Sep. 23rd, 2008


Week Eighteen: Sunday (evening)

Who: The Madcap Brigade. (Capt. Scumble, Lt. Bunnyknickers, Sgt. Muffy, Cpl. Cupcake, and possibly Pvt. Batgirl)
What: Livestock larceny.
Where: Woods-->pasture/barn-->Fire House CR(?)
Why: ...

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to
whoa. Watch it, guys, there’s some malevolent mud on premises.”

Tottering slightly, Sasha looked down, trying to navigate around the slippery spot in the darkening twilight.

It would be safe to say that Susannah Hallmeyer was acting...and looking...odd. Instead of the usual elegant uniform of hem and heels, or even the more pragmatic denim assembly, Sasha was decked out in drawstring camouflage pants, starlet tee, and a striped hoodie sporting cat ears. A Venetian half mask straddled the back of her head. she was also humming, whistling, and grinning like a barmy monkey.

Maybe it was because of the weather, the threat of rain turning the evening sky into a foreboding shadow, the smell of damp beginning to spice the air. Rain always corkscrewed her temper. Maybe it was because of the task at hand: creeping through a patch of woods towards an unwary pasture, and its equally unwary wooly residents. Maybe it was because of the company, because what could you say about a group of girls who spent Sunday night kidnapping livestock for absolutely inane purposes.

Maybe it was because of the flask in her pocket, its contents steadily diminishing.

“Be wevy, wevy quiet,” she hissed behind her. “We’re hunting for a wab—whoa-whoa-whoa-ouch.”

...why hello, Mr. Ditch. How are you faring this fine, sweet evening? Now on her back and temporarily out of sight in what had better damn well be dirt, Sasha exhaled hard through her bangs. Yep, this was exactly how she wanted to approach her twenties: dad dead, mom gone, sadistic vampire twin sister actively out to ruin her sanity, hiding in a mythical school on a fantasy island—stealing sheep. Well, trying to anyway.

“...yo?” She called out. “Y’know, I think I dropped the happy sauce; can somebody toss it down here? But, um, not on my head—well, not on the pretty bits. Also, I ain’t dead.”

Sep. 11th, 2008


Week Seventeen: Thursday, July 26th

Who: Frankie and Max
When: Thursday evening
Where: front lawn outside school
What: flying!

Walking Tesla and Hugo was proving to be one hell of a job. No one could say that Frankie wasn't earning the money Wes gave her. The dogs were slightly bonkers, and had her running all over the place every time she took them walking. But, she managed to keep up with them, and they enjoyed her company it seemed. She'd never been licked so much in her life! Ha!

After the hour together had passed, Frankie returned the beasts to their owner and went back to her dorm to clean up. Tonight wasn't a date, at least she didn't think it was. She would have liked for it to be, but Max didn't seem all that interested in her. Sucked big time. She didn't know what she was doing wrong with men. Did all girls go through this when they first started dating? And did it get easier with time?

She hated her lack of experience and knowledge of this world. She'd been such an outsider for so long, and then was thrust into the normal young adult world without a clue how to navigate it. What was the right way to flirt? How did you go about telling a guy you like him? Who made good boyfriend material? All things she didn't know, and she wasn't sure who to ask. Perhaps everyone just stumbled along, made a lot of mistakes, and eventually figured it out.

Perhaps she should just stop thinking so much about it, and enjoy life. Yeah. Good plan.

She showered (steaming hot as always), dressed in some track pants and a tank top with a low cut back to allow her wings freedom, then grabbed her phone and keys. She snagged a sweat shirt that had holes cut in the back as well, something we wear if she got cold, which was often. All ready, she headed out to the front lawn to meet Max, hopeful she'd at least make a new friend and maybe improve upon her flying.
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May. 27th, 2008


Week Ten: Friday, June 7th

Who: Frankie and Caibre
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Outside around the school

Frankie was free. FREE!!! Her finals were, well, finalized. Over. Done. COMPLETE! And fuck if it didn't feel good. She'd survived her first round of major exams in her new non-traditional school. It had been stressful beyond belief, mostly because she'd not known what to expect. Her whole life had been spent in normal classrooms taking normal classes. Tests meant essays and multiple choice. They weren't easy, but they were, well, sorta predictable. Halcyon was anything but. Her flying final had been the hardest one, and she'd teetered a bit in the air, which was sure to lower her score, but at least she'd not fallen out of the sky. That was a huge improvement. She couldn't help but think that if she'd been using her wings since birth, that she'd be an expert by now. Really sucked that her family didn't own a monster mansion with huge open spaces inside for her to fly.

