Sep. 20th, 2008


Week Eighteen: Friday

Who: Evelyn and Xander
Where: Music Club, and then the Pit
When: Friday Late Afternoon/Evening

It had been a busy week at school, which was probably a good thing in the end. Lyn preferred to be occupied than not. And she'd met some interesting new people, and that was saying the least. Last night had been so relaxing though, especially after all the activity of the festival the day before that. She'd had the chance to indulge in a bath. The water had been cool, a nice and stark contrast to the recent weather. She had drifted off with the gentle laps of the water up to her chest. The book she had brought with her was forgotten as she dozed in and out.

Even so, when she was able to tuck herself in that night from her bathing, she found her dreams became a little more than they were before. Truly as if she had drifted outside of herself, and when she awoke she didn't exactly feel rested. As if she would have done as well just staying up all night. So vivid. It felt so real. She was half-distracted most of the day in class, and tired to the point that she was tempted to beg off. But the day actually went by fairly fast. And who couldn't muster the energy to at least get through the last day of classes for the week?

The music club meeting at the end of the day went on as planned. After the 'business' at hand she smiled and nodded as everyone else began to filter out, getting ready for their own weekends. And meanwhile Lyn looked across the room to the one other person that had planned on lingering as well. A bright red blush touched her cheeks as she actually watched Xander for the first time the entire meeting. It wasn't that she'd deliberately avoided him, but she was careful not to gaze at him too closely.

Finally, she stood, picking herself up as she moved over to him. Even so, she couldn't hide the yawn that came unbidden to her lips. "Excuse me," she said not wanting him to think it reflected on the activity at hand. She wasn't bored, just a little tired. "So. Did you finish that sheet music? Or have you been too occupied since Monday to really care," she smiled.
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Sep. 18th, 2008


Week Eighteen: Tuesday

Who: Evelyn and Ita
Where: Lakeside in the woods
When: Tuesday, Later Afternoon

After being inside all day yesterday, there was no way that Lyn was going to subject herself to that again. Though she had an interesting conversation with a vampire, and got a lot of reading and studying done, today was her day. Everything had closed down in town fairly early, which left her with some free time and thus she had to find something else to do closer to the school. So, despite the fog cover, she decided to tip toe her way through the wooded areas close by.

Granted, it was as thick as she was warned, but Lyn had the advantage of woodland training. And the fact taht she'd come to know this particular area rather well. She could easily pick her way through the trees and brushes. Their pattern was as familiar to her as her own skin. Step here, move there, and this tree...ancient and strong. And this other, gathering it's life from underground water sources. She was getting closer.

Finding the lake wasn't hard, and it was as undisturbed as she had hoped to find it. In fact, the forest itself was eerily quiet. As if the fog had managed to surpress sound as well as some sight. She shed her top easily, revealing the bikini she had snuck on beneath her clothes. It was only moments before she was ready to slide into the water. It was still fairly hot, at least as far as this northwesterner turned Canadian was concerned. And the water was cool to the skin and welcomed.

Lyn took full advantage as she ducked her head beneath the disturbed surface, letting herself sink for a moment before rising up again and breaking through to take a fresh breath of air. She pushed her hair back and swam a little ways into it. It was days like this one, she truly enjoyed being at the school. Even the earth mage could appreciate the liquid refreshment, especially surrounded by such old beauty.
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Sep. 4th, 2008


Week 17: Friday Evening

Who: Xander and Evelyn
Where: Music Club meeting room after the club, then maybe Kat’s party bar
When: Friday night after the club

For the most part, Xander was fully convinced that most ‘clubs’ were a waste of time. Sure, they gave you extra credit but what did they really do for you in the long run? Not a whole lot, unless you really were planning on going pro in one of the sports clubs, or even the dance club. He would even say the same about the music club, except, of course, the fact he had gone pro in the field would’ve turned his own argument against him.

