Nov. 9th, 2008


Week Twenty-one: Sunday

Who: Alice and Vallis
When: Dusk
Where: Music room
What: Alice gets to meet her new friend's maker?

Ever since her last night out with Lily and her encounter with Vivian, Alice had been nose deep in the books again. While the work load wasn’t as much as last week’s, she had the added stress of her parents wanting to visit her weighing on her shoulders. How exactly was she going to explain to them that it was impossible for them to visit her at the school? Things would be so much easier if they knew the truth and she knew she’d have to tell them sooner or later. She couldn’t keep putting off like she had been doing.

Just like in the past, she was letting that stress get to her and it showed since she was having a hard time controlling her powers again. Alice did her best to keep her focus when in class and had made a huge improvement with her control since her arrival at Halcyon. While she was in the privacy of her room though, it was another story. Instead of trying to control her abilities and deal with those horrendous headaches that followed, Alice would let the stupid thing go off whenever it decided to. Her room was starting to look like a mess too.

Sighing softly, Alice pushed her books aside and rose from her seat. She needed to take a break from studying and from the mess of her room. After pulling on something appropriate, she made her way to the music room. Hopefully it’d be empty unlike the past few times she tried to stop in there. The music that she heard flowing from the room those times was absolutely beautiful and not wanting to interrupt, she sat outside, enjoying it.

As she slowly walked towards the room, a slight smile crossed her face. No music came from the room today and she was glad that she’d have the room to herself. She always enjoyed playing the piano and it usually helped her cope with whatever was bugging her. She carefully took a seat on the bench and pushed the cover that protected the keys below. Alice preferred the feel of the wooden keys compared to the plastic ones like on her keyboard and she let her fingers gently press a few chords before pushing away the hair that hung around her face. She then took a deep breath and as she exhaled she started to play the beginnings of Moonlight Sonata.
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Oct. 28th, 2008


Week Twenty: Friday

Who: Alice, and Vivian
Where: The Pit
When: Night, duh.
What: It's about damn time these two hung out.

It was safe to say that Vivian was a brat. That was even more evident to herself, now that she had been exposed to high quality, tailored clothing. She'd managed to pop over to Waters Couture and Chantal, and been fitted for the clothing she was set to where for the photo shoot the following day. The experience had been a bit odd. Sort of like being a complete strangers barbie doll. They dressed you up, then pinned, and synched every thing they put on you. She had to admit though, the clothing had fit her far better than any others she'd ever worn before. Which was amazing, because like every other woman that existed, her body wasn't perfect matched to clothing bought in a store. It had spoiled her though. She was now looking for some way to make enough money, so that all the clothing that followed could be tailored as well. Investments maybe?

"Pleeeaaassseee?" She purred against his ear. "I'll bring you your drinks personally the rest of the night. Or... I can get you the number of the blond dancer you've been drooling over. How about that?" Her arms hung lose around the neck of the dj, the front of her body pressed to his back, as she pleaded for him to play a bit of Type O Negative for her. She was going to be there till late in the am, so why shouldn't she get to make a few request? "Yes? Oh, thank you! You're an absolute peach, lovey. I'll have the number for you before the end of the night, I promise." Smiling brightly, she planted a kiss to the side of his face, then released him. She hadn't even made it back to the bar when the music she'd been aching for began playing. With one hand holding her bowler hat down on her head, she danced her way threw the throbbing crowd on the floor. Friday really was one of the best nights. Everyone eager to get out, and release that pent up energy from the week. It was amazing. It didn't hurt that she'd dressed to kill that night either.

With her bright red lips, and thick black lashes, she appeared to look like something out of A Clockwork Orange. Which wasn't a bad thing in her opinion. The book had been fascinating, and the movie was a Kubrick classic. Though, the Shinning was still her all time favorite of his. Who didn't want to resemble a very creepy, yet some what hot psychopath? Then again, she had been called strange on more than one occasion in her life. "I'm coming! Don't you see me heading that way?" Less experienced bartenders didn't seem to care for others wandering off for a moment. Easily overwhelmed, poor things.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist. That's tequila... You're making a Vesper, right? You need Vodka, not Tequila, love." Sighing, she butted the girl out of the way, taking over the preparation of the drink for the awaiting customer. "Don't leave, watch. You're learning for a reason, right?" She couldn't be too hard on the trainee. She had been one once, and if it hadn't been the for the patience of her fellow employees both at the Dead Horse, and here, she wouldn't have become the kickass bartender she was. "Now you need gin." Plucking another bottle from beneath the bar, she added the last chemical to the cocktail. "There you are." When the customer passed over the pay, she turned to the trainee, "He's tipped you, congratulations." Grinning, she quickly made her way down the bar, picking up her momentarily forgotten section of bar.
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Sep. 23rd, 2008


Week Eighteen: Sunday (evening)

Who: The Madcap Brigade. (Capt. Scumble, Lt. Bunnyknickers, Sgt. Muffy, Cpl. Cupcake, and possibly Pvt. Batgirl)
What: Livestock larceny.
Where: Woods-->pasture/barn-->Fire House CR(?)
Why: ...

