Jan. 31st, 2008


Week Two: Friday, April 12th, 2007

Who: Katrina and Starbuck
When: Friday night
Where: Outside Terrene to start

Starbuck had been through a bit of a whirlwind this week, and he was still struggling to find his footing after all that had happened. He and Kat were dating again, but it was vastly different from before... at least it was in Starbuck's mind. His feelings were unmistakable this time around, and while he was sure Kat didn't return them equally, he was determined to move forward anyway. She wasn't perfect, but she was still exactly what he wanted. And righ now, as he scrubbed clean after a crazy night at work, he wanted to see her... but some distance was still needed. Kat had to know exactly how he felt, even if he couldn't tell her, so to keep from scaring her off, he would force himself to give her some space. Tonight, that meant spending time with someone OTHER than Kat.

Though, that really wasn't his only reason for meeting up with Katrina. She'd been a difficult friend to make in the beginning, and lately, Starbuck worried about keeping her as a friend. He wasn't stupid, he knew everyone had their issues, and those issues weren't always part of public knowledge. He had been going through so much of his own shit lately, that he didn't know what was plaguing Katrina. Still, it was clear she had something on her mind as well, and he hoped to demonstrate that he was a caring friend tonight, by being there for her. Maybe it was still the stuff with her sister that was causing the woman grief, which was a plenty big enough issue to consume someone. But Starbuck felt there might be something more to it. Plus, he was still worried about what he'd heard from others about Katrina's supposed drug use.

When he was clean and dressed again, Starbuck left Aquatic house and headed toward Terrene. He'd told Katrina he would come find her when he got back that night, but he really wasn't sure where she'd be. It was too late for dinner... well, for those who partook in meals on plates. He'd visit the kitchen's blood stock next if he didn't find her near her dorm.

The hall outside Terrene was empty when he arrived. But soon enough, one of its residents emerged. He'd been inside House of Fire several times, but never inside Terrene, and he didn't feel comfortable sneaking in an open door, so instead, Starbuck asked the woman if she'd be kind enough to run back in and let Katrina know he was waiting for her. The woman didn't appear to be in a hurry, and with Starbuck's winning smile, she quickly agreed and headed back into her dorm to find Katrina. Starbuck waited.