Mar. 24th, 2008


Week Six: Friday

Who: Becca & Professor Lazlofi
What: TBA
Where: His office
When: Evening (after sunset)

Becca spent the good portion of thursday evening sitting at her computer, modifying the essay she had written. Now that someone, particularly Professor Lazlofi, wanted to look at it, she felt very selfconscious about the entire thing and had to do modifications. It wasn't quite to what she wanted and erased a few things, edited a few sentences that didn't sound quite right when spoken outloud. In fact, she spent most of the night typing away, obsessing over it because it gave her something to focus on. Something to distract her from the fact that Kiernan wanted to talk. But she was done with talking now. She knew what she was going to do.

Before sunrise, she got herself showered and dressed. The essay was printed off and sat next to her computer in a tidy ten paged, double spaced document. After tying up her shoes, she opened her window and sung out onto the wall. Usning the bricks that stuck out, she climbed with the careful flapping of her wings to help her get up to a ledge and perched there. It woudln't do to have the guards find her somewhere and report to her father, nor did she want to be another victim of the sharpie marker. Perched high above her window, she felt comfortable enough and waited until the sun crept up, turning her to stone. It wasn't lost on her that she missed the sunrise, even as she was facing directly east. Had she even thought about it before now? How much she was missing?

At the end of the day, as the sun faded behind the horizon, the stone across her body cracked, shifted and broke away in a stretch. She refrained from hollaring out a groan. It was so monsterous to do that and she was sick and tired of being just that. It was ironic that she had to use her wings to get up here and the same went with getting down too, gliding down and landing somewhat roughly on the ledge.

At least I don't have a roommate, she mused. It was terrible to not have a roommate but she found it worked to her advantage now. She wasn't interested in sleeping in the same room with someone. Clover use to be a presence, but she was a wanted presence as bestfriends often were. Who wanted another roommate aside from Clover? Not her. Definitly not her. She'd have to learn their quirks and they would always ask her whats wrong if she didn't want to talk. No one wanted a roommate when it came down to it. BUt even as she told herself this, so did she tell herself that yes, she really did want a roommate, if only to have a presence. Rubbing her eyes at her window, she realized in all her thoughts, she wasn't making much sense to herself. It was a struggle to stand here and listen to the silence, listening to herself. And because she had slept the day away, tomorrow night she would be refreshed to do whatever she wanted to do that wasn't the party.

Readjusting her clothes, she dusted them off, shook out her hair and gave herself a once over in the mirror. OKay, she didn't look so bad but redid her hair so that it was up in a bun (because people take you more seriously if you look presentable) and she changed her jacket, mostly because the one she had been wearing was dusty from the stone. For the rest, she merely padded down her jeans, shook out her shoes and collected the essay, heading out of the room.

Practically hopping down the hallway, she was careful to avoid any of her teachers that she had missed a class for and headed to where she thought Professor Lazlofi's office was. Three times she had to stop someone in the hallways and ask them where it was. One person got it wrong, the other one didn't know and the final one seemed to giv eher the right answer because she found herself standing there, knocking at the door.

"Hello?" she asked, opening it abruptly without invitation.

Mar. 22nd, 2008


Week Six: Saturday

Who: Open to all
Where: Main Hall
When: Saturday Evening into Night
What: Spring Fling

No one throws parties like the supernatural, or so many like to believe. Call it vanity, but most do have decades, if not centuries, experience to bring to the venture. The Spring Fling at Halcyon is no exception, except in one respect, this dance, far more than any of the other affairs thrown on this campus, most closely resembles a high school prom. Worse, it resembles the high school proms presented in American movies. After at least fifty years however, they are pretty damn close to the actuality, if not the simulation.

Tonight’s theme was a no-brainer. In fact, though the committee had been at work before the announcement of the Friday night auction, that news prompted the decision to give a beach theme to the Spring Fling as well.

Saturday morning the east wing with the exception of the cafeteria was closed off and by Saturday evening all those entering the main hall saw a transformation many might find difficult to believe.