Oh well, she was 'flying' now. Or running really fast, to be more accurate. When she'd finished her last exam, Frankie ran back to her room and threw on some running shorts and a tank top. The shorts were bright yellow, the tank was boring white, though the neon pink sports bra underneath gave it some pizazz. She left her phone behind, something she nearly always did when running, and the keys to her room were stealthily hidden in the common room so she could find them when she returned.

All that taken care of, Frankie was out the door and bolting across the beautiful lawns surrounding the school. There were trails here and there, but Frankie usually just ran all over the place. She liked the feel of the wind rushing over her skin and through her hair, and the sun was shining bright. It was a glorious day for a sprint.

Other people seemed to be out enjoying the weather as well. She waved to people she was friends with, even stopped to chat with a few of them, but for the most part, Frankie kept moving. She had all sorts of energy to burn. Finishing her exams had lifted her spirits, giving her a boost of vitality.

Apparently, it made her a bit clumsy as well, because some monster root of a tree came out of nowhere and grabbed hold of her foot, sending her flying face forward into the ground with a loud 'oof!'. Well, that was gonna leave a mark. Frankie rolled over to sit on her butt, examining her knees. They weren't bleeding, thankfully, but they did have grass stains on them. Oh well, it would wash off. She licked her palms and rubbed at the marks, trying to clean them up so she could get back to running. "It's just grass, why the fuck does it stain so damn bad?" she grumbled to herself.

May. 4th, 2008


Week Nine: Saturday

Who: Clove and Frankie
When: Saturday around sunset
Where: House of Fire then a Cliff over the beach

Clove had spent most of the week keeping to himself. No matter how many full moons he had been through, the change still left him tired and grumpy for days after. But he felt rested and back to normal now! Well, almost. He had missed a lot of school and now that exams were coming up playing catch up was less fun than previously anticipated.

But would that stop the Cloveinator? HELL no. Dressed in Jeans and a navy blue tee, his hair was in it's natural blond shag when he knocked on Frankies door. "C'mon chicklet! Time's a tickin'" he said. Clove wasn't normally impatient, but he really did want to see the sun set over the water, but he soooo wouldn't tell anyone. He smiled into the door, waiting to see what she was wearing. And more importantly, wondering what she was wearing underneath what she was wearing hehe.

He held a giant basket in the crook of his arm. It was filled with a blanket, some plates he swiped from the kitchen (he was planning on using paper plates, but when you had a girlfriend that could heat up your food for you, flammable dinnerware wasn't the best option), and of course - food. All the things he needed for an awesome picnic.

Okay, not quite. He still needed his girlfriend. Clove was half tempted to say he'd go find Kat if she wasn't out soon, in jest of course, but decided it was better to whistle instead.
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Apr. 22nd, 2008


Week Eight: Tuesday, May 21st, 2007

Who: Frankie and East
When: Tuesday evening (before dark)
Where: heading out to the beach

Frankie was more than pleased with herself for getting East to cave in and agree to put his books down for a while. She was a studious girl, but everyone needed to let the brain rest from time to time. There was only room for so much information in there, and she didn't want Eastie's lovely head to burst. He was too cute to be disfigured like that! He also sounded like he'd forgotten how to just relax, so she felt it was her duty to offer a refresher course.

She and East hadn't spent much time together lately. Wasn't that they weren't close anymore, she made sure to check in with him every so often. It was just, well, they'd both sorta started up relationships around the same time. He was with Sam, and she had Clove. Ok, well, she did have Clove... past tense. Now she had tequila and doubts. Not a good mix. In fact, it was sure to make her do something stupid and wake up with a hangover and a lot of regrets. Oops!

That didn't stop her from throwing a large bottle of the liquor in a shoulder bag and heading off to meet her friend. She also brought a big blanket and a sweater. Once the sun set, it would likely get a bit chilly out by the beach. She wasn't sure about his choice of a location, but so long as they didn't get too close to the water, she'd be fine. Though... sometimes that damn wind carried the misty sea breeze a good distance, and she wasn't looking to be damp and salty.

With supplies in hand, cellphone and keys in her pocket, she skipped off to meet Easton by the main door. It was still light outside as she looked through the windows in the entry hall, which was always weird to her, but definitely welcome. It was wonderful having those extra hours of daylight, because there were few things Frankie loved more than basking in the sun. After her classes, earlier in the day, she'd spent an hour just lounging in the grass in her shorts and a skimpy tank top. Right now, she was wearing jeans out of practicality, but she'd still gone sleeveless, picking a powder blue silk camisole which matched her ballet flats perfectly. It was all very girly.

She spun around a bit as she waited for East. He wasn't late, she was just early... and she'd gotten an early start on her drinking as well. He'd have a little bit of catching up to do when he arrived.

