Sep. 13th, 2008


Week Seventeen: Saturday, July 28th

Who: Starbuck and Kim
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: front lawn outside Halcyon
What: playing football in the rain!

Starbuck was excited about playing football. He missed playing since quitting the club, but it had been the best move for his sanity. He just couldn't stand being around a few of the people in the club unless it was mandatory, so best to drop it and move on. Didn't mean he couldn't still play the sport, he simply had to find some new people to toss the ball around with. And in what was becoming a major trend in his life, he found another woman to befriend. It wasn't just here at Halcyon, he'd had mostly female friends back in Maui too. Starbuck had never really understood it, it was just the way things tended to go for him. Some of them he dated, actually, a lot of them he had dated or ended up dating, but because things stayed fairly casual, there were rarely hard feelings and he could remain close to the woman when they both moved on. He'd wished it could be that way with Kat, but it couldn't. He still loved her, so being near her without actually being with her was far too painful. Distance was the only cure... that and time.

He needed distractions too, and a friendly game of football would help in that fashion. He put on some mesh shorts, an old t-shirt with a few paint stains, and some sneakers that had seen better days. It was messy outside, no point in ruining clothes. He grabbed the older of his two footballs too, not because he was worried about it getting dirty, but because it felt better in his hands. Imitation leather, like anything he owned it appeared to come from an animal, without that whole gruesome killing aspect.

He juggled the ball around in his hands as he strolled away from Aquatic and headed toward the big front lawn. The rain was falling gently, and there were some gusts of wind from time to time, but it wasn't altogether bad out. At least the lightning was in the distance, and the soft roll of thunder had a nice sound to it. The biggest perk associated with this weather was the noticeable lack of people out in it. He and Kim could play football and goof around in the rain without a bunch of idiots giving them shit for it.

Waiting for Kim to show up, Starbuck dropped the ball to the ground and his face to the sky, letting the rain drops soak his skin. It felt wonderful.

Aug. 31st, 2008


Week Sixteen: Tuesday

Who: Kim and Ita
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: The beach

While most Northerners hated heat and humidity, Kim loved it. Well, maybe not the humidity part, but she loved when it was hot and sunny outside. You’d think that she would be more inclined to liking the cold, but that was far from the truth. She hated it and when she was living back in Massachusetts, she wore layers upon layers of clothing during the winter months even while she was inside. Guess this love of heat could be attributed to the fact that she was a were of the African variety. Who knows.

During her last class of the day, she found herself staring out the window a lot more than she usually did. Not that she usually did that at all in this class, seeing as it was Basic Physical Combat. Let your guard down for a minute in that class and you’d end up on the floor or bruised. Luckily, that hadn’t happened to her yet and she snapped out of it just in time to duck out of the way of her partner’s fist.

Once class was over, she headed back to her room and unloaded her messenger bag on her bed. She walked over to the window and opened it up a little, immediately feeling a burst of heat flow in. It was too beautiful of a day out to spend it cooped up inside. Closing the window, she walked over to her dresser, took one of her bathing suits out and changed into it, pulling a pair of boardshorts on over her bikini bottom. Grabbing her beach bag, she stuffed in a towel, her iPod, a magazine, sunblock, and a bottle of water from the mini fridge. She pulled her boogie board out from her closet and tucked it under her arm as she slung her beach bag over her other shoulder and headed out.

Once outside, she pulled her shades on and started the trek down to the beach. Yeah, she could’ve taken a cab, but it was nice out and she always loved the exercise.

It was only a matter of time before she made it down to the beach which was already pretty full for a Tuesday afternoon. Taking her flip flops off, she held them in her free hand as she walked along the hot sand toward the water. She stopped off almost at the edge of the water and put her stuff down. Pulling her shades off, she threw them in her bag and ran into the water with her boogie board in hand. She dove in with the board in front of her, feeling the warm water crash all over her. Ah, so nice.
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Week 16 : Saturday

Who: Mircea and Kim
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: That place. With the books.

It was funny, the small things that made one happy. Rearranging the library had been a massive undertaking for such a small prank, but so far it had provided Mircea with an endless source of amusement. Students who were used to the layout had no idea of where to go to find their favorite tomes, and Mircea had even gone so far as to secret away some of the more popular volumes, claiming them 'out' for the moment.

He'd return them in due time, but for now it was just entirely too much fun to mess with the student body, all the while seeming like a diligent and serious librarian. To be honest, the book collection here at Halcyon was second to none. He'd already taken the liberty of skimming over several of the rarer books and found them fascinating. Perhaps he'd stay on longer here than he'd thought he would. Originally, it had been his thought to remain on here at Halcyon Halls for only a few months, but at this rate, he'd be here for much longer. He was surprised at how comfortable he was on an island. His people weren't known for their love of small places.

