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September 20th, 2012

[info]switches in [info]invol_rpg


[1/2] you awake? you alright? i've been dispatched to bring the latest eggling to your care.
[2/2] do you want anything??

[info]sparky in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Tanja Roze & Meena Mukherjee
WHAT: Sympathy and hugs, it's been a bad day for the girls of 7D
WHEN: Thursday, after training
WHERE: Room 7D
STATUS: ongoing


[info]tangible in [info]invol_rpg

an evening of emails

To: Nawal Bechara <nbechara@ivi.edu.au>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: I did something stupid

So when I said that I was going to be able to get back to the dorms okay, I wasn't lying, but someone had extra tickets so I'd had an extra drink, and kind of went back to their room instead of mine? And they'd had more to drink too so there was a little bit of an accident with powers - not a dangerous one, it just spooked me - and so I ran out without my clothes.

Is it really bad that when he told me he'd left them here, I asked if we could just forget it happened?

To: Alex Katz <akatz@ivi.edu.au>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: Update

So I took my phone with me this weekend. I'm not doing anything before Yom Kippur, but I thought you might like to know.

To: Malcolm MacDonald <mmacdonald@ivi.edu.au>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: Yom Kippur

I know you're not Jewish and you'll probably think this is weird but this is the start of our new year and we have to reflect on any wrongs we might have done to people, so in the slightly clearer light that comes after several days without rum, I wanted to say I'm sorry for being rude about Saturday. I mean, I doubt it was something either of us are adding to our list of greatest ideas, but it was only an accident and I could have handled it better. Thanks for being cool about it.


To: Max Houser <mhouser@ivi.edu.au>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: I am really sorry

Max, even if it weren't the time of year for me to make apologies for things I've done wrong, I would still be writing this, because I miss you. I know it was wrong not to tell you about the poetry. You're an adult, and even though I just meant to spare your feelings, I was treating you like a kid. It's okay if you're still hurt, I'm still sorry, but please will you let me try to fix it instead of avoiding each other? You're one of my best friends here and I really hope I didn't ruin it.

Love, Your friend, Yours,

To: Lena Perry <jewsyourmommy@gmail.com>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: Look at my life, look at my choices

I got really drunk at this pretend bar thing they have for us on Saturdays, wound up in the bed of this Scotsman who thinks he's the biggest baddest anarchist this school has, even though he's actually kind of sweet to me. And then he turned his bed, the mattress, the frame, everything, all of it, into water, and it scared me out of my body, and so I ran to hide in the bathroom and got my roommate to bring me new clothes. When he brought me my clothes back the next morning, I asked if we could pretend it had never happened. And now he's in solitary confinement.

Help me black sheep sister, you're my only hope.

To: Erik Svanström <evanström@ivi.edu.au>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: One more teeny tiny apology

It's almost Yom Kippur and I know I said that I'm sorry about the egg enough times to be obnoxious, but, JUST THIS ONE MORE and then I'm done I promise!

To: Kaz Zingeris <kzingeris@ivi.edu.au>, Seth Wasserman <swasserman@ivi.edu.au>, Remy Duchamp <rduchamp@ivi.edu.au>, Yael Shafir <yshafir@ivi.edu.au>, Alex Katz <akatz@ivi.edu.au>, Moira Bloom <mbloom@ivi.edu.au>
From: Harlow Hart <hhart@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: Shabbat Shuvah

I thought it would be nice to have dinner this week, would everyone like to come? Maybe we can have it somewhere other than the cafeteria; in one of the lounges or a classroom? If anyone wants to help cook, I was thinking of doing a full dinner.


[info]cheska in [info]invol_rpg

WHO: Cheska Barry and Oden Bbjornstrand
WHAT: A lack of lucidity brought on by staying up way past their bedtime
WHERE: Third floor girl’s lounge
WHEN: Late night/early morning September 20th/21st, 2012
STATUS: Completed log. Rated G

I’m not sleeping, I’m just resting my eyes. )

[info]modulations in [info]invol_rpg

text to allegra

bored :(

[info]rascal in [info]invol_rpg

Slipped under the door of 5G, with no signature or explanation. )

[info]chimericals in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Jack
FROM: Meena

(1/3) I'm sorry, Jack. Really really really sorry.
(2/3) In case you didn't know there are things you can use to reduce scarring once your healing is farther along.
(3/3) And I totally understand if you just want me to leave you alone after this, but I just had to tell you how sorry I am about what happened earlier.

[info]cockblock in [info]invol_rpg

TO: Finny :)
FROM: Myra

Finny. Hunter the one in security second thinks I work for the IVF. I wonder.

[info]monkeydo in [info]invol_rpg

To: Team Eagle
From: Julieta Jimenez <jjimenez@ivi.edu.au>
Subject: Eggs, guys

Sadie's been way too into this so I'm definitely spending my egg night at Logan and Nawal's.

Neve is right that Daisy can read stuff on the network - so do we want to try and post false stuff on the network to try to misdirect her?

Brad, any intel from the pants?

We haven't broken an egg since the first few days - we're not going to make it to the beach, are we? :(

[info]grips in [info]invol_rpg

text messages.

TO: Team Flamingo (Group)
FROM: Astrid
(1/2) what's creepy spider girl's name??
(2/2) i am so over her reign of terror

[info]snowglassapples in [info]invol_rpg

Text to Moa )

Text to Team Eagle )

[info]chimericals in [info]invol_rpg

lol I am on top of nothing rn. There will be a narrative here soon enough.

[info]shadowbinder in [info]invol_rpg

He who sees all and she who sits in shadow!

WHO: Damien Harrington and Savannah Bordeaux.
WHAT: Savannah turns on her friend for THE GREATER GOOD.
WHERE: An empty classroom.
WHEN: Thursday evening.

One thing that most people outside of Team Swan couldn’t have known was that, for all her Southern belle niceties, Savannah Bordeaux was fiercely competitive. And when she got competitive, she was pitiless. )

[info]kwala in [info]invol_rpg


Understanding and Prov egg placeholder because Allison is a derpy boob that can't write reel gud tonight. :(

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_rpg


[Ethan hypnotized Omar and broke his egg - log forthcoming]

TO: Team Loon
FROM: Omar
(1/2) egg broke
(2/2) get over it

[Next text backdated, after this]

TO: Sol
FROM: Omar
sry network not secur u know