Aug. 16th, 2008


Week 16: Friday

Who: Xander and Serena
Where: Front of Halcyon, then Hell!
When: Friday Night

Friday, that oh so lovely day that all students want to come as quickly as possible, came right on time. Of course, getting through the day was something else. The hours of class crawled by at an annoying slow pace. At least for the demon, it did. His mind was not on school at all. And while he didn’t normally pay much attention in class, there were far too many hot women in class for that to happen, he paid even less attention that day. He likely paid for that on the weekly exams, but he’d deal with that little bit.

When the classes ended, he threw himself into the music club. Music was the third item on his ‘funniest things’ to do, and it was something that he could easily let himself slip into. Focusing on his music kept his mind off other thoughts. It wasn’t so much that he was off balance by his plans with Serena that night, no, that wasn’t it at all. It was what she had told him. Vampires with powers other than preying off mortals. That thought was new to him, as most of the vampires he had known back in his home city never revealed any other gifts.

Not that most preyed upon him, or tried, since the few women vampires knew he could drain them just as quickly as they could him so they tended to look elsewhere. It still kept his mind occupied thinking about just what they could do that he didn’t know about. Or just what some of them might have done to him without him being aware of. It made some situations come into a little better focus that hadn’t made any sense before. Random fights, people suddenly changing their mind in mid sentence, and other ‘mysteries’ that he blamed on drugs in the clubs or too much to drink just might have had an entirely different excuse.

Right after the club, though, he got himself ready. His hair had been the truly hard part, though no guy would ever really admit that, would they? Had to get the proper ‘mussed’ look to it. And that always took time. The rest of his clothing was fairly easy. He was a couple of minutes early at the front of the school. When she finally did emerge, Xander would be found waiting at the front of the school, his arms crossed over his shoulder as he leaned against the older pickup truck. A Chevy S10 extended cab, though it was clearly modified for use off road as it had been raised a bit from normal, and even had cargo latches on its roof and back to hold at least a trio of items, surfboards in his case.
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Aug. 10th, 2008


Week 15: Sunday

Who: Serena And Ita
Where: Kitchens for cooking stuffs
When: Sunday at 9 am

Serena rolled over as her alarm blared to life in the dark room. Her hand snaked out towards the offending noise and groped around trying to find the off button. Once she had shut the alarm off she drew it towards her straining through sleep filled eyes to see the time. The green numbers shined out the numbers 8:00. Groaning she let the alarm fall back on the table and rolled on the her back. Looking up at her ceiling while she tried to shake the confusion of sleep from her head. It took her a few minutes to figure out why she was waking up so early on a Sunday. Then she remembered that she was going to be meeting one of the new girls in the kitchen for cooking and baking fun.

It had been a long time since Serena got to play in the kitchen and she was happy to be getting back to it. Even as a vampire she still enjoyed food, even though she gained no nourishment from it. If only it wasn't so early! Groaning again she sat up slowly and pushed her self out of bed. "That'll teach me to stay up late reading," she muttered glaring ineffectively at the offending book, laying where she had dropped it when her eyes had become to heavy to read any further. She walked toward her bureau flicking on a small lamp as she moved. In the pale light she selected a simple outfit consisting of old comfortable jeans and a baby blue shirt. Gathering the rest of her things she went to take a shower. She let the warm water flow over her for several minutes, waking her up, before getting clean.

Dressed and back in her room she looked around for everything she was going to need in the kitchen. She had been looking through her box of recipes earlier the day before to find some she thought the other girl may like. She gathered those up along with a notebook and several pens. She liked to experiment with different things to see how they'd turn out, and the notebook was to write down any successful creations. When she had everything together she slipped out of her room once more, this time heading towards the main part of the school and the kitchen. The school was mostly quiet as most people were still sleeping off their Saturday nights. She liked the silence that flowed through the halls, it was comfortable. In a few hours all that would change and the school would be bustling again.

She finally arrived at the kitchen and set about preparing everything they would need. setting out bowls and utensils, baking ware and aprons. She didn't pull the ingredients out yet she decided to wait and see what would be needed before doing that. Instead she grabbed some warm blood for breakfast and settled in to wait for Ita.
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Jul. 30th, 2008


Week 14: Sunday

Who: Serena and open
When: Sunday Night
Where: On the steps leading into the school.

The stars were beginning to show up on the darkening sky, and the moon had yet to rise. Serena had stood at the watching the sunset through the warded windows. When the sky had turned dark enough she wandered outside and sat on the stairs watching the sky turn from dusky blue toward black. She let the peaceful evening envelop her. Strange to think that she would ever really miss being somewhere, but here at the school she felt safe and at home.