Lights dim to reveal a twinkling array of “stars” in the blue black ceiling. The whole of the hall is covered in sand. To one side is a volleyball net, in the center wall away from the entrance, a stage set up, on which a band in Hawaiin shirts play beach themed music. On this stage the winners of the superlative voting will be announced later in the evening. All about are tiki torches, palm trees, and in the midst of it all, a roaring bon fire. A fine mist earlier has given the sand that slight dampness for the cool feel between your toes, and every there are now as many building castle as there are dancing.

Whichever your preference, kick off your shoes and stay a while.

Mar. 8th, 2008


Week Five: Wednesday, May 1st, 2007

Who: Starbuck and Becca
When: Wednesday night
Where: Kitchen

Starbuck wasn't feeling loads better, but things had improved slightly. A lot of his anger had faded, only flaring up a few times when someone really set it off by telling him to get over Kat. Well, he wasn't gonna get over her, not for a long time, so people needed to shut the hell up and mind their own business! But, yeah, doing better. He was working on controlling his emotions, and trying to think about stuff other than himself. Other people had problems too, like his friend Rebecca.

Bec didn't deserve people snapping at her, but he really did feel that she needed to realize that Kiernan wasn't the man for her. Yeah, ok, there could maybe be some similarities drawn with Starbuck's problems... but at least he was actually dating Kat. She was interested in him as a man. Kiernan was a widower, had a child, and was much older than Becca, and there was no way he'd look at any young teenager in a sexual way. It wasn't about Becca as an individual, and it wasn't a judgment on how mature she was or wasn't... it was simply an older guy feeling grossed out by the idea of dating someone he viewed as a child! Becca didn't understand that, and Starbuck wasn't sure how to make it clear without hurting her feelings the way others had. He felt sorry for Kiernan too, thinking the guy probably didn't want to hurt Becca, but clearly frustrated with the situation and maybe losing his tact in turning Bec down.

Regardless of the circumstances, Bec was feeling heartbroken, and that was something Starbuck could understand. So he'd offered a little chat time over ice cream. Would it help? Maybe a little. Maybe he'd even feel better afterward. But the point was to get Becca in a better mood. He hadn't been all that attentive to his friends lately, and that needed to change.

Slipping on his flip flops and grabbing his keys, Starbuck shuffled through the hallways from Aquatic to the kitchens. Only a night light near the stove was on, but the relative darkness was kinda nice. It suited his mood, feeling subdued and quiet. So quiet that he was somewhat startled by the sound of someone else in the room. "Bec?"

Feb. 20th, 2008


Week Four, Friday

Who: Jesse, Becca, and anyone else who wants to join in.
Where: The Greenhouse Garden
When: Friday evening, after classes
What: Jesse is just chilling/recovering from the night before and being generally antsy. Who knows what can happen after that! :O
Rating: G unless something happens.

Jesse could hardly believe the smells he was getting as he found himself wandering into the very lush and green greenhouse. The warm temperature greeted him well since he preferred the hot weather. It reminded him of Okinawa, where he spent his really early years, a time of innocence. As he wandered around the garden, he took the time to smell the scent each flower... no... plant put out. Ever since he changed into a werewolf, his senses seemed a little different. He could smell the richness of food, the layers of the flower, and unfortunately people's BO. Everyone, everything, had a distinct smell. He couldn't believe he took advantage of it... of course, he didn't have a nose as strong back then. Girls tended to smell so good while guys smelt like old onions in some cases. It would take some training before he can separate what a werewolf smells like from a vampire. Vampires had a subtle smell of raw flesh to him. Sometimes, he wanted to hold his nose around them.

The curious scents provided a good distraction for the werewolf. Last night he had changed and it still wasn't the most pleasant experience. He couldn't understand how the other weres could be so casual while they changed. Sure, they'd wince a little, like they've been pinched but it didn't seem to bother them. Jesse still cried out while his own voice would morph from a human cry to that of a wolf howl. He found that he'd spend the first few minutes in his new form shaking because the pain made his body feel numb. Then there were the odd urges he'd get while under the full moon. He had self-recognition but he wanted to go out and hunt something like a rabbit. It's a good thing he often got paired with a more experienced were or he might just run off and wake up the next day in a ditch somewhere. Under the full moon, it was almost a state of bliss if someone who was feral could be blissful. He would forget that he would have to change back. That was always as painful as turning to. When all the weres would head to bed and no doubt fall asleep right away, Jesse would hide under his covers, burying his head under his pillow, shaking as he remembered the change. How can they say you can get use to it? Jesse would often wonder, sometimes while a few tears would slip down his cheeks.