But even against his better nature, he found that he did enjoy the club quite a bit. There was quite a bit of talent within its membership. Even a few names that he recognized from the game. Still amused him a little bit, that Ada Crowe was at the school, one of those poor victims of an out of control were creature. Her music had helped to inspire his own band’s particular music setup as well. That she was in the club as well, was just another bonus that it had in his mind. After all, if you were going to learn, you might as well learn from someone who was quite successful, right?

Then, there was the view. Even if he wasn’t an Incubus, one couldn’t argue against the view. Some of the best looking girls in the school were musicians of some stripe, it would seem. And that was something that he wasn’t ever going to argue against. In fact, it was one good argument for just continuing his membership in the club. The eye candy was enough to keep him smiling for the entire night afterwards. Although, that particular night he had other plans for ‘eye candy’. A party in a bar, after all, was always good for finding some woman to seduce. Even if it was that loud mouthed Kat who was throwing it. He really needed to ask them to keep it down next door, or at least move the bed so it wasn’t constantly slamming into his wall while they were doing each other.

But, he stayed a little while after the music club had ended. He had found a niche while they were all goofing off. One that his mind had focused on. So, even while the others were getting up and leaving, the demon settled himself into a corner with his guitar and began to play it. He had gotten a tune in his head during the practice, and he was trying to figure out how to pull it off, or at the very least getting it out into the open, and the hell out of his head where it would be stuck all night otherwise. And that got to be even more annoying than anything else. So focused on it, was he, that he didn’t even noticed that not everyone had left just yet.
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Apr. 30th, 2008


Week Eight: Wednesday

WHO: Aramil and Evelyn
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: Wooded area at the school

Some things you need an entire weekend to recover from. In Evelyn's case, this was entirely too true. It had been awhile since she had indulged in a party like that one. Quite awhile. And it had been quite awhile since she had indulged in other things too, which just bought a coy smile to her face at the thought. It was one strange week. At least she remembered quite a bit this time. She couldn't promise she recalled it all in stark detail, but did she really need to?

There was something else she got to celebrate last week too. Her 18th birthday. Though it had been a rather quiet affair. She didn't do much to mark it. She spent time mostly to herself and on the phone back home to her family, her grandmother and father. And even her brother Michael had called to wish her a happy birthday. Really? It was a most unexpected week to say the least.

The last couple of days she basically went through her classes in full concentration. It was about the only way she was going to retain anything thrown at her. Not because of any residual effects of anything. That had long sense worn off. But just because she was just distracted. Throughly and utterly distracted. And for reasons that were entirely mundane. And this afternoon, that will only too soon give way to evening, she finds herself relaxing and enjoying the weather. It was beautiful outside. Perfect, really. Granted, she liked it just a tad bit cool outside, but this would do nicely.

She diverted a bit through the woods toward a lake she had stumbled across one day in her flight practice. Maybe...well, it had been just a little since she had a free swim in such gorgeous warmth.
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Apr. 2nd, 2008


Week Seven: Thursday

Who: Everyone who received an invite, and their guest (Check Wes' page, if you're not sure about an invite.)
Where: Gun Smoke Tattoo
When: Thursday Night
What: Shop Warming party, and small gig

There was a goal here. After living in Vegas, having been to so many bitchin' parties, your standards for them rose. The normal, punch, and cookies, with a shit ass dj, lurking in some corner, wouldn't cut it here. Hell no. The goal, was to make this party, just as fucking killer, as any party he'd been to in Vegas. To make those parties jealous even. With the help of his friends, and brothers, it seemed as if that was going to happen. All the elements were in place, now it would be down to those in attendance, to make the most of it. Wes was sure of one thing, he was going to have an amazing time, there would be no stopping that.

