Sep. 5th, 2008


Week Seventeen: Tuesday

Who: Cassandra and Max
When: Tuesday after classes
Where: Outside

Where had she put her backpack! Cassandra flipped her head over and peered under her desk. She'd sworn she'd just had her bag, after all she had just come back from class. Where could it have gone! Milo peered at her curiously from where he was completely ensconced in a circle of comforter on Cassandra's bed. Yes, his owner was completely losing her mind. It had something to do with the large pile of cookies and sandwiches that she'd hurried down to the cafeteria and kitchens to gather up. She just needed to empty out her backpack so she could all that in there. Oh yeah, and go out to meet Max for a bit of flying.

So maybe that was what had her a bit more scattered than normal.

It was in a good way, at least she hoped it was. She would be lying though if she wasn't a little worried. It was warm out, frustrating part of summer! But she worried that leaving hte t-shirt she had on would be pushing the boundaries of what she had worked so hard on. The necklace she always wore was helpful, there was no denying that but... Cassandra just really didn't want to ruin something that was easily the highlight of her week. Hopefully it would be. She just didn't want to turn into the lowlight...

Finally! Cassandra spied the worn blue bag under the edge of her bed. She must have kicked it there in her haste to get ready. She pulled it up and quickly emptied it of the books and notes she seemed to have in excess. The schoolwork was replaced quickly by the food she'd gathered as well as some bottles of water. That seemed the easiest thing to grab. She slung the bag over her shoulder and reluctantly grabbed a zip up sweatshirt. Better safe than sorry right... though being a hot sweaty mess while being held in the air by someone who... even Cassandra could admit it, was attractive.. wasn't exactly high on her to do list.

The experience was more important than that though right? And there would be wind, hopefully! Everything gathered up in her arms, Cassandra hurried over to give Milo a rub goodbye, promising to be back later with treats and she was out the door. Managing not to trip down the stairs with the speed at which she was moving was an accomplishment and she almost gave herself a pat on the back for it! Cassandra pushed open the large doors to the front of the school and took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the sunlight after being inside for so long. Shading her blue orbs she scanned the front of the school looking for Max.