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to
whoa. Watch it, guys, there’s some malevolent mud on premises.”

Tottering slightly, Sasha looked down, trying to navigate around the slippery spot in the darkening twilight.

It would be safe to say that Susannah Hallmeyer was acting...and looking...odd. Instead of the usual elegant uniform of hem and heels, or even the more pragmatic denim assembly, Sasha was decked out in drawstring camouflage pants, starlet tee, and a striped hoodie sporting cat ears. A Venetian half mask straddled the back of her head. she was also humming, whistling, and grinning like a barmy monkey.

Maybe it was because of the weather, the threat of rain turning the evening sky into a foreboding shadow, the smell of damp beginning to spice the air. Rain always corkscrewed her temper. Maybe it was because of the task at hand: creeping through a patch of woods towards an unwary pasture, and its equally unwary wooly residents. Maybe it was because of the company, because what could you say about a group of girls who spent Sunday night kidnapping livestock for absolutely inane purposes.

Maybe it was because of the flask in her pocket, its contents steadily diminishing.

“Be wevy, wevy quiet,” she hissed behind her. “We’re hunting for a wab—whoa-whoa-whoa-ouch.”

...why hello, Mr. Ditch. How are you faring this fine, sweet evening? Now on her back and temporarily out of sight in what had better damn well be dirt, Sasha exhaled hard through her bangs. Yep, this was exactly how she wanted to approach her twenties: dad dead, mom gone, sadistic vampire twin sister actively out to ruin her sanity, hiding in a mythical school on a fantasy island—stealing sheep. Well, trying to anyway.

“...yo?” She called out. “Y’know, I think I dropped the happy sauce; can somebody toss it down here? But, um, not on my head—well, not on the pretty bits. Also, I ain’t dead.”

Sep. 16th, 2008


Week Eighteen: Saturday

Who: Titania and Alice
Where: Meeting in front of the school and off to Imaginarium!
When: Late afternoon

Titania sent her last text message to Alice, before throwing the little phone onto her bed, and rushing off to her closet to pick out the perfect outfit. She didn't really want the attention, but having fun, you always have to dress up for the part. And that pink/black tutu was the perfect thing to wear. She even thought of wearing her four inch flat platform boots. They only went half way, stopping right in the middle of her calves. So, leg warmers were worn. Even though it was summer, she still liked wearing them. Yeah, it got a little hot for her legs, she just ignored it.

With a buttoned up black tank top on, she allowed two of them to stay opened, only to show off the big round pink heart necklace she quickly put on. Before she rushed out of her room, she forgot to grab her purse. When that was finally in her possession, she was off toward the front of the school.

She did feel a little bad that she got there past ten minutes. When she saw Alice, she slowed herself down ( since she was running ), and silently made her way toward the girl. Both of her hands came up and wrapped around Alice's shoulders, only to cover her eyes and pull the girl against her. Wearing platforms gave her the advantage to do this! "Guess who?" She asked, German accent thick, with a little sing-song tone to it.
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Aug. 22nd, 2008


Week 16 - Thursday

Who: Alice, Mirael
What: Mira & Alice meet in the music room
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Music Room

The strains of the first movement of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 drifted out from behind the closed doors of the music room, the solo piano line missing its normal accompaniment of strings to complete the richness of sound which the composer had intended.

Nimble, calloused fingers swept over the keys, familiarizing themselves with the touch of the instrument. For all the standardization of the instrument, every piano was different, worn by the practice sessions of its users. Acoustics on each instrument could be subtly different, accounting for changes in the wood. The pedal response varied enormously to a trained musician. Mira wanted, needed to learn this one's particular intricacies, especially if it turned out to be the only available instrument for her practice sessions.

Hitting a particularly difficult phrase, the elf opened her eyes, scanning the sheet music which rested upon the stand. She'd been playing with her eyes closed, testing her rote memory, and now could see that it had been a 4-1 crossover missed in the left hand, responsible for the little stumble. Dropping her right hand uselessly to one side, she repeated those two bars, eyes on the movement of her fingers until the transition was smooth.

Only then did she add her right hand, returning to a prior rehearsal mark to test the phrase. But satisfaction wasn't to be had in playing something right once. Worthwhile things took time and trouble, not luck. Mira was of the opinion that practice merely made habit -- it was perfect practice that made perfect. And piano was one of the few human inventions she had enough of an innate love for to tolerate practicing.

