August 4th, 2008

[info]hecatomb in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Fifteen: Monday

Who: Axel - Narrative
When: During Class
Where: Gymnasium
What: Axel fills the class in on what they'll be doing the rest of the term.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Good to rest up your muscles and your mind, you know, so you'll be ready for whatever Hecatomb throws at you... whatever life throws at you.

Last couple of weeks you've been doing some light conditioning, some casual sparring, some weight training. But to what end? All of those things are good on there own, but they do little to to protect your life. And isn't that what you're here for?

Today I'm going to introduce to you some strategies that even the smallest of you can do, strategies that will save the life of even the weakest among you. Might is important in battle, but even might falls to brains. It's not muscle that will save your life. Sure, it'll help. But it's the man, or woman, that thinks quick, keeps their head under pressure... that is going to survive and come out ahead.

I'm going to show you two videos. First, the Spanish Self Defense method KFM, after that, the French developed discipline Parkour.

After the videos we'll have some demonstrations and time for discussion. When we come back tomorrow we'll begin the KFM instruction and on Wednesday we'll begin instruction for Parkour. Every other day we'll change out and by the end of the term you all will have got a good basis for both disciplines.

And before you ask why, I'll tell you. )

One last thing. One Parkour demonstration does not make an expert, no matter how fast and agile you are. Don't you dare take this to the Bull Run and think you're going to win it.