To him, an island was a small place. After all, it was completely bordered by water. Continents were fine, even if they were bordered by water, but islands? Generally he would have said 'no, thank you.'

Messing with the students was only a small part of his fun here. He'd visited Cassandra in his bird form already. She was entirely too trusting. How could she be, after the years she'd spent being used? It baffled him. Knocked out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening, he looked up to see a girl walking in and he resumed his reshelving task. He had no question that she'd need help finding whatever it was she was here to get.

Jul. 5th, 2008


Week Thirteen: Tuesday

Who: Kim and Peck
When: After classes
Where: The Pool
What: The making of a new friend

Halcyon. Magical, grand, the top of Supernatural learning. And all bullshit. This place was like a Hogwarts full of muggles. Peck, he would have undoubtedly been in Slytherin, thanks to his less than expecting ways of those different from him. Yeah.... don't even ask how he knows about those books. Long story, and the truth of which he would deny. He had found the place to be thus far, really disappointing. The number of humans, or former humans didn't exactly help his mood, but... even those from supernatural families seemed to be very human. He thought here, or all places he could be himself, but no. It was just like being back home, only you couldn't really escape someone if they pissed you off, you had to see them in the halls, or worse, in class.

Not to mention, most of which were annoying. They all thought they knew everything, and that they were never wrong. So much arrogance in less deserving races, it made him ill. In truth, he wasn't sure how long he could stick it out here. Already he wanted to report back to his father, and tell him just what sort of school this was. How the students were. There was no way he would be pleased with such news. Then again, he wasn't really sure how to contact them. They didn't have a phone, and not really much of an address. He was stranded on an island, miles upon miles away from his clan, with no way to call for help. He was fucked, for the most part. At least until this next... break, where he heard that students could request passage back home. Uh, yeah, he'd be all over that.

He couldn't bitch too much, there was the sea. Oh wait, yeah he could, the water was cold compared to home. That would take some time getting used to. But, they did have this indoor pond, the water of which was a lot warmer that the ocean. Problem still stood that he wouldn't transform in it, fresh water, and what not. Plus, you really couldn't recreate the ocean, but, he was willing to give it a try. After attempting a couple of assignments, he slipped on a pair of red board shorts, flip flops, and slung a towel over his shoulder. After being lost for nearly ten minutes, he came upon the pool, a few people seemed to be just coming out of it. He watched them carefully for a moment, not speaking, but rather glaring. Once it was all his, he laid his towel aside, slipped from his shoes, and sat down at the edge of the pool.

He allowed his feet to dangle in the water for a moment. Nothing happened, he would have to swim like a human. As disgusting, and unnatural as it was to swim with legs, he knew how. Slipping into the water, he allowed himself to sink to the bottom, he floated there for a long moment, his eyes moving around the naked tank. What was the appeal? There was nothing interesting to see under here, no one to talk to. Boring. When he finally resurfaced, it was to find that he was no longer alone in the room. A hand moved to his hair, pushing it up, and out of the way, before he spoke to her. "You're in one of my classes." He called, swimming to the edge of the water. "Kim, right?"
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Jun. 30th, 2008


Week Twelve: Monday

Who: Kim, Ray, Manny and Jax
When: Monday morning
Where: Manny's house; Salem, Massachusetts
What: Someone's coming home but not alone.

Kim couldn’t really explain it, but ever since she was out on break, she had been waking up earlier than she normally did. Meeting with Dove did sort of help her with sleeping better but this whole waking up early thing was not cool. She would try going back to sleep but would end up getting frustrated and give up. This morning was no exception. So instead of just sitting around and doing nothing until everyone else woke up, she decided to go out back and get some target practice in. Seemed like she was doing a hell of a lot of that lately.

She grabbed her archery case and slung it over her shoulder as she walked out of her room. Predictably, Ray’s door was still closed and he was most likely still asleep. It was way too early for him to be awake anyway. She headed down the stairs and was somewhat surprised to find Mrs. M in the kitchen cooking already. She should have known that she would be down there already. And there was no way she was letting Kim by without sitting down to eat something first. There was no use in arguing with her so she sat down at the kitchen table as Mrs. M piled waffles onto the plate in front of her. Mmm, Belgian waffles with cinnamon apples. Yum.

After she devoured a plate and a half of those amazing waffles, she was completely stuffed. Mrs. M simply laughed and said again how healthy and similar Kim and Ray’s appetites were. She didn’t think they were that similar. Sure, Kim had a pretty big appetite for a girl her size but Ray was an entirely different story. The boy could pack it in like there was no tomorrow. He could probably eat someone out of house and home after he had smoked a few.

