Aug. 21st, 2008


Week Sixteen: Wednesday

When: 7PM
Where: French restaurant in the city
Who: Sam, Easton, Kate and Rufus

Sam had spent the past few days being a wreck. What had happened with Kiernan had been completely out of character for her and the guilt was almost unbearable. How could she have done that to Easton? He had been nothing but fabulous to her and she had to take it and just throw it out the window. And right before his birthday too! Karma was no doubt going to push her down a flight of stairs later, she could just feel it.

But even with a confusing mixture of emotions swirling about her mind, she had one hell of a birthday to plan. She owed Easton at least that much. So she had worked her ass off on the gift she had been making for the past few weeks and made an extra effort to look presentable for the evening. Black dress, black shoes and a red handbag, couldn’t really go wrong there! Or so she hoped anyway. She really should have checked with Kate to figure out how dressy she was going to be. Oh well.

As soon as she was ready and it was time to go, she hurried down to the designated meeting place and couldn’t help but smile. Her heart even gave a familiar flutter and she felt warm. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” It wasn’t an easy feat in heels, but somehow she managed to run and essentially launch herself into his arms. “How’s it feel to be old?” she laughed as she kissed his cheek. “Is that gray I see?” Her eyes twinkled as she teased him but there wasn’t much time so she grabbed his hand and started to pull him along. “Come on, I don’t want us to be late!”

A black town car was waiting for them at the entrance and once they were inside, she popped open a bottle of champagne and handed him a glass flute for a toast. “Happy Birthday, Easty.” The bubbly was sipped but sadly there was only enough time for one glass. “Okay close your eyes, we’re almost here.” Sam made him keep those eyes closed as she helped him out of the car and into the restaurant. Inside awaited their other guests in a sectioned off back area that was littered with balloons and flowers. So maybe she went a little overboard. Oops. “Surprise!”
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Aug. 5th, 2008


Week 15: Saturday

Who: Kate and Rufus
Where: The beach
What: An anniversary celebration
When: Early evening

She and Rufus had met earlier on in the week to discuss their approaching anniversary and what they might like to do to celebrate. Neither was truly a 'party person' and so something a bit low-key seemed the best way to go. Simply spending time with one another to recognize such an important date appeared to be the perfect way to pass the evening. It had been Rufus' idea to utilize the beach, knowing how fond Kate was of the water she assumed, and so they'd planned to meet up early that evening and spend it together outdoors, enjoying the warm summer weather and one another's company. She'd gone out earlier that day and selected the perfect spot, scouted about for a few pieces of wood to build a little fire pit - as the hours got later that night, it might get a bit chilly that close to the water.

They'd agreed to meet on the beach and so, after classes, Kate went about getting ready. Given that they would be camped out on the beach for awhile, her swim suit was the first thing she changed into. Sliding her feet into a simple pair of black flip flops, a light summer dress went over the top of it. She left her hair down, letting the dark strands dry into loose curls that framed her face. She gathered up his gift and the picnic basket she'd picked up from one of the delis in town, making her way out of their place and towards the spot where she and Rufus had agreed to meet, seeing as they both had plenty to fill the hours of their days.

She'd hoped to beat him there and she was happy to see that she had - it gave her time to spread out the blanket she'd brought with and set up everything from the picnic basket so that it'd be ready when he arrived. She'd left his present back in their room, laid out across the bed ready and waiting for when they returned. It would be impossible to hide, especially out in the open like this, so she'd simply give it to him later when they returned. Surely he wouldn't mind waiting, it was well worth it. She'd just finished setting things up, brushing a bit of hair from her face as the wind tossed it about, when she caught sight of him heading up the beach towards her. It seemed their celebration was about to begin!
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Jun. 11th, 2008


Week Eleven: Friday

Who: Kate and Rufus
Where: London, England
When: Morning
What: Spending the day together. Aw.

To say that Kate hadn't been looking forward to meeting up with Rufus would have been a complete lie. Honestly today was one of, if not the, highlight of her break. The rest of the days had been filled with archery practice, shopping for new equipment and arguing with her father about the time she was 'wasting' at Halcyon when she should have been at home competing. So far she'd managed to slip away once or twice to head down to the boardwalk, to comb aimlessly along the beach, but those little adventures were too short-lived for her tastes. Today, meeting Rufus, left her feeling nearly giddy as she made the drive up to London to meet him. They'd spoken the night before, arranged a time and a meeting place and now that they day was here, Kate hope they managed to make the most of it. Their plans coordinated perfectly, really, seeing as Rufus was flying out to India that night. Maybe she'd even take him to the airport, say good-bye...wasn't that what a good girlfriend did?

