Jul. 7th, 2008


Week 13: Sunday

Who: Ayolinda and Peck
Where: Rocky shoreline
When: Saturday afternoon
What: She summons more than a seal to the shore.

This close proximity to others wasn't entirely working out for her. While Ayolinda had gone to schools in more populated areas, she'd planned it so that at least three days of the week could still be spent at a location by the ocean. Staying in her father's house, it was impossible not to, but Halcyon was packed so much more tightly with people. At least the shore was.

Already she'd left two shorelines after seeing a curious head pop up or a glimmer of someone overhead and she'd closed her mouth. It wasn't that she had to sing. It was just the thing she'd always done for herself. Ayolinda got why her song could lure, she felt it more strongly than anyone else. The song was like therapy. She had no aspirations to sing professionally, or even for a crowd. Her songs were passionate songs of longing. When she was eight her father had taken her to see Amalia Rodrigues in Los Angeles, of all places. She had said that night that all her love songs were sad, because that is what she knew how to sing.

Ayolinda had grown obsessed with fado after she had lost her wings. Saudade, that undefinable emotion of longing or loss for something you just could not have. That want, the despair, the negative swirling that, in many ways, was beautiful because it opened up your emotions to memories and thoughts that filled you with rememberance. That was why they had fado for one's homecountry, parents, or anything people sometimes lost and could never get back.

After a few test bars, Ayolinda let loose. Sitting on a large rock, her sandals still on the shore, the hem of her rolled linen capris was wet with sea water as the waves splashed up against her feet. It was cold, but it was worth the strange feeling of contentment she felt when you were just in the water and could look out into the endless horizon.

She knew her family and others could possibly hear her. Her voice pulled at people, tugged at their hearts, even if just a little. Only once had she recorded herself, if only to confirm how beautiful her voice could be. But it seemed a pity to hear it come out so tinny when the air would twist it in so many wonderful ways as she could sing with everything or as little as she wanted at the water. Sometimes in Cape Verde dolphins would appear in the water to hear her, the setting sun, she remembered, would shine off their bodies.

Eyes closed, she sang a much longer rendition of Em Aranjuez Com Teu Amor than had probably ever been recorded, but she took it slowly, savoring each word and phrase and repeating them when she felt it. When she stopped, all she could hear was the waves moving, but she had a startle when someone's face came into sight as her re-opened eyes adjusted to the light. There were no words, only an accusation in those eyes of having her private moment --which had to have involved roughly hundreds of miles of ocean-- disturbed.
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Jul. 5th, 2008


Week Thirteen: Tuesday

Who: Kim and Peck
When: After classes
Where: The Pool
What: The making of a new friend

Halcyon. Magical, grand, the top of Supernatural learning. And all bullshit. This place was like a Hogwarts full of muggles. Peck, he would have undoubtedly been in Slytherin, thanks to his less than expecting ways of those different from him. Yeah.... don't even ask how he knows about those books. Long story, and the truth of which he would deny. He had found the place to be thus far, really disappointing. The number of humans, or former humans didn't exactly help his mood, but... even those from supernatural families seemed to be very human. He thought here, or all places he could be himself, but no. It was just like being back home, only you couldn't really escape someone if they pissed you off, you had to see them in the halls, or worse, in class.

Not to mention, most of which were annoying. They all thought they knew everything, and that they were never wrong. So much arrogance in less deserving races, it made him ill. In truth, he wasn't sure how long he could stick it out here. Already he wanted to report back to his father, and tell him just what sort of school this was. How the students were. There was no way he would be pleased with such news. Then again, he wasn't really sure how to contact them. They didn't have a phone, and not really much of an address. He was stranded on an island, miles upon miles away from his clan, with no way to call for help. He was fucked, for the most part. At least until this next... break, where he heard that students could request passage back home. Uh, yeah, he'd be all over that.

He couldn't bitch too much, there was the sea. Oh wait, yeah he could, the water was cold compared to home. That would take some time getting used to. But, they did have this indoor pond, the water of which was a lot warmer that the ocean. Problem still stood that he wouldn't transform in it, fresh water, and what not. Plus, you really couldn't recreate the ocean, but, he was willing to give it a try. After attempting a couple of assignments, he slipped on a pair of red board shorts, flip flops, and slung a towel over his shoulder. After being lost for nearly ten minutes, he came upon the pool, a few people seemed to be just coming out of it. He watched them carefully for a moment, not speaking, but rather glaring. Once it was all his, he laid his towel aside, slipped from his shoes, and sat down at the edge of the pool.

He allowed his feet to dangle in the water for a moment. Nothing happened, he would have to swim like a human. As disgusting, and unnatural as it was to swim with legs, he knew how. Slipping into the water, he allowed himself to sink to the bottom, he floated there for a long moment, his eyes moving around the naked tank. What was the appeal? There was nothing interesting to see under here, no one to talk to. Boring. When he finally resurfaced, it was to find that he was no longer alone in the room. A hand moved to his hair, pushing it up, and out of the way, before he spoke to her. "You're in one of my classes." He called, swimming to the edge of the water. "Kim, right?"
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Jun. 28th, 2008


Week 12 - Thursday

Who: Jaida and Peck
Where: Main common room
When: Sometime that night
What: Jaida is bored and taking it out on others. Beware!

Bored, bored....fucking bored, that's what she was. That's what she had been for the entire duration of this crappy ass break. Being stuck at school had been just about the worst thing possible, seeing as most everyone she gave a damn about got to jet for the extended vacay. Sure there was a bit of scattered time with Charlie and that fucking peachy night of drinks with Senor Bitey himself, but Jaida was nearing boredom overload and when that happened, there was nothing left to do but find some way to amuse herself - no matter the cost.

Tonight she'd taken over one of the main common rooms, turned the tv to some random indie flick and proceeded to slouch into a chair until even the drivel on-screen couldn't hold her attention. Maybe it was time to visit her goodie bag...there had to be something in it that would provide even ten minutes of relief from this mind-numbing dullness. Hmmm....tequila, well she'd just set that on the table for now. Ooooh, some coke for later, that was tucked away into the bright purple lace of her bra for safe keeping. Random clothes, a pair of shoes, random CDs, make-up...fuck....A-HA! Ok, so it wasn't some genius way to keep herself from ODing just for some action, but at least it would give her a good laugh or two.

Sliding back into her chair, Jaida slid it over just a bit so that she had a perfect view of the doorway into the main hall. Tearing into the bag of rubber bands that had oh so recently been stuffed into the corner of her bag, she twisted it around until it make a little gun-like fixture on her hand. All she had to do was wait until she heard footsteps, then take aim and let it fly! It took her awhile to get her timing down and oh the poor little freshies that must have suffered for her art. After a while she could hear them coming and fire without ever glancing up from what she was watching, choking back her laughter at the confused cries of pain (and anger) that echoed back to her. Yeah, it was a pretty elementary thing to be doing, but who the fuck cared? At least she wasn't off burning down school property or anything. They should be thankful she could show such initiative!

Ooooh, another pair of footsteps was approaching! Eyes on the screen ahead (cause she was oh-so-innocent), Jaida lined up her aim, just waiting for her unknowing prey to cross in front of the doorway. At just the right time she let loose her little rubber band of doom, finding herself victorious as she head that sharp slap of rubber against skin. Yes! That totally sounded like a ten pointer! She was getting scary good at this.
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