Jul. 1st, 2008


Week Twelve: Sunday, June 23rd

Who: Charlie and Val
When: Sunday, close to midnight
Where: random bar in town
Warning: definitely naughty :P

If Charlie still had the ability to sweat, it probably would have been coming off him in buckets. As it was, the chill of night sunk into his bones, making his joints ache. It wasn't just the cold though, it was fear. He had no control over himself when he was around Val, and he wasn't sure what the fuck sort of stupid thought had driven him to ask to meet with her. Right now, as he climbed onto his bike and raced into town, he felt like the biggest idiot in the world, but he also had this pulsing need to see her.

Being connected to someone in the way that Charlie now was to Val was painful. It ached constantly, and it wouldn't be ignored. He'd never really gotten himself addicted to any sort of chemicals, but he figured this was about the way it felt to be an addict... to desperately crave something that would only hurt you. She'd ripped his life apart, and yet he still wanted the taste of her on his lips. It was a sickness.

Jerking his hand back, he gunned the engine and drove much faster than he ever should have on such twisting roads, but if he was stupid enough to meet with Val, then he was clearly stupid enough to nearly commit suicide on a motorcycle. Maybe if he lost control and became impaled on a road side sign, the world would be a better place.

Seemed the world would have to wait to swallow up Charlie though, because he arrived at the rundown bar they'd agreed to meet at, sooner than he would have liked. Charlie's eyes darted around as he pulled off his helmet and climbed down from his bike. He couldn't feel her or smell her, but maybe she was able to prevent him from doing so? He had no idea what sorts of things she could do. That was part of the reason he was here (other than clearly being insane). He wanted to know what she was, and in turn, what sort of... thing... he'd become as a result.

'Where the fuck is she?' He wondered, putting all the other shit aside for just a moment. Charlie walked around, his boots crunching in the gravel, his keys jingling lightly in the pocket of his leather jacket. He'd not had time to worry about his appearance before running out, though did he really care how he looked to see her? He wasn't sure, and it was too late to worry about it now. Tattered jeans and a plain white t-shirt would have to do. He'd not even bothered with his normal bit of flare. There was no hat, no scarf, and the belt was boring. It was all very un-Charlie Burghard.
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Jun. 16th, 2008


Week Twelve: Tuesday

Who: Selene and Valeria
Where: Hell
When: Tuesday, 11pm
Rating: TBD

It was clear that the blonde in the back of the bar had no desire to be sitting amongst the various individuals that found the dark trappings of Hell to be their particular cup of tea for the evening. Fingernails tapped with a certainly audible level of irritation against the edge of her glass. It didn't hold her customary glass of wine or even a drink more suited to one of her race. Instead, it was a simple human drink. An aged brandy rolling over the ice cubes that were occasionally swirled around the bottom of her glass. It wasn't a drink she indulged in often. The slide of the amber colored liquid over the cubes reminded her of years gone by, drinks and meals shared...

Shared with the one that was the very reason she was seated in Hell on a Friday evening.

Valeria. The one that had been before her but not the one that had remained. Selene knew of her, it hadn't ever been a secret that she had not been the first person Cassius had sired. That she held no problem with, though if she was being entirely honest with herself a small touch of that insecurity that almost every individual held lingered. Questions about what she had truly meant to him... and what she meant in turn.

For centuries she had never thought on those concerns. Had there been any need to? No. But now... now there was all too much to think. She knew exactly what Cassius had endured at the mercies of the demon, the demon that his childe was so tied to. For that alone, Selene could not stand the woman. But that she... was the temptation that threatened to push Cassius over the edge that Selene did not know how to help him back from any longer was enough to have her seated in Hell, waiting to see if the other would appear.

But what terrified her was whether or not he truly didn't wish for that fall.

Dressed for the part in hell, she had left her customary suit in her room. Left it in the room that felt different than it once had, closed off and walled off as Cassius was in her head. Her customary wear didn't fit what she needed to be this evening and she was woman enough to admit that there was something damn empowering about a pair of heels.

Trappings wouldn't be enough and Selene knew it. But it could all be for naught. If the other woman would even show up...
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Apr. 29th, 2008


Week Eight: Saturday

When: Night
Where: House away from city/school
Who: Cassius and Val

In the dark Cassius sat, a headache pulsing at the back of his skull making it feel as though it would crack in effort to release the pressure. Here to this house far from the city and the school he had been since before the sunrise. Finding his way there as the werecreatures were brought closer and closer to the school as their time to shift back neared. As needed he had gone out with other teachers that night. He had seen to the students, ensuring that none were harmed while they were not fully themselves. Fights were stilled, aggression curbed. But always it wore on him. Emotions ran rampant the week of the full moon. Students so consumed by those primal urges that they lost control and lashed out. Even those well trained in keeping such emotions at bay could not help but be pushed by the onslaught of it all.

Cassius struggled; and because of it he did as he often did when he felt as though his own control was sacrificed. He shut himself away, cutting himself off from the feel of those emotions until he felt as though he stood upon stable ground again.