Parking was surprisingly easy to find, though Kate knew the city well enough to know where to look. She was a few minutes early, but the cafe across from Big Ben where they'd decided to meet up was already crawling with people. Not tourists, thankfully, they seemed to prefer the more commercial eateries in the area, but locals often packed the place for a cup of tea at this hour. She figured, given his hair, Rufus would stand out and be rather easy to find once he made it, surely he wouldn't blend in the way that she did.

It was supposed to be an unusually warm day and so Kate had dressed accordingly in a pair of khaki shorts and a blue tank top layered over a green one, a tan messenger bag slung across her frame. Her dark hair curled loosely around her shoulders, pale eyes covered by a pair of dark sunglasses, feet covered with a pair of new trainers - the appropriate 'vacation' outfit really. She stepped out of the way of the bustling crowd, leaning back against the side of the door way as she kept an eye out for Rufus. Being early meant waiting, not that she truly minded - the drive up from Brighton had truly been quicker than she'd expected. Finally, she spotted him heading towards her, unable to bite back the smile that spread across her face. "Rufus!" she stepped away from the heard of people packed into the little cage, walking across the distance between them to meet him. "It's good to see you," Kate admitted with a smile, leaning up to greet him with a hug.
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May. 4th, 2008


Week Nine: Tuesday

Who: Kate and Rufus
Where: Their normal pub spot
When: Early evening
What: A belated surprise.

It had all taken a bit of planning, and if Rufus was quite honest with himself, he doubted whether or not he would be able to pull it off. It might seem suspicious, if he acted any differently, which is why he took extra measures, to make sure that he wouldn't have to be out of characters, until after they arrived. So far, so good. The two arrived at the pub that evening, as they always did for their weekly visits. It had become a Halcyon tradition for them. The two didn't share any classes, nor were they in the same house, so this was their way to make time for one another. That's what friends did after all. The previous week hadn't allowed him the chance to get out, thanks to the full moon having him so on edge. During that time, he tried to meditate, and keep his mind as focused as possible... he thought maybe it would help him when it came to shifting. Though, Rufus wasn't sure if it was doing any good thus far. Perhaps eventually, he'd begin to see results.

His arm extended over their heads, as he pushed the door open for her. "Grab us a table, if you would please, and I'll get the drinks." Normally, they took turns buying drinks, but tonight it was his treat, Kate just didn't know it yet. Once inside, he headed towards the bar, ordering their normal drinks, before questioning the bartender. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble, storing the cake, and what not." Rufus had rushed over after classes, to ask them to place the cake Frankie had been kind enough to make him, in their fridge. They'd also agreed to hide his gift for her behind the bar. Seeing as they were regulars, the man hadn't minded too much. When the bartender said it was no trouble, he smiled. "Thanks, mate, it was a big help, truly."

It had come to his attention, some time before, that Kate's birthday, and come, and gone. She hadn't said anything to him about it. Whether she had simply forgotten to mention it, or didn't want to make a big fuss about it, he wasn't sure. But, ever since finding out, he'd wanted to do something special for her. Last week had been a loss, but this week seemed perfect. It was right before leaving for break, so, why not make the weekly pub visit that much more special? With their two drinks in hand, he made his way through the small crowd, locating the table she had decided upon for them. He was a bit nervous... wondering if she would be pleased, or upset. Some women seemed sensitive about their birthdays, he didn't get the impression that Kate would, but one could never be too sure. "There you are." He said, placing their drinks down on the table top. "I think the bar man finally knows our names." He said chuckling. About time really, they'd only been coming here for some time.
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Apr. 2nd, 2008


Week Seven: Thursday

Who: Everyone who received an invite, and their guest (Check Wes' page, if you're not sure about an invite.)
Where: Gun Smoke Tattoo
When: Thursday Night
What: Shop Warming party, and small gig

There was a goal here. After living in Vegas, having been to so many bitchin' parties, your standards for them rose. The normal, punch, and cookies, with a shit ass dj, lurking in some corner, wouldn't cut it here. Hell no. The goal, was to make this party, just as fucking killer, as any party he'd been to in Vegas. To make those parties jealous even. With the help of his friends, and brothers, it seemed as if that was going to happen. All the elements were in place, now it would be down to those in attendance, to make the most of it. Wes was sure of one thing, he was going to have an amazing time, there would be no stopping that.