Mar. 25th, 2008


Week Six: Saturday, May 11th, 2007

Who: Frankie (and Flint aka Caylem maybe, otherwise it's a narrative)
When: Saturday evening while the Spring Fling is going on
Where: Kitchens

Frustration... party of one! Yep, that was Frankie in a nutshell. She'd talked to Clove earlier in the evening, and she was missing him more than ever! She understood that he needed to be home with his family, and considering that his family seemed very keen on him dating her, well, she was perfectly happy to have him stay there a bit longer to hear about how great it was that he was dating a kick ass girl like Frankie. Still, she missed him. And it wasn't just the kissing and all that, she missed goofing off with him too. He was so much fun to be around. Who else could she steal bacon from? And who else would argue with her only to tell her what an idiot she was being a second later and convince her that she could put her lips to better use by molesting his mouth? Guh... he had such a great mouth too. It was so sexy when he talked, but it was even hotter when he didn't. DAMMIT!

She whipped the mousse harder, taking out her frustrations on her latest creation. Frankie had spent A LOT of time in the kitchen since Clove left. Being around the heat of the stove was comforting, and working on delicious tasting treats kept her mouth and hands busy. She had been this way for years, and it was probably the reason for Frankie being such a good cook. When she was stressed, she ran to the kitchen. It was actually rare for her to eat many of her creations, she tended to give them away, loving to see and hear the reaction they got from satisfied mouths. However, in the past week, she'd probably tasted one too many of the desserts she'd whipped up. Oops! Good thing she was a ball of energy, or she might have put on some weight. But, flying more lately, and continuing her twice daily runs, ensured she kept off the pounds. So, she could afford a little nibble or two here and there.

In fact, the mousse looked fantastic, so she dipped her index finger into it for a taste. The second the fluffy, smooth chocolate touched her tongue, her eyes closed and she gave a little whimpering moan. "Fuck me... that's good.." she whispered to herself, her hand leaving her mouth and moving to push some stray hair back out of her face. She'd definitely be making this for Clove when he returned.

Jan. 25th, 2008


Week Two: Friday Night

Who: Clove and Frankie
Where: House of Fire for a brief moment, and then on the grounds
When: Friday night
What: Clove wooing Frankie

Was Clove nervous? No. Okay, maybe a little, but it really wasn't his style. He had enough confidence in him to know that Frankie wouldn't be able to get him out of his head for awhile after tonight, but he really was concerned about his plans coming together in perfect formation.

He had spent the last two weeks working out ideas in his head, playing with his illusions and practicing them. In fact, he had skipped his classes today to set up the tables and chairs by the water, and making sure he could hold the illusions he had planned for a couple hours. With Frankie being a fire sprite, he didn't think she would like the water too much, but with what he had planned, it would be pretty cool.

In the morning, Clove rolled out of bed early, which was a miracle in itself. Heading down to the spot he had picked for their date, he set up a canopy, tablecloths, chairs, and all sorts of things a romantic dinner would entail. Only, Frankie didn't know anything about it. She also didn't know that these illusions he had been practicing tired him out so much that after his classes, he barely had enough energy to walk, nevermind talk to her. It would be worth it, hopefully. No, it better, because in his absence some random dude had managed to wrap Frankie around his finger - not good news. It even had Clove doubting what kind of girl she was, but that was an old issue, and he was sticking to his guns. He would find out soon enough anyway. Besides, he liked the girl he met and that's what he preferred to base things off of, not rumors and gossip.

Getting back to his room, he took a quick shower and shaved. He wouldn't be turning his hair black or hiding stubble tonight. Clove was already going to be using a lot of energy, and he wanted to save some for the end of the night...y'know, just in case. A shaggy blond head of hair was managed, he was smelling spicy, and a tux was donned. Looking in the mirror, he felt a little silly. But hey, he told her to dress fancy, and it just added to the mood he supposed. In his head he did a mental checklist, everything was set up and it was almost seven. Time to go!

Grabbing a blindfold and a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath, he headed to Frankie's room. On the journey, he earned some glances and whispering from some of the other girls. So he looked a little weird at the moment, but he just winked at them, amused at their reactions and went along his way.

Holding both of his items behind his back in his right hand, he knocked at the door with his left. Taking a deep breath, he said to the door, "C'mon gorgeous, I know you're in there." In the moment, Clove was more excited than nervous. He really enjoyed her company, and really hoped she was wearing heels - there were some rocks to walk over, and there'd be nothing better to have to carry her over them. Yeah, Clove did that whole super romantic, cheesy, knight in shining armor bit - but only for the girls he was absolutely smitten with.
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Jan. 12th, 2008


Week One: Friday, April 5th, 2007

Who: All sorts of people
When: April 5th, Friday night
Where: The city, Heaven and Hell (specifically Hell)
((OOC: Sorry for the late start to the thread!))

