August 3rd, 2008

[info]thirteenpocky in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Fifteen: Saturday

Who: Alice and Xander
When: 7:30pm till ?
Where: Some beach somewhere
What: Alice decides to do a little drinking with Xander.

Since arriving at Halcyon, Alice had already made quite a few bad decisions. They weren't really that bad, but not really all that good either. Let's just say she wasn't making the brightest decisions in her life and had never done so before. Maybe it was the people she was hanging out with, but she was not used to this new lifestyle. Alice was a very a good girl and was starting to have a bit of trouble keeping it that way nowadays.

Tonight's planned festivities was a prime example of the poor choices she had been making as Alice waited patiently while sitting on a bench in front of the school. She was dressed in a simple white dress with her swimsuit underneath and a pair of white sandals. She arrived ten minutes early since that was what she normally did when meeting up with people and wouldn't mind if Xander showed up late. She wasn't one to fuss over tardiness since she wasn't even paying attention to the time herself as she skillfully pressed the buttons on her white psp while humming a soft melody to herself. Nope, she really wouldn't mind at all. She probably wouldn't have really noticed until it started getting dark out anyway.

Alice had spent the majority of her day in the kitchen preparing for the late night picnic. As much as she enjoyed a simple sandwich like turkey on white and as funny as it would be to show up with just that, Alice decided against it. She actually got up early enough to make it into town to do a bit of shopping despite the horrible pounding that was going on in her head due to the all the fun she had the night prior. As soon as she procured all the needed ingredients, she quickly got to work with all the cooking that was ahead of her.

Xander had said to surprise him and Alice hoped she'd be able to do so. Inside the cooler and basket that sat below her feet contained some roast beef paninis with fontina cheese and roasted roma tomatoes, the deviled eggs like she promised and a few white chocolate, raspberry muffins with light butter cream frosting. Alice hadn't made a meal for someone other than herself in awhile, but enjoyed doing so. Even if they were only sandwiches. She even roasted the beef herself! Hopefully Xander liked his meat rare.
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[info]thirteenpocky in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Fifteen: Friday

Who: Alice and Shoko
When: 7pm till ?
Where: A small hotel in town
What: Cute Japanese girls having cute fun yo!

Finally! The day that Alice had been looking forward to all week had finally came. It had been years since she had spent this kind of time with someone she felt comfortable with. She really did miss all those fun times from her childhood and as much as she missed her old friends, she was quickly starting to replace them with new ones. Maybe even betters ones.

As soon as Alice got done with her classes, she rushed back to her room to grab everything she had set aside for the night's entertainment. She decided to skip out on games club tonight and hoped she wouldn't get in trouble for it. It didn't seem like it was a mandatory thing to attend and if she did get in trouble, she'd deal. There were far better things for her to do tonight.

Alice had rented a room at a hotel in town for the night since she didn't want to be keeping anyone up with all the noise Shoko and her would be making and risk getting caught in a house she didn't belong in. Sure it was only another girl's room, but rules were rules and as silly as they were, they were made for a reason.

A list of activities for the night were playing a little dress up before finally getting into their pj's, a little bit of karaoke with sake since you couldn't karaoke without it and whatever else girls their age did. Alice had caught a taxi down to the hotel to prep the room and drop off all of her things shortly after classes were done and was back to meet Shoko in front of the school at the set time.
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[info]creed_of_flight in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Fifteen: Thursday

Who: Max, and Vivian
When: Thursday Night
Where: On the school grounds
What: Flying in the fog, it would seem.

Flirting. It was a past time that she enjoyed. One which more often than not, found her in a spot of trouble. One, which she had taken up around the age of seventeen, when she discovered that boys existed, and tended to act rather oddly around her. Vivian could thank her time spent in an all female primary school, for keeping her sheltered up to that point. It may have been this first impression of men, that her entire opinion was formed upon. That they were indeed, odd creatures. Of course, it wasn't true of all of them. Only the majority. But really, what did that say about women? They knew this of men, and yet still flocked to them. Vivian recalled having previously heard a saying, which she now knew to be true... Men were stupid, and women were crazy. Now that she found herself playing both sides of the field, she could appreciate such a logic. Women were beautiful, and appealing on so many different levels, but the crazy was something she could not handle in large doses. How men did it, was beyond her.

The never ending battle of the sexes aside, it seemed this night was going to be an interesting one, if anything. The vampire had woken an hour, or so before, after her nap that each day, ate the remained of daylight. Her sleeping habits were strange, and it was more likely, than not, that she did not sleep as much as she should. The simple truth was, however, that when the moon was high, she was drawn to be active. Studies had been done on mortals, testing their physiological connection to the sun... the testing of a theory. It was proven that they did indeed rest better, when sleeping at night, rather than during the day, and those who's schedules were reversed, due to work, or something of that nature, were not as well rested. Even if the same amount of sleep was held. Vivian was convinced that vampires were the same, only in the opposite standards. Vivian hadn't had a real adjusting time, when she was first changed. The black painted windows, thick with fabric, in the room where her sire had kept her, hid the time of day. So, she had had slipped into a sleeping pattern, that her body chose. Now, she was having to live by the clock once more.