The Spooks had been a huge help, in their time on the island. While Wes tended to his classes, they took care of setting up for the party. Doing little things here, and there. Anyone who came into the shop after that Monday, would notice that certain things were off. It was all in preparation. Now, it was ready, everything was good. A bar had been constructed against on the walls. Bottles, upon bottles were either stacked beneath it, or on the packing crate shelves they had built last Monday. Wes had been told that there was more than enough liquor... he was starting to question whether it was enough. Also available at the bar, one would find certain goodies upon request. That was one good thing, about knowing drug dealers. They made excellent party guest. Aside from the bar, another sofa had been added to the sitting area, similar to the one all ready occupying the space, but not nearly as detailed.
Let the fun begin. )

Mar. 14th, 2008


Week Five: Saturday

Who: Kendra, and Rufus
When: Early Afternoon
Where: The grounds around Halcyon
What: A nice peaceful walk

"I should have worn gloves..." Muttering to ones self was never a good idea, especially while passing through the busy halls of Halcyon. It never earned you looks of admiration, but rather curious glances. People wondering if you were crazy, or just one of those overly stressed students, who took to repeating their to do list over, and over again to themselves. Rufus wasn't stressed out, but, he didn't consider himself crazy either. Well, everyone was a little crazy, but compared to most, he was relatively normal. Or so he liked to believe. Though, he could simply be giving himself too much credit.

His fingers were still bandaged in several places. Most of the blisters had began to go down, but some has insisted upon rupturing, and now hurt worse than ever. His hands were a complete mess, and he wished that he had worn gloves during all of that practice. Now, there was all the practice to anticipate for Wes' party. There was no question that he planned to protect his hands during that. Though, seeing as he had learned so many of the Spooks songs, he hoped that the practices wouldn't be as extensive. After all, Wes had classes to teach, and a shop to run. Surly he wouldn't insist on a great amount of time.

Though, the mere thought of playing live once more was exciting. It would be the first time, in quite a while, so he felt some nervousness towards it. He also wouldn't be playing with Janka, which he'd never done before. Though, Wes seemed cool enough, so hopefully it wouldn't be too far of a stretch. Also, he was allowed to invite people. Ada, whom he admired for her talent, Kate, who had expressed a desire to see him play, and Kendra, who he simply wanted to show off for. Those were the names he added to the list. Though, he thought he might go ahead, and mention it to Kendra today, rather than waiting for Wes to send out the invites.

He waited patiently outside the House of Aquatic, for someone to come out, so that he would be able to enter. His wait wasn't long, but that didn't mean he intended to waste time hanging about. After a bit of asking around, he discovered which dorm Kendra resided in, and made his way to it's door. They had made plans, but time had never been set. Hopefully she wouldn't be too off put by his presence. Rufus rather wished it was welcomed. He would soon find out. Raising his hand, he knocked firmly upon the door. When it did open, his eyes cast down to meet her. A smile immediately setting across his face. "Still up for that walk?"
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Jan. 31st, 2008


Week Two: Saturday

Who: Kate, and Rufus
Where: Some pub, in the city.
When: Saturday evening.
What: Putting a toast to good use.

It was amazing, absolutely amazing. The minutes between the moment he asked her to go to drinks, to the moment he meet her in the commons, were complete insanity. He'd been so worried about what to wear, what to say, how to act, what they would do, where they would go... But, the moment they actually meet up, that all melted away. Just a bad dream in the back of his mind. Why had he been sweating this? Rufus was perplexed that he'd been so worried. Now that he was around her again, it didn't make any sense. Kate was cool as hell, and he felt relaxed around her. Just as he had the first time they meet. All of this none sense hadn't been necessary.

Though, he'd dressed up a bit. A newer t-shirt, jeans, and decent looking jacket. His father would say it was too sloppy for the outing, but Rufus didn't give a damn what he thought. Besides, if he dressed up too much, he'd be uncomfortable. Then the awkwardness would return, and he'd be horrid company. If he was just himself, things would surly go well. Or so he hoped. He was also determined to NOT think of this as a date. That was another train of thought, which would bring about the awkward. If Kate wouldn't bring it up, neither would he. This was a get together of friends, that was all.