When they both finished eating, Kim insisted on helping her wash the dishes. It was the least she could do after how amazing the Mansons had been with her and Ray. As she was rinsing off the last of the dishes, she found out why Mrs. M was fussing around in the kitchen a lot more than usual: Manny was coming home today. Kim had been wondering when he was going to show up. She felt a little weird being in his house with his family and him not being there so she was glad he was finally gonna be around. That and she was kinda looking forward to hanging out with him some more. Gahh, there goes the mini crush again. Hopefully there would be no blushing for the rest of the time they were in Salem. She had a feeling that his grandma would call her out on it if she were ever to see it.

The dishes were all washed and dried so Kim left Mrs. M to do her whole domestic thing in preparing for Manny’s arrival. She had never seen a mother so excited to see her son. Oh wait, she had. Kim and Ray’s mom was always excited to see their brown nosing eldest son. How sick. She shook her head free of any thoughts of her idiot family and walked out back where her targets were set up. Or maybe she should keep focusing on her mom, dad and idiot brother.. focusing their heads right in the center of her targets.

Jun. 8th, 2008


Week Eleven: Tuesday

When: Afternoon
Where: Salem – Manny’s parents place
Who: Ray and Kimmy

The trip to Salem had been easy enough. Pack up some shit, get on a plane, get on another plane, and look fucking there already. Course it was easy for time to pass quickly when you were on shit and Ray almost always was. Like he was going to go onto a plane with screaming fucking babies and not be on some shit? The hot little flight attendant had made for some nice in flight viewing too. Once in Salem though it was a fucking flurry. Manny’s parents were all about picking them up and shit. Probably had something to do with his mom acting like Rays mom for most of his damned life since his own fucking sucked balls. Yeah they hadn’t been too happy to hear how shit had been back then. Not that Ray was exactly a big “talker” but Manny could be. Once that news got out she was all over him. Fixing him food, giving him those mom sort of talks. Yeah, was fucking weird sometimes. But he knew they were good people.

They were of course thrilled to see Kimmy too. He’d warned her about that before they arrived. Not like they were hyper fucking chiwahwahs or anything like that but after dealing with their parents for so damned long they were a pretty damned big contrast. Ray had attempted to say that they were going to stay in a hotel and shit but Manny’s mom had all but shut her ears to that one. Was surprising she didn’t stick her fingers in them and start up with the lalalalala.

Back at their place the two were greeted with a damned feast. Fuck if that woman couldn’t cook. Ray of course spared no time in getting to the grub. Bags just thrown to the floor and a plate quickly taking up his hands. Not like he couldn’t move the bags later but yeah food could get cold or something. See, fucking logic there. There was the general catching up sort of bullshit. Ray leaving out the reasons why he’d decided to go back to Halcyon and all that. They were just happy he had…for whatever reason or another. Ray did a bit of smiling and nodding in all that. He was fine in focusing on the grub rather then words. Thankfully they always had known that one and never really did push him too much. Just a bit of the ideal stuff and then they were leaving the two to get settled and all that.

Since it was late when they got in Ray didn’t push the argument on where they were going to stay. They just crashed out at the house but he’d told Kimmy they could get a hotel at any time if it was all too damned weird or whatever. Not like she knew the people or anything even if Ray did. He didn’t expect her to be all fucking cool with everything just cause he was used to all of this. But at the least it was made clear that they didn’t mind her being there one bit. Or shit didn’t mind them being there even though Manny’s douche ass hadn’t shown yet.

In typical vacation fashion, or just how Ray was all the time, it was past noon and Ray was still sleeping. The fact that he’d been up all night wandering the neighborhood and shit probably had some to do with that. He probably would have stayed asleep till well into the late afternoon if food hadn’t woken him up. Damned good smelling food was one of the few ways to get Ray up and out of bed before he was ready. With a grumble and some tossing and turning he rolled out of the bed. Feet thudding against the floor and in typical zombie style he grabbed a shirt and barely was able to tug it on as he was walking. How he managed to not run into shit with his eyes barely open like they were, was anyone’s guess.

“Who’s cooking and what is it?” Ray remarked loudly as he got to the bottom of the stairs and glanced around to see if he spotted anyone.
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May. 20th, 2008


Week Ten: Tuesday

Who: Kim and Dove
When: After classes
Where: Dove's office
What: Kim finally decides to talk about her problems.. sorta.

Kim hadn’t had a full night’s rest in almost two weeks and it was becoming ridiculous now. She tried everything from relaxation techniques to warm baths to the melatonin pills that had been suggested but nothing worked. The lack of sleep was starting to catch up to her and it was becoming apparently. Natalia had noticed that she was acting different and Ray and Manny had even noticed during class.

Seemed that something had to be done about it now.