Control. It was now the center of his life. It ruled all he did, all he spoke, all he even thought. It had consumed him in a way that left him often wondering if there was anything else. There were times when he felt caged, as though the walls put around his mind were instead around him. Locking him in a room with no windows or doors; no way out…no escape. He had felt this way before, when he let chaos reign and gave up all fight against it.

For Cassius the middle ground was not so easily kept. Back and forth he had teetered through the years and still, even with his years, a balance wasn’t kept.

But now was different then all the times before. After the demons something had changed…that control slipped more and more and when it did he got that taste for how things had been. Like a shock through the senses making him feel alive again. Was he forever changed? He did not even know, or even fully recall what had been done. He knew only that the passing of time had not cured all this strain as he had thought it would.

Being here had not solved the damage done. )
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Mar. 21st, 2008


Week Six: Friday

Where: Heaven
When: Friday Night
What: Charity Date Auction

Eva was something beyond excited. It fluttered about her with nervous energy. If she were out in the open water no doubt there would have been small eddies forming around her in response to the energy she gave off with each and every breath as she hurried about Heaven getting all the last finishing touches done on her crowning achievement. Eva had done her fair share of party planning over the years at Halcyon, she loved being in the mix helping set a mood. And let's face it the girl loved a party... especially a theme party.

But this was something more. It was something that had been entirely her idea. Born of... who the hell knew where but it did put together all her favorite things. Flirting, dating, runway shows, Heaven... the list really could go on. Even in her egotistical glory Eva knew that she couldn't have completed this event without the girls that had volunteered to help out. Taylor, Sam and Frankie had been fantastic, picking up on all the things that Eva was horrible at... you know like the practical aspects of the whole event.

The night had a beach theme as was befitting the charity chosen for the evening and Eva couldn't have been happier. Heaven had been decked out, Vale's assistant proved to be more than helpful at helping her organize the decorations and getting the staff to help out. A runway had been constructed with a podium at the back where Eva planned to do her auctioning from. Tropical plants lined the runway for the dates to strut their stuff along. Eva was almost jealous that she wasn't doing any strutting herself and with the outfit she'd donned for the night... she felt like she could. Perhaps not traditionally beach themed but it was a swimming suit... of sorts and as the auctioneer she thought she needed to glam it up and set herself a part a little.

But when didn't Eva think she needed to set herself a part from the crowd.

Eva exchanged a few last words with the bartenders for the night, making sure that mai tais and other tropical drinks were the order for the night. She wove her way through the tables that had been set up a bit aside from the runway, brightly colored umbrellas over them to add to the theme. She ensured that there was plenty of food ready for people attending and finally she made sure that man at the door was ready to take the $10 dollar cover charge. It was for a charity after all!

Now all she had to do was make sure that the meat er... the dates were ready for their big night!

ooc posting information )

Feb. 26th, 2008


Week Four: Friday

When: Later Night
Where: The City
Who: Cassius and Val

The week was long and the full moon had all but made it that much more difficult to tolerate. Always student’s emotions were heightened then, a pounding force against the mind that did not want to be blocked out. It was a near burn against the flesh, all the energy, emotions, thoughts… But while such a time would seem to mean he’d be away from the school more he was actually there far more. With that full moon came fears, worries, and a desire to speak to ones guide about everything that was going to come to pass. Not just a guide no…a counselor.

Cassius lingered, seeing to various meetings between his classes. It kept him busy and yet still the week seemed to drag. On and on, hours ticking by like days. The full moon, at least, had gone quickly. Cassius was one of the many teachers and staff that were out that night to ensure everything went well. Not all that worked at the school were capable of the task. Cassius had age enough to out power even a raged werecreature and if he somehow could not, he had speed upon them. But it was more his ability to affect the mind that came into play then. Able to calm, to reach within and bring back that sense of self to ease a student from that aggression.

It was a strain yes, but Cassius never once let it show.

With the end of the week Cassius was quick, however, to seek retreat from the school. He lingered only long enough to spend some time with Selene before she left for a meeting and Cassius himself left for the city. She knew where to find him should her weekend hold clear hours. But even the weekends for them tended to be busy, sometimes far more so then the rest of the week even.

The night air was crisp and cool, a feeling that nearly refreshed Cassius as he left the bustling halls of Halcyon behind him. Through the courtyard he walked, stopping to speak with a few guards before finding way to his car. Status reports…Cassius was sent them daily but still he preferred to speak with the guards personally whenever he could. Often it was for just the simple desire to get a feel of them. Though it was never so easy to find the enemy disguised as friend. And all knew there was such about the island.

Far too many holding that trait in Cassius’s opinion.

His path was simple, straight from the school to the house he owned that was past the outskirts of the city. Dark, secluded, it was not all together the safest place on the island but it was safer then it might appear from an outsider’s perspective. Which was what Cassius wanted.

There some work was seen to, idle means to pass the time. But it was not long before hunger began to edge upon his senses. He could deny it or simply see to one of the bloodbags in the kitchen but he did not do choose to do either. Instead Cassius grabbed his suit jacket and left the house hours after he had first arrived.