Rufus stood back, as he pulled open the pub door for her. "After you." He said lightly, smiling as she passed him, and then he followed. It was a nice enough place. A complete difference from Heaven and Hell. That was a good thing though, they'd actually be able to hold a conversation here. How people could stand the music being so loud, was beyond him. "What do you reckon? Table, or bar?" He asked, tucking his hands into the pockets of his coat.
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Jan. 21st, 2008


Week Two: Wednesday

Who: Kim and Rufus
When: Directly after Inner Beast Control
Where: The Halls of Halcyon

The second week of school, was proving to be far less eventful, than the previous one. Granted, it was only Wednesday, and he's been spending a great deal of time in his dorm. Practicing his guitar, not surprising. But was surprising, was that he had been worrying about his clothes. Every day jeans, t-shirt, trainers, and a jacket were fine. For this weekend though... going out for drinks. The normal get up wouldn't do. Problem was, he didn't have much else, and there weren't many people at the school, the same height he was. Therefore, he couldn't exactly ask to burrow a nice button, or something.

Rufus would have to settle for his least patched up close for the.... well... He wouldn't call it a date, because he didn't think it was. Not because he didn't want it to be, but because he honestly did not know. What did she think it was? Blimey, he was confused, and nervous. He never got nervous, not Rufus. The calm bloke, that was almost zin like. Well, maybe he wasn't that calm, but damn close.

That whole event aside, he was finding his classes more, and more interesting. Supernatural history seemed to be confirming quite a few of the Indian folklore, which he had heard back home. No wonder those people believed in it so adamantly, it was all true. It gave a better picture, to what people may have been thinking, and experiencing, when some of the ancient text had been written. Italian was quite nice as well. He'd never gotten than hang of local dialect back home, he could understand it, just not speak it. Italian seemed to be his forte though. Maybe he would go to Italy one day. Actually, he was fairly sure he would, he had the strongest urge to travel the world, before returning home. He was young after all, so why not?

Then you had inner beast control. Rufus was trying to be optimistic about it all, seeing that it was only the second week, but... well, he'd been shifting for years, and wasn't so sure he'd be able to harness the type of control, that the professor spoke about. Maybe it would come with time, maybe he had more control, than he was giving himself credit for. Sighing heavily, he followed the crowd from the room, his hands tucked into the pockets of his worn, baggy jeans. The next full moon would be interesting.

Jan. 10th, 2008


Week One: Saturday

When: Night
Where: Club Hell
Who: Vale and anyone

Busy busy busy. Vale was a man that enjoyed the sin of sloth but as of late he’d rarely been able to truly indulge in it. With his dear brother gone Vale was rather left to running…everything. Neither snake brother really trusted too many hands being involved in their businesses and so often kept all management to themselves. This city, this club, was no exception to that. It was a job easier with two but manageable by one. Vale made it work of course but there were days where he simply had to brush it all aside. Saturday had been deemed such a day.

There was far too much to see and do for him to be trapped behind a desk pouring over paperwork. No…Vale was the hands on sort of manager. The kind that wanted to be right out in the crowds the club brought in. The sort that wished to give personal hellos to return guests and indulge in all that the club offered. Even as a business man the snake indulged always in all life had to give him.

Tonight was a very busy night for the club. Local bands always did draw interest though it really didn’t take much to give reason for all the schools students to rush down to the club come the weekend. Vale rather enjoyed the prospect of this night however; he was a man with a high interest in music. A love for the rumble that it caused to course through the ground. Vibrations felt and absorbed by the snake demon. More then that he enjoyed seeing what the youths of today could create. Some were set to rise to the stars and others…he had no idea how they thought their sound was anything near to music.

Both Heaven and Hell would be filled with live music tonight. Up above the sound was lighter, some might say popish in tone but it wasn’t really that. It was simply…easier to dance to. The sort of music young girls loved and men enjoyed only because they were all too eager to watch the woman move. Down below the music had to have a darker edge or it was left for the stage up above. Heavy metal, screaming vocals, or seductive natures to lure the crowd at their feet. Vale was not truly a picky man but he knew what fit with Hell and what did not. No sappy love songs or moaning about ones broken heart or lost car. Techno, peppy, country, light, jazz….those all took place in Heaven, not Vale’s sort of Hell.

The sorts that came into hell had to blend with leather and blood. Velvet and screams. The sorts that came into hell wanted something that they could bang their heads to or grind against their dance partner with. They wanted to try to feel it all like the snake could. And Vale did so aim to please…

During the day Vale had seen to business, both the club and his brothers own. Amusing really that a business Vale now ran was one he put so much of his own money into…but at the least he would know more then all others just how potent the product was. Yes he’d sample some of such before forgoing business and entering Hell a few hours after the sun had gone down and the second group was setting up the stage to perform.