She was still wearing the clothes she had been wearing when she started her trip back to the island. The soft light blue dress was a little wrinkled, but no worse for wear. She had gotten back to the school last night and resettled into her room. It was a lonely first night back and she almost regretted not having a roommate. This evening when she woke up She hadn't felt like really going through her clothes to find something cleaner so she threw on the same dress again.

She hadn't meant to disappear again so soon after the last time, but she had received and e-mail from her mother's lawyer about settling the estate and some paperwork that had to be signed. So she had packed her small bag and headed back to England. To say that lawyers are obsessive about paperwork was an understatement. She had spent a good 2 weeks just waiting for all the paperwork to be finalized, then an additional month waiting to get all the revisions approved by a judge. Everything took longer because she could only meet with people at night. Her mother hadn't left her anything but she was allowed to go through the house and attempt to claim some things. When she walked down the path away from what had been the family home for the last time she had expected to feel some kind of remorse or a sense of lose. All she had felt was a deep relief and the weight of years of guilt lifting.

Now sitting on the steps to her house here at the school she was content. She had laid to rest the ghosts of her past and she wasn't going to let them bother her anymore. She smiled happily as she thought, "It's good to be home."

May. 8th, 2008


week 9

When:Friday after dark
Where:the beach
Who:Serena and open

"That's it!" Serena yelled tossing her books across the room. They fell harmlessly to the bed. She was sick and tired of studying, trying to catch up with classes. She had secluded herself in her room for the last three weeks studying. There was an ulterior motive for her seclusion. She was tired of people whispering when they saw her broken arm. Now, her arm had been mostly healed for the better part of the week, and she was out of the cast. There was no reason for her to stay locked up in her room when there were other things she could be doing. There was only so much studying a girl could handle. She threw a sweater over her light purple dress and slipped into a pair of comfortable sandals, and without a second thought practically flew out of the room.

Hurrying quickly out of Zephyr house so she didn't run into any of the popular study groups she headed for the exit to the school. The sun had been down for a good couple of hours. She paused briefly outside the school thinking about where to go. Finally settling on the beach she headed toward the bluffs over looking it. Moving quickly she slipped from shadow to shadow. She didn't really want to be alone, but she also didn't want to run into anybody. It was a conundrum she knew but hey she didn't really care. If someone happened upon her she'd welcome the company but for now she was content. The darkness wrapped around her like a long lost friend, and a small breeze brushed by her, playing with her hair as it went.

Approaching the beach she finally slowed down and opened herself to the night. She sighed happily as the wind picked up slightly near her. Slipping her sandals off she walked down to the waters edge, holding the shoes with one hand and playing her other hand over the wind. Closing her eyes she inhaled the ocean smells mixed with the smells of the woods behind her. It had been to long since she had been outside. Her arms prickled with the energy in the night. She opened her eyes and looked as far as she could to the horizon. The stars twinkled brightly against the darkness and the moon glittered against the blackened ocean. Stepping back from the small waves, Serena moved up the beach,until she found a patch of sand without a lot of ocean debris. Laying on her back Serena stared up at the night sky, and wondered if it would show her new visions.
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Apr. 2nd, 2008


Week Seven: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Heaven and Hell - Hell
Who: Taylor and Open

Dylan was gone. Half the room was empty; it looked as though someone had just scooped up everything from that side and threw it away. She hadn’t had Taylor help her pack. Taylor just came back from classes to see her putting the final bags together. It was…startling…and yet somehow fitting for how the weeks seemed to be going for Taylor lately. Her words were brief…it was obvious she wasn’t supposed to say much to Taylor and that had wounded deep. Too damn demon. Their mother, that stupid bitch that had some grudge against Taylor from the moment she’d been born. Taylor never understood why, she’d tried so hard to mend that distance but it never worked. Their mother favored Dylan and once it had been that their father favored Taylor. Now that wasn’t even the case anymore.

The goodbye was brief…she was just gone and Taylor felt like half of her was missing. Maybe she should have seen it coming, Dylan had been so distant for so long now. But she had thought it was just Dylan being her hermit like self. Burying herself away in studies and work…that’s how her sister had always been. But it had been more then just that. She’d tried to keep that contact, trying to find Dylan often but she found spots to get away and talk to their mother…till finally the woman convinced her to just leave all together.

Taylor wasn’t sure how she was supposed to feel about it. Hurt? Left out? Alone…all of that fit. But as she sat there on her bed with her legs crossed beneath her, staring off at that side of the room…she just felt numb.

She had thought coming here would be a good thing. She’d get to be with her sister again who she had missed terribly, she’d get a break from the fast pace world of LA and sort of get some breather time. Finding Rafe here had only made it seem like this really was where she was supposed to be. And yet in the last week everything had sort of unraveled.

