Jun. 19th, 2008


Week Twelve: Wednesday

Who: Jasper, Micah and Cassandra
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Jasper's dorm room

Had it already been a week and a half? Cassandra could hardly believe that fact. But looking at the small planner she kept in her bag to keep track of dates and school assignments... it had been just that. But what glared up at her like a flashing fluorescent light was the Friday that was circled in red pen. That was the day that they were headed back to Halcyon. It seemed all too close all of a sudden.

It wasn't that Cassandra didn't want to go back to the school. She loved Halcyon, loved the classes and the sense of community there that she'd had for the first time in almost all her memory. She loved that she had family there and that she had friends. But she would be the first to say that it hadn't entirely been the same since Jasper left. Quiet as he could be... he was one of the first people she had met at the school aside from Sarah, God rest her soul. Micah and Jasper meant the world to her. Without them... she doubted that she would feel half as comfortable at the school as she did.

So really her reluctance to leave only had to do with the fact that she'd truly miss Jasper when they headed back to Halcyon and he remained here at this fantastic school.

It was almost too fantastic and by that Cassandra just meant that it was almost overwhelming. Well it was overwhelming. But then again Halcyon still tended to have that effect on her sometimes. So a human college full of students running to classes and socializing... easily had that effect. But she liked to think that she had weathered it through the tour of the school that Jasper had given and just the general time they had spent on campus.

Granted it was all a whole lot easier when she was with two people she trusted.

The whole dorm situation was still odd, well the fact that she was having to use the girls restrooms in another hallway and the fact that they were all crammed into Jasper's room. Thankfully it was a single! It was late but Cassandra had spent most of the day just catching up on reading in Jasper's room while he was in class and Micah was off doing whatever it was that Micah was up to that day. So the shower she'd taken had come rather late in the day. Her hair was still in a towel when she made it back to the room, though she was fully dressed thank you very much. Her typical attire, t-shirt and jeans. She wondered if she should try and find something nicer and maybe suggest they all go get something to eat... but it kind of seemed like an expense that wasn't necessary.

Cassandra was just happy spending time with the two of them. They just both needed to get back to the room!

Apr. 12th, 2008


Week Seven: Wednesday

Who: Cassandra and Jasper
Where: Outside by the cliffs
When: Wednesday after classes

She was happy for him. That was the fact that Cassandra had to keep reminding herself as the week had had progressed in what Cassandra was certain was light speed. Too fast. Too much to to. Too fast and in just a blink of her eye Jasper would be gone and she didn't know she was going to feel after that.

Well that wasn't entirely true. She knew that she'd be a lonelier and that she'd miss seeing him around the school and she'd miss leaving him baked goodies and miss trying to find new things that he might like since unlike Micah he didn't like sweets as much. But in the end she knew that it didn't really matter what she'd miss because that was just selfish. This was about Jasper finding something that would make him happy and that was worth all the pain of missing him in the world.

She knew what it was like to... not feel anything more than just okay. Like where you were was nothing more than just a place to live, better than some places and worse than others in the grand scheme of things. But it wasn't how you should live your life. Cassandra knew she was lucky enough to remember actually being happy. Her dad throwing her up in the air while she laughed until she thought she was going to cry. Birthday parties when she was small and even the smallest bit of time of a birthday party here until things had all gone terribly wrong. But, she had a horrible sinking feeling in her heart that Jasper hadn't even had those small moments to look back on and smile.

So if leaving the school and finding himself gave him even half the opportunity to have a moment or two of pure simple happiness... she would write him a million letters and send him boxes of cookies in the mail and miss him until she could see him again.

Cassandra had left a box of zucchini bread in front of their door with Jaspers name hand written on top of the box, a note attached that said she would be outside after classes and that he should bring those brochures and they could look at them. Outside was twofold. She knew Jasper was most comfortable with nature surrounding him and even if her race didn't require it, she always felt a bit more at ease with space around her and fresh air. It was almost painfully sunny, Cassandra was wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and a t-shirt in deference to the weather or she'd melt. She was slathered in sunscreen though since her skin was a bit too pale to stand up to any kind of sun without turning a bright painful pink. Her cheeks did that enough on their own.

