Aug. 1st, 2008


Week 14: Sunday.

Who: Caibre/Miklos.
What: Reluctantly facing the music.
When: Afternoon.
Where: Miklos' office.

Remorse was not really something he’d ever experienced, and upon receiving his guide teacher’s E-mail which demonstrated clear awareness of at least some of his recent actions, that remained unchanged. He anticipated that Miklos was likely only speaking with him out of necessity, not because the man had any desire to see some sort of betterment within his student. And with that knowledge Caibre devised his plan of attack. The electronic note had said to meet at the Vampire’s office at 3, and not to be tardy. On neither point would the Were disappoint.

Wanting to ensure he was more than presentable for this little rendezvous, he stood beneath the muscle-soothing, relentless stream of water from the shower’s nozzle above, head bowed moderately, mentally preparing by running through scenarios. How vexed would Miklos really be? It was conceivable he was rather irritated due to his antiquated nature – assuming that he was from around the time that art appreciation was faddish. The Vampire would not want to let go of that time and move into this century or anything, after all. Heaven forbid. Such blasphemous thoughts.

Drying off, Caibre clad himself in a gray polo shirt and jeans that made no real statement aside from the fact that he was blasé to the whole affair. Spending a moment or so on his hair, he did a once over in the mirror before heading out. Traveling down the hall at a pace a little faster than a downright saunter but with no great hurry, he eventually got to Miklos’ door and scanned his eyes down to the bottom of it with a faint, knowing smirk before tapping at the wood with his knuckles twice, waiting quietly.
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Jul. 31st, 2008


Week Fourteen: Sunday

Who: Leecee and Miklos
Where: Miklos' Office
When: Sunday, just about noon
What: Their kittens have been very naughty.

While those who might have had private dealings with Miss Errona were aware there was so much more to her than could be seen, most of the students were not aware. There were such a large number who were from the human world and, despite their experience at the school, magic was still a complete mystery. They just saw the buxom woman in dresses and heels smiling and greeting others in that pleasant Southern drawl.

Not that wasn't part of the real her, but there was a very hard edge to a seemingly soft woman. Her entire attitude was like an edge cutting through the hallways as she strutted through on black pumps and a black and white chiffon knee-length dress and empire waist. It had lots of dramatic flowing going on that went well with her steady gait. The straightness in her hair was slowly going out, giving it more body in soft waves down near the ends. She was ready to cut it again; having waist-length hair was high maintenance in brushing.

But perhaps others had already heard --thanks to Venizelos-- that there had already been a perpetration. There were already glances in her direction, and at her stern face, before people were turning and whispering. Yes, it was pretty clear whose Guide one or both of the students had. She had only agreed to meet Miklos at his office because she thought it would make him more open.

The video had certainly implicated Cecelia, but his student had manhandled her. Just as he complained before. Just the idea of a student walking around who might, at any point, feel free to manhandle her made her mouth sneer. Did he have any idea what a satyr of Wes' age could do to him? Satyrs had no strong magic, but they usually came in packs and Wes was certainly no exception with all his children.

Give the woman a plastic hoop and a whip, because she was gunning to be a regular lion tamer.

"Miklos." She said as way of greeting as she swept into his office, all seriousness and flowing fabric. "Ah apologize that we must meet under such circumstances." Leecee sighed, she often took things of this nature too seriously, but if a century and a half hadn't changed her from that, it was doubtful another century and a half would.
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Jul. 17th, 2008


Week 14: Wednesday

Who:  Sydni and Miklos
What:  You do the crime, you do the time
Where:  Miklos's office
When:  After evening classes

The week had not been a total loss, contrary to Sydni's expectations.  Monday, she'd been able to spend some time with Charlie, which had definitely cheered her up a bit.  Tuesday, she'd gotten a job and had met the coolest guy ever - Starbuck.  The things she'd be able to learn from him were limitless, and he seemed more than willing to help her to learn more.  And, he seemed like a nice guy to top it off.  She'd left the surf shop with her mind spinning with all the possibilities and opportunities she'd have to discover more than she'd ever known.  The excitement had held her over until she finished her homework and had climbed into bed.  It was then she remembered she had to meet with Miklos on Wednesday, and the dread had hung heavy over her all day.  In fact, she hadn't been able to much of anything all day.  She hadn't even attempted breakfast, and lunch had been a few crackers she'd forced herself to munch on.  Dinner was the same.