With the strain of the week he needed something more then a simple bag. He needed something with more strength. Most staff members in the school, and on the island, knew the few places to go when they craved blood from a live, willing, body. It was to one such bar that Cassius headed.
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Jan. 21st, 2008


Week Two: Tuesday, Narrative - Valeria

Some might have called the events of the last week a bust. To Valeria though, it was just a beginning. Reunited with a dear old friend, games with her precious pet, and steps taken to have the opportunity to work with her sire and to please Sergio. That was not yet a done deal, but Valeria was sure Sergio's ties would make sure the position was hers, one way or another. She expected her phone to ring quite soon with the good news. Surely they couldn't turn down one so qualified. Even if Selene tried to shit all over it, they couldn't use her whining over ex-girlfriends as a good reason. How pathetic would that sound? Not that Val would put that past her.

And so she stayed, here in her room at the hotel so near Heaven and Hell. Near, but not quite near enough. She had plenty to keep her busy. A computer and lots of information to shift through. It shouldn't have surprised her the number of people Sergio had in place in the school, but still it did. And the high positions they held. Val was certain there were others as well that she didn't know about. It was how Sergio worked. Not everyone that worked for him always knew about the others working for him, and there were always people watching each other. So even though Val had her orders to keep her eyes on certain players, she knew there were others she didn't know about with orders to keep eyes on her. It was one way the demon managed to have eyes everywhere.

She wasn't idle while she awaited word from the school. Most nights she spent in Hell, and even a bit in Heaven, listening to whatever "gossip" she could gather. It was one way to gain information. Like for instance... the bit she gathered about Upton's girl Rose throwing such a nasty fit. Of course... Val already had done a bit of computer snooping, and learned a bit of news Janos had tried so hard not to say. "He not your father Rose."

Like a good little indian, Val had passed that up to Sergio as soon as she saw it. Possibly it meant nothing and was not even worth their notice or care. Why would it matter to them if Upton was her father or not (even if there was the distinct possibility he was speaking figuratively.) Still... Sergio had known for some time Janos was sitting on some great secret. Maybe Janos just liked drawing attention every time he did open up. Maybe he really had nothing. Maybe he had something big. Val doubted this was it.

With her reports written, Val did a bit of shopping in the local shops then spent the rest of the night playing in Hell. This time she actually had some uninterrupted play with Vale. Maybe soon she'd have the same with the others. Her sire, and her childe.

Jan. 10th, 2008


Week One: Saturday

When: Night
Where: Club Hell
Who: Vale and anyone

Busy busy busy. Vale was a man that enjoyed the sin of sloth but as of late he’d rarely been able to truly indulge in it. With his dear brother gone Vale was rather left to running…everything. Neither snake brother really trusted too many hands being involved in their businesses and so often kept all management to themselves. This city, this club, was no exception to that. It was a job easier with two but manageable by one. Vale made it work of course but there were days where he simply had to brush it all aside. Saturday had been deemed such a day.

There was far too much to see and do for him to be trapped behind a desk pouring over paperwork. No…Vale was the hands on sort of manager. The kind that wanted to be right out in the crowds the club brought in. The sort that wished to give personal hellos to return guests and indulge in all that the club offered. Even as a business man the snake indulged always in all life had to give him.

Tonight was a very busy night for the club. Local bands always did draw interest though it really didn’t take much to give reason for all the schools students to rush down to the club come the weekend. Vale rather enjoyed the prospect of this night however; he was a man with a high interest in music. A love for the rumble that it caused to course through the ground. Vibrations felt and absorbed by the snake demon. More then that he enjoyed seeing what the youths of today could create. Some were set to rise to the stars and others…he had no idea how they thought their sound was anything near to music.

Both Heaven and Hell would be filled with live music tonight. Up above the sound was lighter, some might say popish in tone but it wasn’t really that. It was simply…easier to dance to. The sort of music young girls loved and men enjoyed only because they were all too eager to watch the woman move. Down below the music had to have a darker edge or it was left for the stage up above. Heavy metal, screaming vocals, or seductive natures to lure the crowd at their feet. Vale was not truly a picky man but he knew what fit with Hell and what did not. No sappy love songs or moaning about ones broken heart or lost car. Techno, peppy, country, light, jazz….those all took place in Heaven, not Vale’s sort of Hell.

The sorts that came into hell had to blend with leather and blood. Velvet and screams. The sorts that came into hell wanted something that they could bang their heads to or grind against their dance partner with. They wanted to try to feel it all like the snake could. And Vale did so aim to please…

During the day Vale had seen to business, both the club and his brothers own. Amusing really that a business Vale now ran was one he put so much of his own money into…but at the least he would know more then all others just how potent the product was. Yes he’d sample some of such before forgoing business and entering Hell a few hours after the sun had gone down and the second group was setting up the stage to perform.

He slithered through the crowd, kissing the cheeks of those he knew in passing, speaking faintly in the ear of workers to give orders or hints to what they should be doing. But it was not long before he was at his booth. Dressed in only leather pants and boots, accessorized always with woman who quickly curled at his side.