A book was tucked in her lap where she sat cross-legged on the grass, but she wasn't really reading it. Rather she was looking out over the calm waters and just... thinking. Waiting.

Feb. 18th, 2008


Week Four: Tuesday

When: Just before sunset
Where: Outdoors, one of Jaspers favorite spots
Who: Jasper and Micah

Jasper had been keeping to himself lately. That in itself was really not all that unusual but when you factored in that he was scarcely even visiting the library and he'd not answered any requests for tutoring....that’s when it became a bit strange for him. Jasper rarely if ever did not reply to people and there hadn't been even one week since he'd been at the school that he hadn't gone to the library to help out for a few hours. But he didn't exactly want to be around people today. He hadn't wanted to be around others yesterday either. He hadn't gone to classes; he'd stayed tucked away to various spots outdoors. The beach, the gardens, a few caves or secluded trails.

He was too distracted to be of any use to anyone. He knew he could use the distraction of trying to help but...he didn't feel it was fair to only give others half of his attention. There were others that could help them with their studies better then he could anyways. Thankfully he was so far ahead in his classes that none of the teachers and tried to contact him about missing classes. At least not yet. He figured eventually they would and he'd find some answer to make them happy and likely show again the next day.

For now though he just wanted to stay where he was.

He knew that he shouldn’t let Grey get under his skin like he had but it wasn’t even really the man himself that bugged Jasper. It was just…what he represented. It was what the sight of him made Jasper remember. He had gone for years now saying he was okay, that he’d gotten over it all and had just moved forward. What else was there for him to do? In this life you survived or you fell and never went anywhere at all and Jasper had wanted to move somewhere. He needed to move somehow from the shape he’d been in before. He did well in classes, he was friendly enough, a bit secluded but lots of people into their studies were. Most would never think anything wrong.

That was exactly how Jasper had wanted it. He didn’t want anyone to know, he hadn’t even spoken to Micah about it for a long time. It didn’t do any real good to go rehashing the past. Of course he’d read enough books and spoken with enough of the teachers to know that just pushing all of it aside was not healthy but when that seemed the easiest solution it was difficult to say no to doing so.

It had worked, hadn’t it? Jasper wasn’t so sure. But he was attempting to convince himself that after a few days he’d be able to get all of this out of his head again and just go back to how he’d been before. Go back to his books, to helping out teachers or tutoring. Maybe he’d look into actually becoming a teacher’s aid rather then just sort of helping out whenever. A few days was all he needed.

Today, despite the weather, Jasper was still outdoors. He was to one of his favorite spots, a large tree a bit away from the school. The limbs of the weeping willow tree were massive, giving adequate places for Jasper to sit without anyone at all below him able to see him. Plus the way the tree was most of the falling rain was deflected, though not all of it. Jaspers hair was still wet and the cigarette at his lips continued to threaten to go out before he could finish it up.

A bag was hanging from a branch not all that far from him. Heavy in weight it was filled with textbooks but none were currently out. The bag was closed; Jasper didn’t feel like reading right now. Instead he was leaning back against the tree, staring out across the distance. Just vaguely, far out there, he could see the ocean through the rain.
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Jan. 27th, 2008


Week One: Friday

Who: Grey and Jasper
Where: Outside Halcyon main building, alcove.
When: Late-afternoon (dusk)
What: Reunited and it feels so fine

There was a lull in the thunderstorms and Grey wanted a smoke. Giving to Ada had been a fine move, he was getting some decent business. Some little rat was bound to be pissed. Grey saddled along in his black boots, Diesel Jeans, classic white t, and black leather jacket. There was a strong growth of stubble across his face. He hadn't found time to buy razors again yet.

Popping a cigarette into his mouth, he stuffed his lighter down further in his pocket. Yeah, so, he'd been there two weeks and it was high time he got some shit out of the way. It wasn't like Jasper was that hard to find, people followed similar routines and he'd found out part of his. There had just been the matter of time, the right opportunity for a 'chance' encounter.

Walking almost silently behind him, Grey was sure to attract his notice when he was a few yards from him. He got himself ready to act completely neutral when they first made eye contact. You could give yourself way in the smallest fucking way. The kid hadn't grown that big, but sometimes people here had some freakish powers. He wanted to know how everyone died, cuz he didn't think this kid could do it.