In the past week, she had gone back and forth about whether or not she should go talk to Dove about it. She wasn’t so sure she wanted to be subjected to possible poking and prodding to get to the root of what was wrong, but not sleeping well sucked. Kim hated dragging around all day, not be able to focus well. So finally, Tuesday morning, she decided she’d go see Dove after her classes were over.

After Inner Beast Control, Kim trudged along the hallways and down to Dove’s office on the floor below. She arrived in front of her door and hesitated for a moment, wondering again if this was a good idea. She shook her head of those doubts and knocked on the door. She needed to fix this whole not sleeping well thing and she didn’t want the panic attacks to come back either so this would have to be done.
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May. 18th, 2008


Week Ten : Wednesday

Who: James and Kimberly (if you still want it)
When: Early Evening
Where: The Rooftop Garden

Coming to this place was starting to seem like the worst mistake he had ever made in his life. Granted, he hadn't hurt anyone since he had been here, but he didn't even feel like himself at all. He didn't feel like the charming, sociable son of a bitch he had always been. Point in fact, he barely felt like talking to anyone. The days seemed to drag on like weeks and the weeks seemed to drag on like months even though he had kept himself distracted with things. Today, however, he was starting to feel like he wasn't even sure why he bothered. But it was done, and she would be on her way soon, hopefully before Noah and Natalia went on vacation together.

Again he found himself disappointed. She had acted as though she cared, pretended like she wanted to help, but really, she had just told him what he wanted to hear again, and again she had lied. She had spoken to him but once since that day and had she even bothered to ask how he was? No. She was the only woman he had ever loved and she didn't give a shit about him. But, and this was really bad on his part, if he couldn't have her, he wasn't going to easily allow anyone else to have her. And anyone that got close would be punished, one way or another, like Noah, who had his coming very soon, though not at all soon enough.

Standing at the ledge where he had been most of the time that he and Natalia had spoke last they met, he focused his gaze on the horizon. Thoughts wandered, Natalia, Noah, Summer, curiosity overtook him, but he found it hard to focus one thing for too long as his thoughts continually went back to one. What would it be like to fly? His father's father had been able to, but being as diluted as he was, James never would.

And it was then that he decided that, ever were things to get so bad, ever were he to get so bad that he could live with himself no longer, death would come in the form of flight so that, at least once, before the end, he would know what it felt like. Morbid, no? He had many thoughts like those. He just tended to keep those thoughts, those ideas, to himself.

Apr. 28th, 2008


Week Eight: Saturday

Who: Kim and Xael
Where: Starting in the House of Fire common room and moving outside
When: Saturday Evening

For the love.... it had been one hell of a busy week. While a busy week normally entailed some homework, a date or two and a hell of a lot of sports after class. That was typically what took up Xael's time and what he would consider having more than enough to do. It didn't typically include worrying incessantly over a friend that had a new found paretn or his mom and a new baby. Well hell it didn't generally include a new sibling. Aidan had been more than enough for the vast majority of the time but it wasn't as though Xael wasn't excited to have a sibling.

He was just worried about his mom. Worrying really wasn't his strong suit but he was doing his best with it all. Was just a pain in the ass to not really know what to do about any of it.

There was however only so much he could do. Help out with Aidan, talk to her to make sure things were going alright. His dad said to hang out with her and Xael had every intention of doing that as well. And then there was Kat... and holy fuck Xael didn't know what to do there anymore than he knew what to do with his mom's worries about his new sister. Being unsure wasn't Xael's strong point. He far preferred being sure of himself.

And that was exactly why he was cashing in on his date with Kim on Saturday. Maybe it was a little selfish of him to want to have a date when he should be sitting on Kat and figuring out what in the hell was going on with her other than the part where she was losing her shit over the whole idea of her father. Or when he should be up at his parents place just spending time with his mom and the rest of his family. Maybe it was... but maybe he felt as though he just needed some time back in his element where he felt comfortable and had a good time without worrying about everything.

Or maybe he was just a hormonal teenager and Kim had some damn fine legs and an even better pitching arm. Let's go with all of the above.

So Xael hadn't had all the time in the world for this but all he was aiming for was a nice relaxing night and he was pretty sure Kim wouldn't complain about that considering the night she'd had before. He'd lived with a were long enough to know they were tired cranky bitches the day after and all for good reason. So long as she didn't launch a baseball into his face... they were all good.