After finishing her "dinner", she attempted to work on her homework, barely succeeding in focusing at all on her studies.  When evening classes finally ended, she set her books aside and started toward Miklos's office.  She normally would have left early, but he had a class and wouldn't have been there if she'd arrived early.  Just walking to his office, she felt like her stomach was going to revolt.  That would certainly be impressive during their meeting.  Normally, a thought like that would have amused her - due to its absolute absurdity - enough to calm her.  Right now, it only made her feel worse.

Sydni'd imagined all sorts of scenarios for this meeting.  But the worst ones were when she could just see the disappointment in his face.  He didn't even say anything.  And as for the punishment... canceling the independent study.  What if he sent her home?  That had caused several moments of panic at various times throughout the day.  If that had been the case, wouldn't the administration have told her?  She didn't know.  It seemed odd to have a guide be the one to administer discipline.  She thought guides were supposed to be like guidance counselors, and guidance counselors were purposely separated from administering discipline to build the proper rapport with students.  The school did things differently here, obviously, so maybe Miklos would be the one to tell her to leave.

The various scenarios continued to run through her mind as she walked to his office, and she found herself at his door sooner than she'd expected, or wanted.  She had to stop herself several feet from his door to calm herself - she felt sick, and she noticed her hands were shaking like she was in withdrawal.  She hated confrontation to where it was probably a phobia.  Funny that - she was here about getting in a fist fight.

Finally gathering herself together enough to not fall apart the instant she opened the door, she walked the last few feet to his door and knocked.  Her hand was still shaking slightly, so she couldn't knock very hard without abusing the door.  "Professor Lazlofi?"  Somehow, her voice was steady, though very soft, practically a whisper.  She was finding it hard to breathe, so now she had to worry about fainting on top of vomiting.  Really, the only thing she was worrying about right now was what Miklos would say.  Things like breathing were only her second concern at this point.
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Jul. 8th, 2008


Week 13: Thursday

Who:  Miklos and Sydni
Where:  Miklos's office
What:  More classes?  Is she crazy?  Nope, just needs distractions.

Concentration was beyond Sydni's power at this point.  The full moon was tomorrow and she was still concerned about Charlie.  He really had been a hermit this week, and that was no good, in her opinion.  She also had not heard from Justina.  Not that Justina owed her the time of day, but she wanted to hear her voice and know she was ok.  Add in to the mix her being miffed that the one class she wanted to take with her guide was in conflict with a class she felt she needed to take.  She could have taken Astronomy, but that just wasn't as interesting as Philosophy to her. 

Pushing aside her unfinished homework, she decided she could at least do something about the class.  She hoped Miklos had the time to do an independent study.  She hadn't really thoroughly thought through a proposal, but once she talked to Miklos she figured he could help give her an idea of a solid objective for the course.  She knew so little about philosophy she didn't know where to start.  She figured she could do something broad and sweeping, or something more focused like on a specific era or something.  She needed Miklos's advice.

Not wanting to take chances anymore, Sydni removed her sacred jewelry and headed down the howls to Miklos's office.  She knew he would be in since she had checked his office hours earlier that week.  Good thing she had, as she'd planned on going on Friday, but his office hours were late, and she would have been slaughtering small animals and in no condition for a coherent conversation.

Prowling through the halls, Sydni didn't feel timid this time.  Firstly, she had already met Miklos once, and she had enjoyed speaking with him.  Secondly, the full moon made her feel powerful, and it curbed her usual apprehension.  The only apprehension she felt was that he might say no.  She'd be diving for sure this weekend, if that were the case.  She was being told no all over the place, and that would be her slight little rebellion against the powers that ruled the school.  But, she was so excited about the possibility that she hadn't really let herself think that he would say no.

Reaching her destination, Sydni knocked lightly on the door.  "Professor Lazlofi?" she said just loud enough for him to hear, she hoped.
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Jun. 4th, 2008


Week 11: Wednesday Morning

Who: Sydni and Miklos 
What: A request
Where: Miklos's Office

Sydni was fidgeting in her room.  She kept getting up and checking her bookshelves, as if she were choosing a book.  However, nothing interested her.  Neither did any of the movies.  Then she’d sit down and surf through her bookmarks, where nothing new was posted.