He slithered through the crowd, kissing the cheeks of those he knew in passing, speaking faintly in the ear of workers to give orders or hints to what they should be doing. But it was not long before he was at his booth. Dressed in only leather pants and boots, accessorized always with woman who quickly curled at his side.

Jan. 3rd, 2008


Week One: Saturday Afternoon

Who: Kate and Rufus
Where: School grounds
When: Saturday afternoon, after the rain has stopped

Kate had always been quite the fan of the rain. It made perfect sense, really...being from England and all. To experience it now made her thing of home in a warm, fond way in which her brain blocked out out those rather unappealing little memories that would only darken a little shower on Mother Nature's behalf. As much as she loved it, however, she wasn't such a fan of hiking around in the mud generally left behind and since she'd intended to take a walk that morning, it was understandably pushed back until things outside were a bit drier. There was still mud left to contend with, but Kate was a rather outdoorsy girl and so it was nothing she could handle. After all, hiking boots had been created for a reason, had they not? She'd dressed casually for her little afternoon excursion....her hiking boots (of course), a pair old jeans with a rip in the knee, fitted black thermal that showed the smallest line of midriff and a black Columbia fleece jacket was knotted around her slim waist. Her dark hair was loose about her shoulders in its usual loosely spiraled curls, her quiver and bow strapped across her back. If she was going to go out and hike about the woods, after all, she might as well get in a bit of practice. She paused in the kitchen on her way outside only long enough to fill the Nalgene bottle she carried with her. Best to be prepared and all that.

It was beginning to warm up outside, though she stopped to pull her jacket on anyway before continuing towards the tree line in the distance. It felt nice to be outdoors again, the grass still damp and carrying with it that freshly rained-upon scent. She was such a nature nut at heart, it was no wonder that the campus was half of Halcyon's appeal. Who didn't love such easy access to the beach? Or the woods? It was the perfect set-up really. Perhaps now she'd learn how to surf, depending on the waves of course. She'd tried it once years ago and had been quite mediocre; with a bit of practice she was sure she could master it as well. It was less ego on her part and more the knowledge of what a more than healthy dose of hard work and determination could get you.

Save for the breeze rustling the leafed branches overhead or the occasional call of a local bird, the woods were relatively quiet. Kate knew that many of the other students were loads more social that she was and so perhaps they had better plans for a Saturday afternoon than a solitary hike. It was probably for the best - one wouldn't find much peace and quiet if the entire student body was loose wandering about the same patch of forest. For the next hour or so she walked, navigating unfamiliar territory as she got her bearings, learning the layout of the land around her. Kate liked to know what she could about her surroundings and that was even more true when she was out alone as she was today. She used minor tracking techniques to ensure she could find her way back, should she doubt her usually stellar sense of direction...bent branches slightly, shifted rocks....little otherwise untraceable signs that would show her her way back to the school.

The perfect area for practice seemed to be a clearing she came across just as she'd been ready to take a break. Sliding her bow from her shoulders, she unfolded the compact model, stringing it quickly. She hadn't brought her balance or even her usual glove, this was about as bare bones as her practice ever go - just her, her bow, the arrows and whatever target she picked. For the moment it was a tree a noticeable stretch away, nearly opposite the clearing of her. Reaching back for an arrow, Kate notched it with an eased excellence. Fingers on either side of the tail, she drew back and took a moment to let her surroundings shape her shot...she adjusted for elevation, then for wind...lined it up and let loose her shot with a satisfied smile. Before it ever struck the center of the tree trunk, she'd known where it would land. Though it seemed impossible to do so, it was nice to know she hadn't lost her touch. And to ensure that she truly hadn't, she kept on in the same manner until the quiver she'd worn was empty. Folding her bow closed, she jogged across the clearing to carefully retrieve her arrows. A few refused to give, sunken too deep into the rain-softened trunk and so she broke them off as close to the bark as she could. It was only once she was sure she'd gathered all of her things, tucked them safely away, that Kate turned to leave her practice clearing and head back towards the school grounds.
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Jan. 2nd, 2008


Week One: Wednesday

Who: Kissy and Rufus
Where: Halcyon Hall...ways!
When: Wednesday afternoon

The Faerie Princess and the Tiger
Chapter 1

There was something about Math class that made Kissy want to scrub her brains afterwards. It had to be the Math part of the entire process, because the sitting and doodling part really wasn't that bad. Sometimes she got too distracted in class though. Her professor informed her that she was the only student, in the history of Math teaching, that had to be marked off a piont for him having to point out that "Mrs. Efron" was not part of her equation.