"'Ey, y'got a light?" He asked casually around his cigarette as he kept walking closer at a slow, neutral pace. Just interested, man.
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Jan. 14th, 2008


Week One: Saturday

When: Night
Where: Commons Room
Who: Jasper and Cassandra

A movie night. It was still sort of odd to Jasper to plan something like that. Typically if it were anyone but his brother asking he would politely refuse and probably spend his night buried in a book or take a walk around the school for awhile. Jasper was the sort of person that preferred to read a story rather then view one. More then that though he never quite knew how to act when it came to stuff like that. Were you supposed to stay quiet through the whole movie? Were you supposed to comment on everything? It was all sort of confusing for him. But since Cassandra was the one asking and he felt more comfortable around her then a lot of others he had agreed just like the time before.

Plus with so many people out tonight in the city it was pretty unlikely that anyone would happen upon the small commons room that they planned to watch the movie in. It was sort of secluded one, off down a hallway that most never used. It was a commons room that Jasper often hide away in to read when the weather outside just was too difficult to try to find shelter in.

Through the day Jasper had stayed to his room though which was pretty unlike him. But he wanted to catch Micah before he left for whatever he had planned for the night. It wasn’t that he really had anything he needed to say or anything. He just liked to actually see his brother from time to time. Micah was always out and about and the two didn’t really cross paths all that often. Jasper was used to it but every now and again he managed to make sure he’d cross his brother’s path for awhile.

From the room he did some work on the computer though. Helping out some teachers he ordered rare books, helped organize files, and even reviewed some online tests for a class and sent an email to the teacher with notes on what he thought was good and what would be better reworded so it wouldn’t sound like a trick question. He liked being helpful and he knew the teachers appreciated it which was all the payment Jasper needed for tasks like that.

Like he had thought just before sunset his brother came crashing into the room. Set to get ready for something or another. They hung out for a little bit but Jasper didn’t want to make Micah late for whatever he was doing, Jasper’s guess was the club to listen to the music by local bands. And he didn’t want to be late in meeting Cassandra, late was something Jasper didn’t like to be at all. Even if it was just a meeting with friends or something casual..he always tried to be early all the same.

It was also his job to bring snacks apparently so he had to make sure to leave himself time to go by the cafeteria.

A hooded sweatshirt was tugged on over a plain black tshirt. Jeans were ragged and worn but Jasper didn’t mind. His shoes had seen better days, really all the outfit had, but Jasper was comfortable. He gave a wave to Micah before leaving, his bag slung over his shoulder that would soon enough be filled with some snacks. Popcorn, veggies and dip, juice, he wasn’t the chips and soda type.

A little early Jasper found himself in the commons room, the snacks put on the table before he tucked himself away near to the window to smoke. He preferred to go outside but he didn’t think he had time. So just having his head nearly out the window while he smoked would have to do.

Jan. 1st, 2008


Week One: Wednesday

When: Just a little before eight
Where: Commons room
Who: Jasper and Eva

Jasper wasn't all together certain why it was Eva wanted to meet up with him. He'd never studied with her before and he was certain there were many others that wouldn't mind helping her study that were likely more entertaining then he was. Studying wasn't typically about entertainment really but...it didn't sound like she really wanted to study either. Still even slightly confused on the why Jasper had agreed to meet with Eva today.

The day for him had been fairly normal. He went to his classes, listening vaguely as he read ahead in chapters and finished up future homework assignments. During his breaks he made his way to the library, helping them in sorting through the mess that he knew a certain little demon had helped to cause. Lucky for them that Jasper knew the library so well and could quickly sort through the piles of books without any real direction or explanation needed. From the sounds of it the mess could have been far worse...which he was glad it hadn't been. He knew the library staff went through a lot of work to keep things organized and the head librarian...well she didn’t like anything out of place so this mess had to be getting to her.

After his last class he'd briefly stopped into the cafeteria to grab and apple or two and spent the next few hours sitting outside reading. The weather was finally starting to lighten up a bit and Jasper was quick to take advantage of the fact that it wasn't raining today. Not that that meant everything was dried out, far from it. it was going to take a lot more clear days for that to happen. But Jasper didn't mind the still slightly cool air. He just found a bench around the outskirts of the school and made himself at home for awhile.