What to wear, what to wear. Frankie shifted from her right foot to her left and then back again, the pattern repeating as she stood in front of her closet, trying to figure out what she would wear tonight. Sadly, jello wrestling would probably be best suited for a swimsuit. She only owned one, and it had never been worn in the water. The most action it ever got was on family vacations to secluded areas where no one would see a girl with wings running around. She didn't swim, not only because of the obvious reason of having freakish flaps attached to her back, but also because she hated water. Short, hot showers were it for her. Thankfully, jello was semi-solid, which was really the only thing that made it a tolerable substance for play time. She prayed it wouldn't melt too much, get too 'liquidy', or she'd just have to forfeit and bail. Frankie didn't do water. Period.

She was losing focus. Back to the clothing choices. Well, she could go with her red running shorts and a tight white tanktop... that could work. Or, she could just go for the bikini. The skimpy, pale pink number looked great on her, and she was wanting to show off some skin now that she was able. Give Grey and Clove both something to lust over. For Grey, it was sort of a reward for the things he had done RIGHT last night (she was willing to forgive him splashing her with water). But for Clove, it was almost like punishment... her way of saying 'look what you're missing out on, punk!' That pretty much made up her mind. Bikini!

Slipping into it, Frankie threw on some yoga pants and a tank top. She also put on a thick and fuzzy hoodie. The clothes would keep her warm for the trip to the club, and hopefully help her warm up after her wrestling match. She also decided to bring a towel.

Now, what to do with her hair, and should she wear makeup? Hmm... tricky. As Frankie considered it, she really wished she had some tequila. Dammit, making decisions like this was so much easier with booze! There was the practical side of her that said there was no point to wearing makeup and doing her hair, because it was just going to look a mess once she got in the jello pit. But, who knew how long she'd be walking around for everyone to see BEFORE that?! Yeah, she'd have to make sure she looked cute. Damn.

It didn't take long to get gussied up. She styled her hair down, her golden curls falling lightly over her shoulders. Her eyes were smokey, and she put on a nice sheer lip gloss to make her lips look kissable. As she looked at her reflection, she mused that she now KNEW what it meant to be kissed. It made her smile ear to ear and think about last night.

Augh, losing focus again! Ok, finish getting ready. She did so quickly, and with one last look at herself, grabbed her towel and headed out to hail a cab. It was a relatively short ride to the club, and her informal attire was accepted when she reached the entrance, because she told the bouncer she would be stripping off all but her tiny bikini once she got inside the warm building. The bulky man gave Frankie a long, slow look up and down, smiling wickedly, making Frankie feel violated. But, she forced herself to smile in return and even wink at the guy (who smelled like onions, yuck!). A second later, he let her pass, and she made her way down to the bowels of the club.

Hell was really something to behold. She liked it a great deal. It was packed with warm bodies, creating a delicious heat that she craved. Frankie immediately peeled off her hoodie and tank top, letting her wings get a good stretch as she made her way over to the jello pit set up, as promised, by the club's owner, Vale.

Jan. 6th, 2008


Week One: Thursday

Who: Grey and Frankie
Where: Side/back entrance to Halcyon
When: Thursday, dusk.
OOCNote: The school has no smoking ban, but Grey doesn't know. Sorry for any confusion!

Fucking inside smoking ban. It wasn't getting any warmer yet and Grey liked the warmer seasons. One of his pipe dreams was to get one of those ultra-modern houses by the Ocean with those walls of huge windows looking out at the water. He'd wake up under Egyptian Cotton sheets every day.

Instead of in some shitty school, smoking cheap cigarettes in his brown leather bomber, sitting on a stone wall like he was a kid. He was wearing worn black boots with newer Diesel jeans and a DKNY white t-shirt. His hair was a little wild, but fuck it. It gave him an untamed appearance that some chicks found irresistible.

This place was just like the streets. He didn't stick out too much, but could catch an eye if he said the right things. Kinda a little harder with all these crazy beautiful people walking around shooting fire out of their dicks and looking into your mind. The Man thought he'd do fine enough here and, since he was getting paid, it was worth being there. It was almost like a free ride. He got fed, warm place to sleep without rent. Lots of broads walking around.

Hel-lo. Who was this cutie walking by? She was a little younger than he usually liked them, but it wasn't like that sexy something was crawling on him right now. Besides, he was supposed to meet people. "'Ey, y'got the time?" He asked, his accent cutting out whole sounds from words. It was something that was easily corrected, but it was entirely part of his character.
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