The occasion had him in jeans, striped polo and flip flops because once the weather went over sixty it was hard to find Xael's feet in anything else if he wasn't at the gym or at practice. He'd actually made his way down to the common room a little early and had popped a squat on one of the sofa's, waiting for Kim to make her way down.
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Apr. 9th, 2008


Week Seven: Thursday

When: Later afternoon
Where: City
Who: Ray and Kimmy

Classes were a droning bore that Ray had decided to sleep through. Thankfully he was damn good at finding some back desk and propping himself up in just the right way that it looked like he was paying attention even if he so fucking wasn’t. Ray was not any fucking scholastic scholar and he had no plans to be. He was here only because it was better then being in jail. That and there were some hot chics, that helped out on why he was here too. Now he had family too which yeah, still fucking strange, but he was getting more and more used to the idea. Took while for Ray to get comfortable with people. He wasn’t all touchy feely happy go lucky trust everyone sort of guy. Not even close. He was cordial enough and all but if you thought that meant he liked you, you were wrong.

This week he’d been pretty lazy, gaming a bit with Ray, staying out all night, the general normal shit for Ray really. He’d taken it easy on the job front, he knew that got to get varied up from time to time or people were going to catch on. He hadn’t hit up anything big or paid any attention to the crap going on around the school. There was always something, sometimes it was amusing and sometimes it was just like hot pokers to the eyes to read.

Today was proving to be just as lazy as the day before it. He had lunch with Kim going on but other then that he wasn’t sure he was going to do anything. There was that thing at the tattoo place but Ray was sort of whatever to that. He loved a good party sure but tattoos tended to bring out a lot of posers. Look I’m fucking cool cause I got a little spot of ink, now I’m going to act like a badass that needs to be punched straight in the damn face. Plus as much as he loved parties, the whole small space gatherings tended to get on his last nerve real quick. He didn’t need to be crawling over a bunch of fuckers he didn’t want to listen to in order to get his drink or grub.

Depended on how shit went. He had lunch to do, a stop at the club to think about….and shit t here was something else but he wasn’t remembering it at the moment. He would later, probably a good hour or so after he was supposed to do it but whatever. That was pretty damn common with Ray so anyone that dealt with him knew to expect it. But yeah, could go either fucking way with him. Might show. Might not. Either way he’d set up people going already, some sells earlier in the week.

That shit was why he made the plans with Kim down in the city already, that way he wouldn’t be as late as he likely could be. Shit he might even be early since he had gone right down there after classes. A new game was out and he was picking up some copy that had been on reserve for about two days now but his lazy ass hadn’t been nice enough to go take it off their hands till now. The fuckers were smart and held it still, too much work to ream the guys right now when he had a meeting to get to.

With game acquire and that task done with he headed over to the pizza pasta joint. He’d eaten there once; decent enough food and he could definitely go for some pizza right about now. Food of champions…or at the least perfect for a guy that had the damned munchies fucking hard core.
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Mar. 21st, 2008


Week Six: Friday

Where: Heaven
When: Friday Night
What: Charity Date Auction

Eva was something beyond excited. It fluttered about her with nervous energy. If she were out in the open water no doubt there would have been small eddies forming around her in response to the energy she gave off with each and every breath as she hurried about Heaven getting all the last finishing touches done on her crowning achievement. Eva had done her fair share of party planning over the years at Halcyon, she loved being in the mix helping set a mood. And let's face it the girl loved a party... especially a theme party.

But this was something more. It was something that had been entirely her idea. Born of... who the hell knew where but it did put together all her favorite things. Flirting, dating, runway shows, Heaven... the list really could go on. Even in her egotistical glory Eva knew that she couldn't have completed this event without the girls that had volunteered to help out. Taylor, Sam and Frankie had been fantastic, picking up on all the things that Eva was horrible at... you know like the practical aspects of the whole event.

The night had a beach theme as was befitting the charity chosen for the evening and Eva couldn't have been happier. Heaven had been decked out, Vale's assistant proved to be more than helpful at helping her organize the decorations and getting the staff to help out. A runway had been constructed with a podium at the back where Eva planned to do her auctioning from. Tropical plants lined the runway for the dates to strut their stuff along. Eva was almost jealous that she wasn't doing any strutting herself and with the outfit she'd donned for the night... she felt like she could. Perhaps not traditionally beach themed but it was a swimming suit... of sorts and as the auctioneer she thought she needed to glam it up and set herself a part a little.

But when didn't Eva think she needed to set herself a part from the crowd.

Eva exchanged a few last words with the bartenders for the night, making sure that mai tais and other tropical drinks were the order for the night. She wove her way through the tables that had been set up a bit aside from the runway, brightly colored umbrellas over them to add to the theme. She ensured that there was plenty of food ready for people attending and finally she made sure that man at the door was ready to take the $10 dollar cover charge. It was for a charity after all!

Now all she had to do was make sure that the meat er... the dates were ready for their big night!

ooc posting information )

Mar. 4th, 2008


Week Five: Wednesday

Who: Nat, Ada and Kim
When: Afternoon – After the last class
Where: House of Fire common room and then the city!