Satisfied with her progress on the phrase after some minutes more, the elf paused, stretching one arm across her chest before flexing her fingers. How long had she been here? In fencing and music, the young elf had a tendency to lose herself -- and with that went any sense of the outside world, focus on the task at hand rather than the realities of time.
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Aug. 16th, 2008


Week 16: Monday Evening

Who: Alice and Xander
Where: School, then beach
When: Monday Evening after school

Well, it had been a wonderful start to the week. He had almost managed to forget that one of his teachers was actually his guide as well. Which, made it all the more embaressing for that one day he missed while on the beach with Kalli. Oh well, such was life. At least, it had been worth it to skip class. Everything else regardless. He even managed to get some honest to god school work in, early for once. That was a first for him, that was for sure.

Once school had let out, at least for him, since he didn’t have any of those pesky night classes. Seriously, what were those people thinking? Night was for going out and having fun, not staying in and answering questions. Especially the nights of young people, but what did he know, right? Of course, his date for that particular night happened to be in one of those pesky night classes, the little brat. But, he made the best use for it as he went out into town to get the surfboard for Alice that she would need for the evening.

He was back in plenty of time, though. Plenty, if she had to get ready after her classes that is. When she did come out of the school, he’d be leaning against the back of his pickup, his feet stretched out over the bed of it, and a hat pulled down over his eyes. Seems someone decided to do a little napping, if he was even asleep under that thing and not just pretending that was. But, even if he was pretending, he was nestled, nice and comfy between the two boards, and seemed to be quite comfortable there.
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Aug. 3rd, 2008


Week Fifteen: Friday

Who: Alice and Shoko
When: 7pm till ?
Where: A small hotel in town
What: Cute Japanese girls having cute fun yo!

Finally! The day that Alice had been looking forward to all week had finally came. It had been years since she had spent this kind of time with someone she felt comfortable with. She really did miss all those fun times from her childhood and as much as she missed her old friends, she was quickly starting to replace them with new ones. Maybe even betters ones.

As soon as Alice got done with her classes, she rushed back to her room to grab everything she had set aside for the night's entertainment. She decided to skip out on games club tonight and hoped she wouldn't get in trouble for it. It didn't seem like it was a mandatory thing to attend and if she did get in trouble, she'd deal. There were far better things for her to do tonight.

Alice had rented a room at a hotel in town for the night since she didn't want to be keeping anyone up with all the noise Shoko and her would be making and risk getting caught in a house she didn't belong in. Sure it was only another girl's room, but rules were rules and as silly as they were, they were made for a reason.

A list of activities for the night were playing a little dress up before finally getting into their pj's, a little bit of karaoke with sake since you couldn't karaoke without it and whatever else girls their age did. Alice had caught a taxi down to the hotel to prep the room and drop off all of her things shortly after classes were done and was back to meet Shoko in front of the school at the set time.
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Week Fifteen: Saturday

Who: Alice and Xander
When: 7:30pm till ?
Where: Some beach somewhere
What: Alice decides to do a little drinking with Xander.

Since arriving at Halcyon, Alice had already made quite a few bad decisions. They weren't really that bad, but not really all that good either. Let's just say she wasn't making the brightest decisions in her life and had never done so before. Maybe it was the people she was hanging out with, but she was not used to this new lifestyle. Alice was a very a good girl and was starting to have a bit of trouble keeping it that way nowadays.

Tonight's planned festivities was a prime example of the poor choices she had been making as Alice waited patiently while sitting on a bench in front of the school. She was dressed in a simple white dress with her swimsuit underneath and a pair of white sandals. She arrived ten minutes early since that was what she normally did when meeting up with people and wouldn't mind if Xander showed up late. She wasn't one to fuss over tardiness since she wasn't even paying attention to the time herself as she skillfully pressed the buttons on her white psp while humming a soft melody to herself. Nope, she really wouldn't mind at all. She probably wouldn't have really noticed until it started getting dark out anyway.

Alice had spent the majority of her day in the kitchen preparing for the late night picnic. As much as she enjoyed a simple sandwich like turkey on white and as funny as it would be to show up with just that, Alice decided against it. She actually got up early enough to make it into town to do a bit of shopping despite the horrible pounding that was going on in her head due to the all the fun she had the night prior. As soon as she procured all the needed ingredients, she quickly got to work with all the cooking that was ahead of her.