 Sydni was getting very antsy.  Firstly, it was getting closer to the full moon.  Secondly, she was tired of being land-bound.  Granted, she’d already made arrangements to get a boat for the evening to take Charlie out, but that was a whole day away practically.  And, she had yet to hear from her guide in regards to the e-mail she had sent.

Miklos’s lack of a response caused a good deal of anxiety for Sydni.  For one, she irrationally thought that perhaps she had somehow offended him.  She knew it was irrational, but she wondered if her e-mail had been somehow overly brusque or forceful.  Then, she wondered if her guide had left the island for the break.  In that case, she might not hear from him until after break.  The initial gusto with which she had sent the e-mail had deflated into an anxious frustration, and a week and a half more could only make her more anxious.

The one trait that could overwhelm Sydni’s timidity is her stubbornness.  She had set her mind on doing research this break, and that meant she was going to do everything in her power to attain that goal.  And that was why she finally did a quick search on the staff directory for Miklos’s office.  She had already showered and dressed for the day, and as her obstinacy was now driving her, she did not fret over her first appearance.  At least, not as she grabbed her purse and headed quickly down the halls to her guide’s office.

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Mar. 24th, 2008


Week Six: Friday

Who: Becca & Professor Lazlofi
What: TBA
Where: His office
When: Evening (after sunset)

Becca spent the good portion of thursday evening sitting at her computer, modifying the essay she had written. Now that someone, particularly Professor Lazlofi, wanted to look at it, she felt very selfconscious about the entire thing and had to do modifications. It wasn't quite to what she wanted and erased a few things, edited a few sentences that didn't sound quite right when spoken outloud. In fact, she spent most of the night typing away, obsessing over it because it gave her something to focus on. Something to distract her from the fact that Kiernan wanted to talk. But she was done with talking now. She knew what she was going to do.

Before sunrise, she got herself showered and dressed. The essay was printed off and sat next to her computer in a tidy ten paged, double spaced document. After tying up her shoes, she opened her window and sung out onto the wall. Usning the bricks that stuck out, she climbed with the careful flapping of her wings to help her get up to a ledge and perched there. It woudln't do to have the guards find her somewhere and report to her father, nor did she want to be another victim of the sharpie marker. Perched high above her window, she felt comfortable enough and waited until the sun crept up, turning her to stone. It wasn't lost on her that she missed the sunrise, even as she was facing directly east. Had she even thought about it before now? How much she was missing?

At the end of the day, as the sun faded behind the horizon, the stone across her body cracked, shifted and broke away in a stretch. She refrained from hollaring out a groan. It was so monsterous to do that and she was sick and tired of being just that. It was ironic that she had to use her wings to get up here and the same went with getting down too, gliding down and landing somewhat roughly on the ledge.

At least I don't have a roommate, she mused. It was terrible to not have a roommate but she found it worked to her advantage now. She wasn't interested in sleeping in the same room with someone. Clover use to be a presence, but she was a wanted presence as bestfriends often were. Who wanted another roommate aside from Clover? Not her. Definitly not her. She'd have to learn their quirks and they would always ask her whats wrong if she didn't want to talk. No one wanted a roommate when it came down to it. BUt even as she told herself this, so did she tell herself that yes, she really did want a roommate, if only to have a presence. Rubbing her eyes at her window, she realized in all her thoughts, she wasn't making much sense to herself. It was a struggle to stand here and listen to the silence, listening to herself. And because she had slept the day away, tomorrow night she would be refreshed to do whatever she wanted to do that wasn't the party.

Readjusting her clothes, she dusted them off, shook out her hair and gave herself a once over in the mirror. OKay, she didn't look so bad but redid her hair so that it was up in a bun (because people take you more seriously if you look presentable) and she changed her jacket, mostly because the one she had been wearing was dusty from the stone. For the rest, she merely padded down her jeans, shook out her shoes and collected the essay, heading out of the room.

Practically hopping down the hallway, she was careful to avoid any of her teachers that she had missed a class for and headed to where she thought Professor Lazlofi's office was. Three times she had to stop someone in the hallways and ask them where it was. One person got it wrong, the other one didn't know and the final one seemed to giv eher the right answer because she found herself standing there, knocking at the door.

