark him a little to keep him away but water conducts electricity and it all went BANG and my egg broke!!

And Julieta is going to kill me because I ruined the competition for us and now we're never going to win and I'm too scared to tell her :( And I haven't heard from Meena and I sent her a message too and I can't go alone because Julieta will be so angry. And Neve! Neve was starting to join in and have fun in the team and I bet it's all ruined now because we're not even going to win the stupid beach trip.

Taki can you come find me and we can go find another egg but you have to promise not to break it because I don't think I could take losing another egg in one day.

Also my phone is dead I am waiting for it to be fixed :(

Do you know where Meena is???

♥ Tanja

TO: Uli Klavins [uklavins@ivi.edu.au]
FROM: Tanja Roze [troze@ivi.edu.au]

Uli I got the stupid egg broken can you come help??? Have you seen Meena???

♥ Tanja

FROM: Tanja Roze [troze@ivi.edu.au]
SUBJECT: i'm sorry :(

I'm really really really sorry :( :( :( :(

[info]lustres in [info]invol_rpg


TO: Moa
FROM: Lottie
hey r u having a do u still want 2 borrow mean girls?
TO: Erik
FROM: Lottie
(1/2) do u like i was going 2 cum by ur room 2 hang out but i saw moa walk ou
(2/2) do u wanna cum over insted? or r u busy
TO: Daisy, Marine, Vi, Karim
FROM: Lottie
(1/3) i just saw the weirdest thing
(2/3) moa enquist walkd out of erik's room?
(3/3) not that i care he can do w/e he wants

[info]lilja in [info]invol_rpg

To: Astrid
From: Lilja
(1/3) the creepy spider girl has sworn revenge
(2/3) bc i broke her egg and she knows where
(3/3) we live so sorry :(

[info]grips in [info]invol_rpg

text messages.

TO: Mikael
FROM: Astrid
(1/5) hi!!
(2/5) it's astrid!
(3/5) i'm not trying 2 break ur egg!
(4/5) just wanted to say hey :)
[sent about two minutes later]
(5/5) hockey season starts soon!!!