When his joints would stop feeling like they were on fire and he'd managed to not feel so dizzy and sick to his stomach, he'd sleep for maybe a few hours before having to attend class in the afternoon. That is the only time he is every extremely early for class. Even so, the lack of sleep and the fact that he usually felt better led him to almost fall asleep a few times. Today was no exception.

Now, class was over and Jesse wanted to relax. The weekend was here. After doing some nose exploring, he found a spot under a tree that seemed to be like a canopy and laid down looking up at the darkening sky. He looked rather pale and his eyes had bags under them but he smiled a little at the thought of the weekend. As he yawned, he wished he brought his PSP. This was a good comfy spot not to mention nice and toasty! He couldn't wait until summer.
Tags: ,

Jan. 12th, 2008


Week one: Friday

Who: Rebecca & Diarmad
What: Someone needs a hug
When: Friday ten thirty
Where: Hallways, library, pretty much everywhere until she finds him

The fact that she couldn't find Diarmad right away didn't deter Rebecca from her mission. She felt he was being evasive, but not with her. Like he was being too quiet lately, not responding to a single post she had made earlier in the week and that troubled her. Not too much trouble though, she was in a mindframe of finding him until she turned blue in the face, so to speak. But finding him was not of an easy task as it should have been. She sought out the hallways and everytime she thought she saw him, she didn't. It was just some large demon kid, or something else with wings turning a corner. Bec could have sworn she was chasing a ghost. When she didn't want to find him, he was avaliable and when she did want to find him, she couldn't. He wasn't a hard man to find. It was fate, to be poor timing on her search.

Nothing was ever simple between them and she had little time to make things simple enough to actually communicate how she was feeling. He gave her the chance and yet, she found she turned it down without thinking about it. Convinced she could find her comfort in her friends, she tried to build a bridge between herself and people she liked. Except with Clover gone, it had gotten a little more then lonely lately, even though she was still talking to people. Now roommateless and returned back to the Zephir house, she couldn't stand it. Homework was easily accomplished in class, if not a poor distraction from the four walls that stared back at her. Tapping her pencil impatiently while waiting for night only prolonged hours into extended boredom, and broadening. And it had only been morning.

By ten thirty, she was more then ready to go hunting for her uncle, especially after creative writing sucked all the creativity from her brain. She had Blades, other forms but wanted to go see her uncle rather then sit through that class. She liked the class, she really did, but distraction had a way of focusing her mind elsewhere, espeically when her heart lay with the sword. One day of skipping class wouldn't hurt, right? She was diligant in attendance and Axel wouldn't miss her, would he? She supposed she was annoying him anyways, she reasoned. Exiting her class, she turned the corner down the hallway with the intent to be rid of her books. She did ask him a lot of questions. Either he covered up his annoyance really well or he was a really patient man at all times of the day.

Arriving at her locker, she tossed her books inside, careless of the way they were stacked. She loved books, but they took up too much room and hauling them around everywhere was less then desirable. Other students around her paused at their lockers to do the same and she slammed hers shut, moving away at a deliberate pace - she had one goal in mind and that was to find him.

Half an hour passed, and that goal was slowly dwindling down to blatantly skipping her class and going to the cafeteria to study when she spotted him in the near empty hallway. "Uncle!" she beamed, practically skipping, and made one last jump right next to him, linking her arm around his as she did so. "I am so. bored! Creative writing isn't anything what I thought it would be when I signed up. I'm terrible at it. I've decided to change my courses as soon as we can, like, next term and -- hey. Did you miss me?" she smiled at him, letting go of his arm and walking backwards as she blurted out only a fraction of what she was thinking. She didn't even wait for him to respond. "Because I was thinking about you and you never even responded to any of my journal posts. Which is so unlike you, might I add. Did you know I wanted an ipod for Christmas? I know. Christmas is so yesterday news, like four months ago old but my birthday isn't until August and I really like music. You knew that right? That I really liked music? - Oh! Kiernan's birthday is around the same time as mine and I thought I could do something special for him since he doesn't age and he's so miserable about it. What do you think?"