Natalia had been looking forward to her little shopping excursion all week and as a result, ended up having a difficult time paying attention during her last class. It also didn’t help that she had found herself making eyes at Rhett more than once during the lecture. That man was going to get her into trouble one of these days, she just knew it. Ugh, she really needed to stop acting like some love struck teenager! It also didn’t hurt that whenever she caught Noah’s eye that he made a face or rolled his eyes at her. Jerk. Good thing she loved him.

When class finally reached its conclusion, Natalia practically ran for the door. She needed to get back to her room, change her shoes, grab a coat and her purse, and dump her school stuff. Once all of that was taken care of, she hurried down to the common room and waited for the other girls to show so that they could take off. How long had it been since she had spent the day shopping with some other females? Too long, that was for sure. Yeah, Noah was good for carrying bags and what not, but it wasn’t like he actually enjoyed watching her try on outfit after outfit.

As soon as the other girls were good to go, they headed outside to meet a cab and off they went! Random chatter was exchanged during the ride over and Natalia bounced a bit when they filed out of the car. “I hope you girls are ready for some serious shopping because I have heard that there are some awesome sales going on and I plan on putting a large dent in their inventory.” A wicked smile was flashed along with a wink as she linked an arm through each of the girls’ and pulled them toward the first store.

“What do we think? Shoes or swimsuits first?”

Feb. 20th, 2008


Week Four: Tuesday

Who: Aramil and Kim
Where: Archery Classroom
When: Tuesday evening
What: Just a couple of archers chatting it up and such

It was after dinner and Kim was starting to feel a bit restless. She was sitting on her bed in her sweats and an NYU t-shirt, flipping through the April issue of Cosmo. With the full moon approaching, she needed to keep herself busy with something but seeing as it had been storming all day, any outdoor activity was out of the question. Stupid rain. She let out an exasperated sigh, chucked the magazine onto her desk and flopped back onto her bed.

Her eyes scanned the ceiling of her room as she racked her brain for another activity to do. She had already checked her e-mail, written to her best friend, taken that high school stereotype quiz, cut her nails and re-read that issue of Cosmo for the billionth time. She let her head drop to the right as she looked out the window, hoping that the rain had stopped. Nope, fat chance. But hey.. she had gotten an idea.

She quickly got up out of bed and walked over to the window. She bent down and picked up her bow and arrow carrying case that was propped up against the wall next to the window. Why the hell didn’t she think of this before? Nothing like shooting some arrows at a target to take her mind off the restlessness.

Kim slipped on a pair of sneakers, slung her carrying case over her shoulder and she quickly navigated her way to the archery classroom. She walked in, set her stuff down on a desk off to the side and opened the case. After strapping on her armguard on her left forearm, she unlatched her bow from its place in the case and pulled an arrow out from the top compartment. She walked over to the mark a few feet in front of the bulls-eye and took her stance. Pointing her bow to the ground, she nocked the arrow and then in one fluid motion, she raised the bow and drew the arrow back. Her right eye stared down the length of the arrow all the way down to the center of the target. She moved her bow down slightly, making her aim just right. After a few more seconds of concentration, she released the arrow and it shot through the air at full speed, landing in the third yellow circle from the center. Pretty freaking close to a bulls-eye but not good enough. “Damnit..”

Feb. 14th, 2008


Week Three: Saturday

Who: Everybody who's Anybody
Where: Beach
When: Late. That means after curfew pipsqueaks
What: Manny and Ray share a Birthday Bash. Awww

Cake, chips, special “birthday” brownies, booze, keg, um… special party favors, courtesy of Ray and his connections. All the makings of a kick ass birthday party. The only thing missing was streamers, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, and a pinata. Manny and Ray made due however. Instead of streamers they had strippers. Instead of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, they had Put the Rubber on the Hotdog, and in place of a oh wait, they actually did have a pinata, but it was filled with candy of a more illicit sort, along with the tamer kind. Sort of a surprise grab bag. Careful what you put in your mouth, you just might like it.

The two had gone down before dark to set it all up, seeing as neither could actually see in the dark as well as the light, even with those kick ass nocturnal eyes they were born with. At least Manny’s eyes were like that, could see great in the dark, he assumed Ray’s were too, much as that motherfucker liked the dark. That might have something to do with the law though, really.

Manny snickered at the sight of the cake. Ray had said it would be “special”, but yeah. “Niice.” He chuckled some more than tore into a bag of BBQ Chips. Yum! Course his mom would pitch a fit at Manny’s choice of supper. That wouldn’t be all! There were hotdogs and marshmallows and shit to poke in the fire for later. All that partying would be hungry work. Fuck.