High school had been SO much easier. Maybe a little cheating ahd been involved every once in a great while, but it was totally in fair exchange to other people so it was just, like, good karma. Right? And one of her teachers was always on her for like, color coordinating each day. Like, okay, yeah, she took the time to get dressed each morning, but, like, she totally had to. It wasn't like she woke up and had to write an essay so she wouldn't get arrested. If she went without dressing it would just mean she'd have to, like, shave more diligently and like, in shapes and stuff. Which, like, eww!

Her weekend was only two days away. Two days. The weekday's path of hot coals was almost over and she could see Sweet, Sweet Valhalla just ahead in sparkling, neon letters. What would she do? What would she wear? It was getting warmer, so maybe she'd pull out a dress. Already she had on one of her mini-skirts with flannel leggings and her brown/blue plaid DG boots with the little wedge. She even busted out the matching jacket with the matching fur-lined hood. It was the only positive to the colder weather.

Speaking of needing warmer weather. Guitar, rock star red hair, long, sort of insular attitude. Kissy spied with her little eye...Rufus! Mentally, she ticked off another name on her list of people to meet. His association with Adam had brought him down a run or two, but his nerd love had re-established himself. Never one to hesitate, Kissy excersized her vocal cords to good effect: "Rufus!" Loud and squeaky, a voice to fit its master! Kissy was smiling and waving a little maniacally. Having her little wedges on meant she was only 10 or so inches shorter than Rufus. "Ru! Fi! OOOOH!" Call it a moment of inspiration.
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Jan. 1st, 2008


Week One- Friday

Who: Kenny and Rufus
What: There's a reason why people shouldn't touch something that doesn't belong to you. A very good reason in fact.
When: late Friday afternoon
Where: The beach

It had been raining for what felt like forever. Kendra was no stranger to rain really, it was just something that happened. Rain was needed after all. But going for so long without sunlight had certainly been a chore. Plus with the winds and storming the sea had not been a very happy place to dive in to. In fact it really was quite dangerous depending on which evening she thought of. But today, today was the first day in what was beginning to seem like a lifetime where the rains had finally stopped and given way to a calm, smooth ocean. After classes got out she just could not stay inside any longer, it really felt like she had been doing too much of that lately anyway.

Only pausing to grab her pelt she raced down to the ocean and slipped into her skin. The ocean and the seal were made for each other and spending so much time in her human form was more tiring than one would imagine. She was so used to this body and this realm of the ocean and waves that being cooped up in a building with desks and books seemed horribly unnatural. Home was always in her daydreams and the water surrounding this island was as close as she could get to going back. After all, she had made her choice to come here. Leaving was not an option. But the soothing sea certainly did wonders to calm her troubled mind.

While she could stay out all night if she really wanted to, she knew that she should probably go in and get something to eat. Hunting something did spark her fancy, but why waste what had already been prepared? It seemed like a waste of life really and so she came out of the waves and slipped her pelt off, laying it on a rock to dry a bit. Stretching out the awkward human skin she was now in, she looked around for the clothes that she had come out in. Really these people had so much fabric on themselves, it did seem somewhat pointless. But customs were what customs were. The elders had very strictly warned her not to offend anyone at the school and the elders did have only her best interests at heart.

Looking around to make sure no one was about, she started to dress. The beach had been empty the entire time she had been out, which was as fine as anything for Kendra. Her pelt was the most precious thing that she had and no one around meant that no one could take it. Though she doubted that many of them knew what a selkie was from what she had seen so far, the risk was just too great. Though this place did seem safe enough and she felt comfortable. Granted not as comfortable as with her pod, but a general sort of awkward comfort. She still worried of course, but as she started to settle in the worry was less present.

Reaching down to grab her pants, something sparkled in what light there was and caught her eye. Looking over she saw a lovely little rock. It was jutting out of the sand and it twinkled ever so prettily. Forgetting herself for a moment, she went over and dug it out of the sand. Kneeling down and holding her new treasure, she smiled. It was certainly a bit bigger than it looked when it first caught her eye and it was pretty shades of brown and orange and tan. Turning it over in her hand to look it over, she wondered just what kind of rock it was and if someone had dropped it. It was certainly a nice thing and they were probably missing it.
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