Dec. 30th, 2007


Week one: Wednesday

Who: Adam and Blake
Where: the kitchens
When: Wednesday afternoon after classes

Adam was frankly excited to meet Blake, as their conversations over the blogs amused him to no end and it seemed like being friends with her would be very interesting. First of all, they were going to make fig pie together - something that he'd never heard of until they decided upon making it. Securing the kitchen for their preparation wasn't that difficult, and Adam waited in front of the doors to it so he could easily meet Blake. Granted, he had no idea what she looked like, but it might be someone with a mischevious twinkle in her eye. He leaned against the doorframe as he waited and let his thoughts wander.

Darn, he couldn't stop thinking about his date with Dallas and that was going to make him on edge during the time he spent with Blake and that would hardly be appropriate. He tried to concentrate on something less appealing, like... oh, he had no idea. Damn. Adam crossed his arms over his chest and focused on the crack on the wall. It seemed to be distracting enough for the moment and he glanced down the corridor for Blake. True to his word, he had found a whip for her, as true friends followed through with their promises to get weapons. This was more sexy than anything else, and he hoped that she could find use for it.

His plan for setting up Rufus hadn't seen life as of yet, but at least it might be a little bit easier than helping Blake - not that she specifically asked for his help. The least he could do was be the best friend possible, because he didn't have very many friends yet. Truth be told, he liked having a group of good friends, like he had in China, because now he was a bit lonely. It wasn't as if Dallas and his brother's company wasn't enough, as it was quite suitable, but he hadn't relaxed in true Adam style as much as he wanted. Maybe this time with Blake and his date with his girlfriend might cheer him up.

He wondered if they'd have the same sense of humor in person like they did over the blogs. A person offline could be quite different, not that he was like that. Adam prefered to give anyone he talked to all he was up front so there was no pretense. In fact, he didn't like to keep secrets from the people he cared about, which was why he told his parents about being a wereleopard straight up. The best method to say something harsh was to nonchalantly mention it with all the other bad things, so they'd overwhelm each other. Not that he'd have anything to hide from Blake. Anyway, they were just laidback, easy going friends and a no pressure relationship was exactly what he liked.
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