Xander had said to surprise him and Alice hoped she'd be able to do so. Inside the cooler and basket that sat below her feet contained some roast beef paninis with fontina cheese and roasted roma tomatoes, the deviled eggs like she promised and a few white chocolate, raspberry muffins with light butter cream frosting. Alice hadn't made a meal for someone other than herself in awhile, but enjoyed doing so. Even if they were only sandwiches. She even roasted the beef herself! Hopefully Xander liked his meat rare.
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Aug. 2nd, 2008


Week 15: Wednesday

Who:  Ita and Alice
When:  After the dinner rush
Where:  Kitchen
What:  Cooking awesomeness

Ita had decided that it was time to do a House breakfast.  When she was at school, she used to do Dorm breakfasts.  She'd take an evening and just bake loads of pastries and muffins and other awesome gooey goodness.  Of course, she usually enlisted a few friends to make the baking fun.  However, she didn't know that many people yet, but that wouldn't keep her from her mission.  Besides, she'd brought her homework to keep her company.  Ugh.  But, she'd slacked off last night, and couldn't risk slacking off tonight.  That's what she kept reminding herself as the delicious smells began to waft through the kitchen.  The most difficult part would be getting all the food from the kitchen to her room, and then down to the Common Room tomorrow morning.  She could totally handle it, though.

Ita's lack of studiousness wasn't because she was lazy or even because she wasn't interested.  She was a hard worker, and she really did want to do well.  But her attention span had not really grown with her age, and sitting down to do homework was nearly physically painful.  Really.  They should totally be using the magical weapons in her Magical Weapons class.  She knew that knowing about them was important, make sure no one accidentally cut someone's hand off or something.  But it was so... sedentary.  Same went with her other classes.  She knew that knowing the background was essential, especially since she'd missed so many classes.  But she needed movement and action.  She needed to do, not sit and listen.  Her parents had always understood that, and her lessons had always been hands on.

So, there she was sitting in a delicious smelling kitchen, perched on a stool, nose in a book, chewing on a spatula.  She needed to wash it anyway, and she thought the best part about baking was licking the utensils afterward.  Totally frowned upon in a professional kitchen, but no one was watching her now.  Besides, she was going to wash it before using it again, and really, who would complain once they tasted the food?  No one, since no one knew.  And if they did?  Still no one.  The food would still be yummy.
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Jul. 23rd, 2008


Week Fourteen: Wednesday

Who: Alice, Jane and Shoko
When: A little after evening classes
Where: Around the town
What: Super happy excellent cute girls shopping ichiban fun time~!

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday! Also known as ‘hump day’ to some. The week was finally at its halfway point so that meant the weekend was just around the corner. Alice had nothing planned yet, but she was still looking forward to the break. Since she was one of those kids that got any homework out of the way instead of waiting for the last minute to do it, she’d have the whole weekend to do whatever she wanted. Maybe a trip to Hell would be in Alice’s near future. She did tell Vivian that she’d come down to pester her one of these days.

Right now though, she was propped in her signature knees up to chest position on a bench infront of the House of Fire. Of course she had her trusty psp out while she waited patiently for Jane and Shoko. She had arrived ten minutes early to the set meeting time, but she didn’t mind waiting. The humidity had let up for the day and she even contemplated walking into town with them since it felt so nice out.

Alice had been on the island for three days now and hadn’t even stepped foot outside of the school. She didn’t like the idea of wandering around by herself, but now that she had people to go exploring with, she was looking forward to doing so. It was always better to get lost with company anyway.

Since tomorrow was Independence Day and she was going to celebrate Tanabata Day early with Shoko, she had quite a bit of shopping planned on top of all the exploring she wanted to do. Hopefully her new friends would be able to keep up. They could always take a taxi back if they got too tired.
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Jul. 16th, 2008


Week Fourteen: Monday

who: Kenzie and Alice
When: Monday Evening
Where: Some Random Corridor

Lost. If there was one word that described Kenzie to the T today, that was it. He had been lost in class, having never gone to class before, and was more confused after the class was over than he had been before it had started. He was lot in the halls between classes, trying to find the next place that he needed to be, and subsequently, had been late for every single one of them. And now, after class was over, he was lost trying to find his way to the cafeteria to get something to eat because he knew that Ezra had a meeting tonight. And this whole lost thing was starting to get just at tiny bit old.

Kenzie had to be the only supernatural that lacked any sort of sense of direction. It was probably because he had no added senses to help him out. His sense of smell was nothing short of human, as was everything else. On top of that, his attention span was rather lacking and he had a tendency to just sort of zone out while he was walking, and then he would come back to his senses and not even know which way to go from there.

Running a hand back through messy hair, he sighed. Left, right, or straight? He debated that for a moment, hand moving to pull up baggy pants and then adjust the hem of the bottom shirt that he wore, dressed in his typical overload of layers. Right, he decided. He took the turn, saw someone there, and right at that exact time, he tripped on his shoelace. His hands moved out to stop himself from falling but fall he did, right on top of her, his hands that were meant to stay him firmly planted upon her breasts.
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