The fire in fact, was going nicely now. Logs had been dragged around it in a circle. Off to the side the pair had set up coolers, a keg, a table they’d “borrowed” from the school with supplies draped all over it. The two resourceful hooligans had even remembered to snag a few blankets and towels. Hey, you never know at these things.

Feb. 11th, 2008


Week Three: Friday

When: Night
Where: Off to the city
Who: Ray and Kimmy

Ray wasn’t really the hang out going shopping in the city sort of guy. In fact he was more the get high and steal in the city sort of guy. But he had promised Kim that he’d take her down into the city to go shopping for some shit and he’d stay true to his word. He just hopped her list of things she needed wasn’t all that extensive. Cash wasn’t the problem, he was making a damn bit of money from his dealings with the snake. The problem was more that Ray would probably go nuts in a store if he had to stand around staring at the latest “fashion trends” listening to gossipy bitches the entire time. His tolerance level to stupidity just wasn’t that high.

Rolling out of bed Ray grumbled a bit as he got ready. Typical guy grumbling. You know the whole fuck I gotta actually move sort of grumbling. Worn jeans were tugged on, a clean enough t-shirt and a black hoodie. Too bad for Kimmy that he didn’t even bother to run a comb through his hair. That messy look was totally the fucking style. Right. So he was just a lazy ass, it worked for him.

It was probably no surprise that Ray popped a few pills before heading out to the commons area to meet up with Kim. If he was late or early he didn’t even fucking know by that point. It was a nice good blur for him. Not as fucking take you over as the shit Manny was popping the other day but it was going to make this whole shopping excursion a hell of a lot easier. Maybe he’d make a few pit stops while Kimmy was off shopping. There were a few in the city that bought from him, probably good to pay those fuckers a visit. Eh he’d see how the day went.

If he had spotted Manny around on his way out of the room he probably would have grabbed that pansy fucker and dragged him along for the fun filled trip down to the city. The bitch was no where to be found though, shitty. They could have used the time to pick up some shit for Saturday. Supplies were needed…looked like Ray was going to be stuck doing all the work. Fancy fucking that one. Just meant that he’d be picking up all the liquor he liked. Fuck the rest of the masses, Ray just wanted the good shit for himself thank you.

Alright so he’d pick up some other crap too. Wouldn’t be much of a party if he was the only one wasted.

Rolling his neck a bit Ray wandered into the commons area, giving a look around before flopping his ass down onto a couch. He hadn’t spotted Kimmy but he hadn’t exactly looked all that much either…so she could be there already waiting for him. If so she was going to have to smack him upside the head and say she was ready to get this show on the damn road.

Alright so what else did he have to pick up? Booze…booze….booze….videos of Manny’s mom….booze…maybe grab some grub, fuck he knew he was going to end up with the munchies.

Yeah had to make sure to get the booze too…
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Feb. 5th, 2008


Week Three: Monday

Who: Aimee and Kim
Where: Aimee's office
When: Monday afternoon
What: Kim finally meets her guide teacher

Kim yawned loudly as she walked out of her Inner Beast Control class. After a week, she still found the class to be rather boring. She didn’t understand why she just couldn’t get into the topics. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she’d been forced to control her every action every breathing moment of her life. Yeah, that definitely had to be it. She didn’t feel like being lectured at about control again. She’d heard it all before and she felt that she already had a pretty good grip on it, so why bother? Unfortunately, this was one of the few classes she was allowed to take this quarter because she had arrived so late into it. Oh well, at least she learned now so she wouldn’t choose to take the class later on down the line.

She turned into a different hallway and grumbled softly as she adjusted her school bag and her bow and arrow carrying case across her shoulders. In the middle of Archery class, her stomach had decided that it needed something else to eat before Inner Beast Control, so she promptly listened and ran off toward the cafeteria. And because of that, she didn’t have enough time to drop off her equipment in her room. Wonderful. She was now regretting that decision and silently scolded herself for not having eaten enough before Archery class.

She walked a little further down this new hallway, stopping a few times to readjust all the stuff on her back, before she stopped in front of an office door. She looked at the name on the door.. Aimee Vassar. Yeah, this was the right office. Kim had already been at Halcyon for a week, but she still hadn’t talked to her guide teacher, which actually was the first thing the scout had told her to do. Whoops. Better late than never, right? Kim stifled a yawn as she raised her right hand and knocked on the office door.