The Spooks had been a huge help, in their time on the island. While Wes tended to his classes, they took care of setting up for the party. Doing little things here, and there. Anyone who came into the shop after that Monday, would notice that certain things were off. It was all in preparation. Now, it was ready, everything was good. A bar had been constructed against on the walls. Bottles, upon bottles were either stacked beneath it, or on the packing crate shelves they had built last Monday. Wes had been told that there was more than enough liquor... he was starting to question whether it was enough. Also available at the bar, one would find certain goodies upon request. That was one good thing, about knowing drug dealers. They made excellent party guest. Aside from the bar, another sofa had been added to the sitting area, similar to the one all ready occupying the space, but not nearly as detailed.
Let the fun begin. )

Mar. 15th, 2008


Week Six: Tuesday

When: Late Afternoon
Where: Hopefully where no one can see! (Nearby clearing to House Zephyr)
Who: Evelyn and Micah
What: Flight Lesson!

It wasn't ever anything that Lyn found odd.

Her mother died when she was so young, she only had bits and pieces of memory of her. She does remember her mother's wings, but they were so uniquely her mother...that Evelyn never thought to question why she didn't have wings. Her father didn't have them and neither did her grandmother.

Still, even without wings, it seemed her genetics found her and she was gifted with the same power of flight that is the heritage of her mother's people. Even after she met up with other Fae, it just wasn't a priority for her. It made her feel even more different, kind of freakish. Though her boyfriend at the time was instrumental in assuring her that it was anything but freakish, that everything in her fae blood was more natural than she could imagine.

If only she'd taken more of an interest in flight before her accident, she might not be a little weary of being so high up. She already knows first hand how bad a fall can be from a given height. But if she's going to master this, she's going to have to master her fear. Which is why she made her way away from Terrene house to meet up with someone who can hopefully help with that.
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Mar. 7th, 2008


Week Five: Friday

Who: Evelyn and Ari
When: Friday Night
Where:: Heaven and Hell

It's been a couple of weeks now which means Evelyn's had a chance to find her way around, get to know some people, and generally get acclimated to life at Halcyon Halls.

Which means now she is feeling just a little bit restless.

Lyn was quiet as a mouse as she put her ear to the door and listened for any noise out in the hallway. Nothing. And there probably wouldn't be. It was getting late, but that's usually the time when everything started happening.

There were rules around here to be followed. And normally, Lyn was the type to follow them. But what could be the harm in just going out to have a little fun? Besides. Her 18th birthday was only a couple of weeks away. So that meant what she was doing wasn't too bad.

Her door secured, she tip toed across her room even though she was the only one there. She opened her window, a shiver of goosebumps raised along her arms. It wasn't that cold compared to where she grew up, but it was that tinge of excitement. The night air was cool and she could see the dark clouds as they floated lazily overhead. It would probably rain before morning, but she would be back in long before then.

A last check across the grounds, she made sure no one was within eyesight and then she carefully stepped up to the ledge and over the edge. She floated there a moment, careful in her concentration as she floated herself to the ground.

Again, she stopped, crouching slightly, she listened. A quick scan of the area and then she nodded once. So far, so good. She stood up and quickly made her way across the clearing.

It was finally time to see what Heaven and Hell was all about.
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Feb. 14th, 2008


Week Three: Sunday

Who: Alessa and Lyn
Where: Library
When: Early afternoon

Alessa couldn't help the small smile that came over her face as she quietly pushed open the door to the library. It was, without a doubt, one of her favorite places in the school. She wandered happily, if perhaps a little aimlessly, down one row and then up the next until she found a book that caught her eye. She stood on her toes and reached up to pull it off the shelf, careful not to knock anything down in the process. Once she had it in her grasp, Alessa caressed the cover lightly before looking around for somewhere to sit and read.

She found a chair near an open window, a slight breeze coming through. She could see the trees and bushes outside beginning to bud, and grinned. Spring was definitely here, and her spirits were lifted by that fact. Winter always made a part inside her feel dead and useless. She figured that this probably had something to do with most of the plants going into hibernation for the cold months. Before coming to Halycon she'd never dealt with a real winter, snow and all, and it surprised just how depressed the weather had made her. But with the coming of spring and the blooming of all the plants and flowers, Alessa felt far happier than she had since her arrival.

With a small smile on her face, Alessa settled down into the chair, curled her legs under her body and opened the book. She was content and relaxed, ready for an afternoon of doing one of her favorite things in the world - reading.
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