Apr. 13th, 2008


Week Seven: Tuesday

Who: Serghei and open
Where: Halcyon Main Hall
When: Late afternoon
What: Serghei say hello

Serghei wasn't much for casual dress. What he was wearing underneath his clothes was often more interesting than what went over them. Navy track pants and a loose-fitting muscle tank. His shoulders and arms bulged underneath the fabric and drew more than a few curious stares. His tattooed head and sincere expression only made him easier to identify as a new face at Halcyon.

He'd wandered out of Terrene House and was staring at a large map of the school, tracing certain landmarks with his fingers as he made out the words. Many of them were rather specific verbiage that he was unfamiliar with. Cafeteria, for example. After five minutes he had concluded it had to be like a café of sorts. A small café? English made very little sense. He knew he should have worked harder to learn how to read and write the language, but it wasn't like he could do either in arabic any better.

The people at the school weren't like the ones he knew, local boys and girls living in the same cities that their parents had been born in. He was usually the foreigner. In larger cities the strange ones were from surrounding countryside. Here, though, people were from all around. Talking about places in America and Europe he did not know of. Serghei's world had expanded dramatically upon his arrival and, for the moment, he wondered if he wasn't too behind to ever catch up.

It didn't bother him that much, not knowing hadn't bothered him in an extreme way before. Most people wished they were better educated, or so he thought. "main-ten-nancey" he murmured to himself, tracing his finger across the unfamiliar word. Part of his issues with reading came from his self-consciousness. Serghei still moved his lips and mumbled what he read or he had trouble understanding some of the more complicated words.
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Mar. 21st, 2008


Week Six: Friday

Where: Heaven
When: Friday Night
What: Charity Date Auction

Eva was something beyond excited. It fluttered about her with nervous energy. If she were out in the open water no doubt there would have been small eddies forming around her in response to the energy she gave off with each and every breath as she hurried about Heaven getting all the last finishing touches done on her crowning achievement. Eva had done her fair share of party planning over the years at Halcyon, she loved being in the mix helping set a mood. And let's face it the girl loved a party... especially a theme party.

But this was something more. It was something that had been entirely her idea. Born of... who the hell knew where but it did put together all her favorite things. Flirting, dating, runway shows, Heaven... the list really could go on. Even in her egotistical glory Eva knew that she couldn't have completed this event without the girls that had volunteered to help out. Taylor, Sam and Frankie had been fantastic, picking up on all the things that Eva was horrible at... you know like the practical aspects of the whole event.

The night had a beach theme as was befitting the charity chosen for the evening and Eva couldn't have been happier. Heaven had been decked out, Vale's assistant proved to be more than helpful at helping her organize the decorations and getting the staff to help out. A runway had been constructed with a podium at the back where Eva planned to do her auctioning from. Tropical plants lined the runway for the dates to strut their stuff along. Eva was almost jealous that she wasn't doing any strutting herself and with the outfit she'd donned for the night... she felt like she could. Perhaps not traditionally beach themed but it was a swimming suit... of sorts and as the auctioneer she thought she needed to glam it up and set herself a part a little.

But when didn't Eva think she needed to set herself a part from the crowd.

Eva exchanged a few last words with the bartenders for the night, making sure that mai tais and other tropical drinks were the order for the night. She wove her way through the tables that had been set up a bit aside from the runway, brightly colored umbrellas over them to add to the theme. She ensured that there was plenty of food ready for people attending and finally she made sure that man at the door was ready to take the $10 dollar cover charge. It was for a charity after all!

Now all she had to do was make sure that the meat er... the dates were ready for their big night!

ooc posting information )

Jan. 1st, 2008


Week One: Wednesday

When: Just a little before eight
Where: Commons room
Who: Jasper and Eva

Jasper wasn't all together certain why it was Eva wanted to meet up with him. He'd never studied with her before and he was certain there were many others that wouldn't mind helping her study that were likely more entertaining then he was. Studying wasn't typically about entertainment really but...it didn't sound like she really wanted to study either. Still even slightly confused on the why Jasper had agreed to meet with Eva today.

The day for him had been fairly normal. He went to his classes, listening vaguely as he read ahead in chapters and finished up future homework assignments. During his breaks he made his way to the library, helping them in sorting through the mess that he knew a certain little demon had helped to cause. Lucky for them that Jasper knew the library so well and could quickly sort through the piles of books without any real direction or explanation needed. From the sounds of it the mess could have been far worse...which he was glad it hadn't been. He knew the library staff went through a lot of work to keep things organized and the head librarian...well she didn’t like anything out of place so this mess had to be getting to her.

After his last class he'd briefly stopped into the cafeteria to grab and apple or two and spent the next few hours sitting outside reading. The weather was finally starting to lighten up a bit and Jasper was quick to take advantage of the fact that it wasn't raining today. Not that that meant everything was dried out, far from it. it was going to take a lot more clear days for that to happen. But Jasper didn't mind the still slightly cool air. He just found a bench around the outskirts of the school and made himself at home for awhile.

In fact he was so immersed in the book and comfortable where he was that he nearly lost track of time. The sun had set yes but that happened some time before eight. All he did was pull out a flashlight and continue to read. Somehow he managed to catch sight of the time on his watch before eight rolled around. Normally Jasper was rather punctual and never missed appointments but every now and again even he could sort of get lost in whatever it was that had his attention at the moment.

Books were shoved into his bag and quickly he rushed back towards the school, barely having enough time to make it to his room to grab new books and switch out his hoodie for a dryer one. While he was there he had looked around the commons room and halls for Micah but he wasn’t there, which really was no surprise. Micah always tended to be busy at night, never really showing up at the room till the later hours when he finally crashed for the night. But by habit Jasper left him a note like he always tended to, not that it was ever really that difficult to guess where Jasper would be or how to find him.

With his heavy book bag in hand Jasper left Zephyr house and made his way through the halls towards the commons room near House Aquatic. He was all too tempted to dart out for a cigarette before showing but with a glance to his watch he dismissed that idea and just went straight there. Really he wasn’t even late, he arrived early in fact. But Jasper hated to be late…he always thought it was rude to the other person even if he never minded if others were late in meeting with him.

The room was empty when he arrived, biting his lip slightly Jasper placed his bag on the floor by a chair and took a seat. Briefly eyes glanced to his watch again and idly, though he didn’t even realize it, a cigarette that had been tucked behind his ear was now being rolled between his fingers while he waited.
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