"Hello?" she asked, opening it abruptly without invitation.

Jan. 17th, 2008


Week Two: Tuesday

Who: Miss Errona and Miklos
When: Tuesday during mutual office hours
Where: Miklos's office
What: Miss Errona thinks it's impolite not to introduce herself to new co-workers.

Tuesday was the day things got done on her social calendar. Monday and Wednesday were paperwork days. She had to organize things carefully to provide for both Halcyon and her own independent studies. Adding on Numerology had been unplanned, but was a positive. In many ways, she was looking forward to her students hopefully expanding her own knowledge of that particular magical aspect. Despite all her knowledge of ancient runes, the science of how they worked often eluded her. This worked and that worked, but the hows and whys went by her.

From what she understood, it was a bit like computer programming. You had your program with the mouse and clicking, but that was built on another program that launched it when you began. She was very, very good with the clicky program and competent in the launching program. This was more than most people could say. While she lacked some of the flashier powers of her Sisters, they could not understand the real power she had. Leecee could, if she had the time, resources, and reason, create some truly stunning magic with all that knowledge crammed underneath her curly, dark brown weave.

Today she had her hair pulled back and pinned up to hide any potential frizzing. Her skirt and blazer were both black, with velvet lining the seam down the front, the ruffled bottom hem of the jacket, and the two front pockets. Shiny black buttons went down the front of the jacket and the back of the skirt down to six inches above her knees, where the slit showed her long legs. Her purse was a simple black handbag tucked under her arm. Her other arm stowed a small wicker basket that she held swinging in the crook of her elbow.

She rapped twice on Miklos's office door, straightening out her jacket and ensuring it didn't pull down her white satin blouse. It was a bit see-through for her tastes, but she had ensured her modesty with a slip that strained to not burst around the bust. Not everything in life could be perfect. Forgetting that and putting a confident smile on her ruby lips, Leecee stepped back on one heel. She was wearing her good shoes; they were solid netted pumps with sheer backing to the black velvet pattern and a wicked pointed heel. "Welcome to the neighborhood!" She said in her Southern swamps accent as soon as he appearead, giving him a little wave that was more of a limp of her wrist. Welcoming committee!

Jan. 7th, 2008


Week One: Saturday

Who: Aimee and Miklos
When: Saturday night
Where: A tower rooftop

Aimee had crept to a rooftop of one of the higher towers of the school just after sundown to make sure things would be perfect for a quiet night together with Miklos. After so long apart, she found she couldn't seem to spend enough time with him. It had only been two days since their long overdue reunion, and tonight while many of the students were off entertaining themselves in the city, Aimee thought that a weekend night spent alone under the stars sounded like a wonderful idea, especially since the rain had tapered off that morning and the sky was clear.

She piled some pillows and blankets on the stone underfoot to pad it for the stargazing and set up a few large candles around the tower to light it enough that they could see each other after the stars lost their initial appeal. She was dressed nicely, a soft blue sweater over dark-wash denim and high heeled pumps. She loved modern clothes, they offered so much more choice, so much more freedom than she was used to. It was refreshing.

With the flickering candles lit, Aimee found that the light wasn't too much, that the stars were still as visible as they would have been without, so she left them burning, wax dripping onto the ground as she adjusted the telescope she'd brought out of storage earlier. Her long hair, usually tied back, was loose tonight and blowing slightly in the wind. She had asked Miklos to meet her there, and it was only a few minutes shy of when she'd asked him to arrive. If he was as punctual as she remembered, he'd most likely be early. She smiled thinking of it, leaning on the ledge and looking out over the dark forest below.

This reunion still seemed surreal, blissfully so. But right now she intended to not dwell on the time apart, instead to focus on making sure they treated this second chance like they deserved it. She wasn't one to waste opportunities, and this was no exception. Taking the moonstone she wore on a chain around her neck in her hands, she looked at it under the light created by its namesake and wondered if he still had the piece of sunstone she had given him upon their parting. Moonstone was said to be able to reunite lovers, and she knew it was silly to place any belief in something that was surely a myth, but she knew that the stones did hold magical power.
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