May. 4th, 2008


Week Nine: Saturday

Who: Clove and Frankie
When: Saturday around sunset
Where: House of Fire then a Cliff over the beach

Clove had spent most of the week keeping to himself. No matter how many full moons he had been through, the change still left him tired and grumpy for days after. But he felt rested and back to normal now! Well, almost. He had missed a lot of school and now that exams were coming up playing catch up was less fun than previously anticipated.

But would that stop the Cloveinator? HELL no. Dressed in Jeans and a navy blue tee, his hair was in it's natural blond shag when he knocked on Frankies door. "C'mon chicklet! Time's a tickin'" he said. Clove wasn't normally impatient, but he really did want to see the sun set over the water, but he soooo wouldn't tell anyone. He smiled into the door, waiting to see what she was wearing. And more importantly, wondering what she was wearing underneath what she was wearing hehe.

He held a giant basket in the crook of his arm. It was filled with a blanket, some plates he swiped from the kitchen (he was planning on using paper plates, but when you had a girlfriend that could heat up your food for you, flammable dinnerware wasn't the best option), and of course - food. All the things he needed for an awesome picnic.

Okay, not quite. He still needed his girlfriend. Clove was half tempted to say he'd go find Kat if she wasn't out soon, in jest of course, but decided it was better to whistle instead.
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Jan. 25th, 2008


Week Two: Friday Night

Who: Clove and Frankie
Where: House of Fire for a brief moment, and then on the grounds
When: Friday night
What: Clove wooing Frankie

Was Clove nervous? No. Okay, maybe a little, but it really wasn't his style. He had enough confidence in him to know that Frankie wouldn't be able to get him out of his head for awhile after tonight, but he really was concerned about his plans coming together in perfect formation.

He had spent the last two weeks working out ideas in his head, playing with his illusions and practicing them. In fact, he had skipped his classes today to set up the tables and chairs by the water, and making sure he could hold the illusions he had planned for a couple hours. With Frankie being a fire sprite, he didn't think she would like the water too much, but with what he had planned, it would be pretty cool.

In the morning, Clove rolled out of bed early, which was a miracle in itself. Heading down to the spot he had picked for their date, he set up a canopy, tablecloths, chairs, and all sorts of things a romantic dinner would entail. Only, Frankie didn't know anything about it. She also didn't know that these illusions he had been practicing tired him out so much that after his classes, he barely had enough energy to walk, nevermind talk to her. It would be worth it, hopefully. No, it better, because in his absence some random dude had managed to wrap Frankie around his finger - not good news. It even had Clove doubting what kind of girl she was, but that was an old issue, and he was sticking to his guns. He would find out soon enough anyway. Besides, he liked the girl he met and that's what he preferred to base things off of, not rumors and gossip.

Getting back to his room, he took a quick shower and shaved. He wouldn't be turning his hair black or hiding stubble tonight. Clove was already going to be using a lot of energy, and he wanted to save some for the end of the night...y'know, just in case. A shaggy blond head of hair was managed, he was smelling spicy, and a tux was donned. Looking in the mirror, he felt a little silly. But hey, he told her to dress fancy, and it just added to the mood he supposed. In his head he did a mental checklist, everything was set up and it was almost seven. Time to go!

Grabbing a blindfold and a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath, he headed to Frankie's room. On the journey, he earned some glances and whispering from some of the other girls. So he looked a little weird at the moment, but he just winked at them, amused at their reactions and went along his way.

Holding both of his items behind his back in his right hand, he knocked at the door with his left. Taking a deep breath, he said to the door, "C'mon gorgeous, I know you're in there." In the moment, Clove was more excited than nervous. He really enjoyed her company, and really hoped she was wearing heels - there were some rocks to walk over, and there'd be nothing better to have to carry her over them. Yeah, Clove did that whole super romantic, cheesy, knight in shining armor bit - but only for the girls he was absolutely smitten with.
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Jan. 17th, 2008


Week Two: Monday - narrative

When Clove was finished with his classes, he walked in his room and slammed the door. Thankfully, his phantom roommate wasn't there to witness his frustration. Was that what is was? Well, he wasn't angry, maybe a little frustrated, and he was certainly feeling stupid.

His books were discarded on the floor and kicked out of the way along with his shoes. Soon enough he was lying on his bed facing the ceiling, "Fuck" he said under his breath. His day had certainly been interesting, and it just sucked more because he was sure it was probably his fault. Another sigh, and with his brows furrowed he recollected what had happened this morning.

It was nothing major, it's not like someone had died, it was just...stupid, that's the only word Clove could think of. Like usual, he had woke up late and was in a panic to get to his creative writing class. Running out the door he made a pit stop at the cafeteria. Unfortunately, he didn't see anything that was worth grabbing so instead he filled up an empty water bottle with apple juice and made his way to class. One good thing was that the door to the classroom was locked when he got there, so the entire class was waiting in the hall. He did a quick scan for Frankie, but didn't notice her. A twinge of guilt had reverberated up his back, he hadn't really talked to her as much as he should have last week. That being said, where would Clove be without a good excuse? Last week had seen him reading books and playing with illusions. All for Frankie. He really did like the girl, and had made some pretty out-there plans for her on the weekend, it just involved some work on his part, and for the cute little sprite- he didn't mind in the least.

Coming out of his thoughts, he caught a girl staring at the contents of his water bottle container with a disgusted look on her face. He smiled sweetly, "I didn't want to go find the washroom and risk missing a second of class" he said before taking a long swig of the apple juice. The girl's mouth dropped and she went to join her friends, who soon all sported the same distorted face. He shook his head, Clove 1, Teenyboppers 0.

In another quick scan of the hall, he still couldn't find Frankie.

But what he did notice, was that virtually all the girls were tittering madly over something. )