She wanted nothing more to just…go back to how things had been. Go back to LA, pick up where she’d left off. But she knew that wasn’t possible. The heat was still too high over what happened and she knew it wouldn’t be the same. Rafe wouldn’t be there. Friends would be gone. Everything was changed. Maybe going back home, her real home. Except she knew her father wouldn’t be there anymore and things between them now were…tense at best.

Still she found herself calling him, listening to the phone ring over and over until his nearly monotone voice came onto the line. She asked him about Dylan, their mother, asked if he knew….thankfully he hadn’t. At least she didn’t have to feel like he’d kept that from her too. But he didn’t seem to care either. It was…disconcerting. She asked if he was okay..if he wanted to see her…but none of it seemed to really matter. She hung up the phone feeling even more…lost then before.

Moving slowly she pushed up from her bed, going to the computer and leaving a note on her journal for anyone that had known Dylan, letting them know she’d left. She didn’t stick around to see if anyone responded though. She needed out of the room. Away from that half empty side that was just a too stark reminder for her right now.

Grabbing her jacket, her phone, and her purse Tay quickly made her way out of Aquatic house. She didn’t care that her jeans were torn and her shirt was actually a guys one. One of those sorts that you just wear around the house. Her focus was just in getting the hell away from the school for a bit.

“Heaven and Hell.” Taylor spoke to the cab driver; the man nodded his head and started to drive. Taylor just stared off…watching the forest go by until finally the city came into focus. Soon he was stopping in front of the large building. Normally this was where she went to go dance the night away and have a great time. Now she planned to just hang out in a booth with a good drink and ignore the world. She mumbled a thanks and got out, heading into the club to hide away for awhile.
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Mar. 25th, 2008


Week Six: Saturday, May 11th

Who: Serena Open (if no replies Narrative)
What: She's back
When: Near midnight
Where: Outside

Nothing stirred in the quiet night. People rarely wandered out this far this late at night. That suited her just fine. She was weary and cautious, she didn't want anyone from the school to see her just yet. She knew she looked like she just crawled out of a war zone. The guy on the boat told her that. Even after changing out of her torn and bloodied clothes, she still looked bad. Her right arm was in a sling, broken so bad that it was taking longer than normal to heal. She had some cuts on her arms, made with a blessed knife that would scar. All she wanted was to get inside and rest.

She studied the school to find the best path in without being seen. Slowly she moved forward following the flow of the shadows, alert for anyone out on the grounds. As she approached the doorways a wave of homesickness hit her hard. She had really missed this place. She slipped quickly through the doors and headed for her house. For a minute she had the feeling of someone watching her. She shrugged it off to base paranoia and exhaustion. She got to her room without being detected and quietly opened the door closing it softly behind her.

Turning on the lights she almost cried with relief. Everything was exactly as she left it. She had wondered if they would notice her absence and remove her belongings. she was grateful they hadn't. There were so many questions people would ask her. Questions she didn't know the answers to. All she knew was when the nightmare was over she was alive and that bastard wasn't. She looked at her reflection in her mirror. Her eyes were darkly circled and she was much to thin. Sighing she turned her back on the pitiful reflection. She turned her computer on intending to send Cassius a letter telling him she was back and asking what she could do about her classes. She stared into the warm blue glow and her mind started to wander, She was back now, and she was safe.

Dec. 25th, 2007


Week One: Monday

Who: Beau and Open
Where: Lunch Room
When: Monday, Lunch time

Beau shifted in his seat uncomfortably, staring at the window more than paying attention to his lunch. There was little to be interested in the food, and he was too tired to try to read the book that was sitting neatly to the side. He would have rather been in bed, sleeping…

Or high.

Being high, actually, sounded like a much better idea. Maybe it was only because he’d been clean for an undeterminable amount of time, and that familiar itching need was creeping into his dreams. Or maybe it was just his imagination, which wasn’t all together unlikely. Biting his bottom lip, he sighed and leaned back, eyes dancing around the plate of untouched food. It didn’t seem appealing, or look appealing. He’d rather have fresh, warm blood…which might have been against the rules (he never did get around to reading them).

This week, though, he was making a mental note to stop thinking about how he wanted to be high, or in bed. He was determined to lurk in the shadows less (which was a terrifying idea, he rather liked lurking more than socializing). Lastly, but most importantly…He was going to ask Serena if she wanted to go out, on the town…to a bar (something to that effect) this coming weekend. Purely in a platonic way. It was part of his 12 step program, and eventually he’d finish the rest of the steps. But he had enough for now he supposed.

Though, getting high still sounded like a good idea.
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