In fact he was so immersed in the book and comfortable where he was that he nearly lost track of time. The sun had set yes but that happened some time before eight. All he did was pull out a flashlight and continue to read. Somehow he managed to catch sight of the time on his watch before eight rolled around. Normally Jasper was rather punctual and never missed appointments but every now and again even he could sort of get lost in whatever it was that had his attention at the moment.

Books were shoved into his bag and quickly he rushed back towards the school, barely having enough time to make it to his room to grab new books and switch out his hoodie for a dryer one. While he was there he had looked around the commons room and halls for Micah but he wasn’t there, which really was no surprise. Micah always tended to be busy at night, never really showing up at the room till the later hours when he finally crashed for the night. But by habit Jasper left him a note like he always tended to, not that it was ever really that difficult to guess where Jasper would be or how to find him.

With his heavy book bag in hand Jasper left Zephyr house and made his way through the halls towards the commons room near House Aquatic. He was all too tempted to dart out for a cigarette before showing but with a glance to his watch he dismissed that idea and just went straight there. Really he wasn’t even late, he arrived early in fact. But Jasper hated to be late…he always thought it was rude to the other person even if he never minded if others were late in meeting with him.

The room was empty when he arrived, biting his lip slightly Jasper placed his bag on the floor by a chair and took a seat. Briefly eyes glanced to his watch again and idly, though he didn’t even realize it, a cigarette that had been tucked behind his ear was now being rolled between his fingers while he waited.
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Dec. 27th, 2007


Week One: Tuesday

When: Later Afternoon
Where: Outside hedge garden
Who: Jasper and Kissy

Rain made most students at Halcyon go racing inside to hide from it; at least it did for those that weren’t water lovers. Jasper happened to be in that gray area. He wasn’t a water creature but he didn’t mind the rain or the cold that much. He found it relaxing actually, that steady patter of the rain hitting the ground over and over again. It didn’t always make for ideal reading conditions when he was outside but Jasper always found a way. Today that way was pretty obvious, being that he was sitting on a bench in one of the schools gardens that had a roof like covering. Normally his method of choice was finding a large tree to shield himself by, that would probably happen later. For right now he was almost done with his book so he didn’t wander too far out if he was just going to have to come all the way back to go find himself another book.

The day so far had been as it always seemed to be for Jasper. He went to his classes, sitting far into the back as to be out of sight and out of mind. He listened to the teachers speak as he read ahead in the books and finished assignments not even really assigned yet. Classes never went quite fast enough for Jasper, none really challenged him in the way he wanted to be. But he never complained and he still went despite the fact that he had all the course information memorized. Most of his teachers knew how Jasper was though and never approached him for reading other books in class or seemingly not doing the same work as everyone else. Some even tried to give him more work and advanced readings but Jasper still breezed through it all.

That was why he was so often found as he was right now. Sitting somewhere with a pile of books next to him, most of which were in varied states of being finished. One book was rarely enough and he liked the variety of being able to learn more on one topic one day and another the next. It never stopped him from speeding through them though, that was why he only had the one book left that he was currently absorbed in despite the fact that his backpack was loaded down with books that probably weighed more then he did.

A cigarette was perched at his lips as was so common with Jasper. His pack was tucked into his pocket; the lighter was in his hand idly being rolled back and forth in his hand as he read. He wasn’t exactly the sort that could be called fidgety but that slightly nervous energy tended to need an outlet and constantly having something to move around like the lighter or cigarette helped with that. He got crap for it from people at times, but he never seemed to let it phase him. He knew why people didn’t like it, but he knew why he smoked too. They didn’t have to see eye to eye on the topic and he never argued it. He knew it was pointless. Plus he simply didn’t like to argue.

He was absorbed in the book but not so much that he didn’t notice sounds or movements around him that seemed to counter the faint tranquility of the rain falling. Steps made him glance up briefly, his free hand falling to the book to mark the sentence he’d left off on. He didn’t expect to see anyone he knew, most of the time it was just a grounds keeper passing by or students in a rush to get somewhere and avoid as much of the rain as they could.

When he did recognize the person though he offered up a light smile.
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