Unless going out to the club, she kept her appearance simple. Minimal makeup, practical clothing, her hair usually allowed to fall as it wished. Besides, this might very well turn into a fly in the rain, so being completely dolled up wasn't exactly smart. Flying, it was strange to think about. Outside of a plane, or para-sailing, she had never been flying. There may have even been a moments hesitation, when the demon had invited her. For one, she didn't know him, at all. He could very well carry her up into the heavens, and see fit to splatter her to the ground. High enough, she was sure not even a vampire could survive a fall like that. But, that was half of the appeal, the risk of not knowing what could happen. Unlike most people, Vivian was prepared to take the blame for her own misjudgement, if it came to that. Yet, Max had seemed friendly enough on the net, new to school, and obviously wishing to meet new people. If things became ugly, she could always bite him.

After a shower, a blow dry, and change of clothes, she made her way down to the entrance of Halcyon. The sun had been down for a while now, so there was no reason to hesitate, and hang back longingly within the walls. As if meeting a stranger in the dark wasn't risky enough, the setting made it completely laughable. And she did in fact laugh, it was almost poetic. Shaking her head, she stepped out into the thick fog, the pointed toe boots she wore, sinking into the damp earth, as she walked. It was beautiful... there were never nights like this back home, so, she decided to enjoy it. If it rained, so be it, it was only water. So long has it hadn't been blessed, it wouldn't do them any harm. It would be impossible to see anyone approaching, so, she decided to rely on her ears to alter her to anyone, or anything approaching, as she waited for the shadow demon to join her.
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[info]tattooed_skin in [info]halcyon_halls

Week Fifteen: Tuesday

Who: Caibre, and Wes
When: Tuesday after classes
Where: Wes' office
What: Someone needs to be brought down a peg, or two.

It had caught him on a bad day, really, that had been the only reason he had spoken up to begin with. Any other time, he likely would have shook his head, felt a brief sympathy for the Instructor, and moved on to deal with his own shit. But, thanks to a shitty night a the shop, the day before he discovered the mess, Wes had already been in a pissy mood. He quickly decided that it could just as easily been his own class room, which made the whole thing not cool. Of course, once he found out who had been responsible for the mess, that left him gunning that much more to have the whole issue addressed. The bastard had insulted his kid, right from the start. He'd been on Wes' shit list, the minute he stepped foot on the island. Then there were the other incidents involving the kid, that tended to be passed around from teacher to teacher. The kid was trouble. Worse even, he had the temper, and manners of a five year old, but in a twenty something year old, were body. That was dangerous.

Yeah, he hadn't been completely alone in this fit throwing, but Wes couldn't really fault the girl for being an idiot, and sticking her nose where it didn't belong. The young women of Halcyon seemed it be plagued with stupidity lately. Wandering around, and approaching unstable supernaturals, for what... entertainment? Oh yeah, that was really fucking smart. Wes suspected that most could not yet sense the nature of all of those they approached. It could be something that came with age, but, it would be beneficial for everyone to have it. Would likely save people a great deal of grief. But, so long as the youth thought they were ten foot tall, and bullet proof... or looking to play the helpless victim for the attention, shit like this would continue to happen. Yeah, it was obvious Wes didn't miss being under a century old. The drama was ridiculous, as were the egos.

Pretty much everything thus far had been a big cocktail of things that annoyed him. Leecee, of course had to step in, thanks to the little girls involvement.... Wes didn't care much for Leecee, hadn't since the moment they met. Then again, who could really blame him for not digging someone who not only spoke down to him, insulted him by assuming he didn't really know a damn thing about tattooing, but also dissed his shop? Wes didn't think it was unfair to run of his first impression with the witch. So, when she contacted him, saying that she, and Miklos would handle things, and he should just step back, he had bristled. Really, if he hadn't had plans to speak to the kids before that, he certainly had afterwards. But, as it stood, Leecee was member of staff, as well as the guide teacher to both of his kids, so, he did his best to seem formally polite. Not an easy task for him, as he would much rather just tell everyone what he really thought of them.

There was a reason he'd requested they meet in his office, rather than his own classroom, or the shop even. Wes spent very little time in his office, and that was obvious by it's plan decoration, and neat appearance. It didn't fit his personality at all. But, when you had a were coming in, that was known for destroying things, the last thing you wanted, was to have them around stuff that you valued. The thick soled boots he wore, were propped atop his desk. The tops of which were tucked into his trademark, ragged, decorated, patched jeans. Today he had picked out an old, faded t-shirt, with 'The Coasters', written in a cracked graphic across the front. Yeah... he didn't look like he belonged in a classroom at all. A tattoo parlor, yeah, the stage, certainly.
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