Jan. 21st, 2008


Week Two: Wednesday

Who: Kim and Rufus
When: Directly after Inner Beast Control
Where: The Halls of Halcyon

The second week of school, was proving to be far less eventful, than the previous one. Granted, it was only Wednesday, and he's been spending a great deal of time in his dorm. Practicing his guitar, not surprising. But was surprising, was that he had been worrying about his clothes. Every day jeans, t-shirt, trainers, and a jacket were fine. For this weekend though... going out for drinks. The normal get up wouldn't do. Problem was, he didn't have much else, and there weren't many people at the school, the same height he was. Therefore, he couldn't exactly ask to burrow a nice button, or something.

Rufus would have to settle for his least patched up close for the.... well... He wouldn't call it a date, because he didn't think it was. Not because he didn't want it to be, but because he honestly did not know. What did she think it was? Blimey, he was confused, and nervous. He never got nervous, not Rufus. The calm bloke, that was almost zin like. Well, maybe he wasn't that calm, but damn close.

That whole event aside, he was finding his classes more, and more interesting. Supernatural history seemed to be confirming quite a few of the Indian folklore, which he had heard back home. No wonder those people believed in it so adamantly, it was all true. It gave a better picture, to what people may have been thinking, and experiencing, when some of the ancient text had been written. Italian was quite nice as well. He'd never gotten than hang of local dialect back home, he could understand it, just not speak it. Italian seemed to be his forte though. Maybe he would go to Italy one day. Actually, he was fairly sure he would, he had the strongest urge to travel the world, before returning home. He was young after all, so why not?

Then you had inner beast control. Rufus was trying to be optimistic about it all, seeing that it was only the second week, but... well, he'd been shifting for years, and wasn't so sure he'd be able to harness the type of control, that the professor spoke about. Maybe it would come with time, maybe he had more control, than he was giving himself credit for. Sighing heavily, he followed the crowd from the room, his hands tucked into the pockets of his worn, baggy jeans. The next full moon would be interesting.

Jan. 15th, 2008


Week One: Sunday

When: Afternoon
Where: Large Commons room near main entry way
Who: Ray and anyone crashing the gaming gathering

Ah the early ass time of two pm. For Ray it was feeling like still too damned early but with the promising of gaming in his near future he managed to roll his lazy ass out of the bed. That did include a full roll and a nice dull thud as he hit the ground and crawled his way over to where he’d dropped some shorts. Shower first, maybe then he could actually see straight. It was a lofty goal for the still buzzed dog but hey it was a damned start now wasn’t it? Better then Manny who was still passed the fuck out. Oh bet your ass he was getting a controller to the head when Ray got back. Payback was a bitch.

The weekend for Ray was a giant damn blur. Friday he’d slept through classes and right after them made his way down into the city. He lifted a few cds from a place and bought himself a damned killer bong from another place. His own was long gone; jail apparently hadn’t felt the need to give that back to him on his release. Fuckers. Course after grabbing some grub he hit up Hell for some jello wrestling watching. Course he’d gone looking at that. Hot babes rolling around in something sticky…what dude wasn’t going to take some time to look?

Lots of drinks, a damn lot of pills popped and his night was spent in a private room with some sweet ass fae with one hot ass and a love for biting. Was Ray’s sort of style, plus it didn’t hurt that each time he nipped he got a whole bunch of dust on his tongue. Yeah by the end of the night he was flying high. Not that he really had an end to the night. He passed out at a back booth for a bit but yeah from Friday to Saturday he was pretty much club bound.

Saturday was music and though Ray could be a picky bastard some of the bands weren’t all that bad. He went up into heaven to check out those bands for all of like thirty fucking seconds before moseying back on down to hell. A bit more his style, fancy fucking that one huh? Some killer tunes and good times. Ray ran into more then a few people he knew but hell if he probably remember half of it. Was pretty damn common for Ray to be long gone on the weekends.

Somehow or another he dragged his ass back to the school sometime near to five or six….least that’s what the numbers on the clock had looked like but for all he knew it could have been any damn time. He was near certain that the dragging part had included dragging Manny too but he wasn’t 100% on that one. Didn’t matter, both were crashed in the room all the damn same.

A good long shower to wake him up, a throw of some random shit to get Manny moving, the day was slowly moving. Ray threw on whatever shit was around and planned a stop to the cafeteria for some grub. He was god damned starving! Ravenous even. Pretty common after a weekend of not bothering to eat much of anything, he was far more concerned with the drinking.

He knew Manny would be bringing his ass around eventually. Ray let that rat bastard do what he wanted. All he did was grab up the gaming shit once he was done eating and lugged it all down to the commons room to get everything set up. No stop onto any computers or checking crap like that, hell if he cared about any of it. He had some gaming to get started and some egos to knock down a few levels.

About a half hour later everything was all set up. Ray had dragged in another tv from a commons room near by and was ready to get shit started. He didn’t even wait for people to show, hell if they didn’t he was still going to game. He started right into an online team slayer match on Halo 3.