Sep. 7th, 2008


Week 17: Tuesday

Who:  Sydni and Kenzie
Where:  The kitchen
What:  Belated birthday dinner
When:  After the dinner rush

Sydni was looking forward to surprising her friend with a treat for his birthday.  The last time they'd bumped into each other she'd ended up red for most of the conversation.  Even now when that thought crossed her mind, she blushed a bit.  It definitely showed on he face whenever she thought about sex.  And Serghei was a very attractive guy, and Kenzie, well, she definitely had a bit of a different view of him now.  She'd previously thught of him as a kid, but now she really couldn't think of him that way without being a bit creeped out.

Looking at all the ingredients she'd brought with her, she didn't know how much Kenzie would like to help or not.  It could be fun.  Especially making the dough.  She liked squishing it between her fingers, as childlike as that could be.  She even had fun making funny designs out of the toppings - usually she made a happy face with pepperonis, black olives, and and peppers.  But she'd brought just about every topping she could think of so Kenzie could decide what he wanted on the pizza.  Homemade pizza was definitely the way to go - way healthier if you chose the right toppings.  And, she'd brought some wine in case he liked wine.  Other beverages were already in the kitchen fridge, so she hadn't bothered with those.

Sydni was really never happier than when she was making something for someone else.  She loved to give gifts way more than she enjoyed receiving them.  And while she had no problem hunting down the perfect store-bought gift, if she could make it, she would.  She really believed that putting her energy into something made it that much more powerful.  Especially given her spiritual beliefs.

Looking around at her set up - all the ingredients plus the necessary utensils and dishes - she smiled and nodded a bit to herself.  It was a bit early in the week, but she was feeling some of the pull of the moon.  She couldn't stand still for long, and kept going and checking cabinets to be sure she hadn't forgotten something.  Or she'd start tapping her nails on the counter.  When she heard someone enter, she looked up and smiled.  "Happy belated birthday."
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Aug. 2nd, 2008


Week 15: Monday

Who:  Kenzie and Sydni
What:  A second chance
Where:  In a hallway near the Lunch Hall
When:  Before dinner

Sydni was hoping that this week would turn out better than last.  Although the outcomes of last week had been better than she hoped, it had really been an emotional rollercoaster, and she was done with her emotions being so out of whack.  Seriously.  The week before had been the full moon, and she had been nearly off her rocker with the pull of her various emotions.  And then last week her emotions had gone on a similar path.  Time for a nice, mellow week.  Or at least one without turmoil.

She'd finally decided that it was safe to return to the Lunch Hall for meals.  She'd spent a whole week away from it, and she figured that the ruckus had died down.  Besides, there was new gossip to discuss - the trashing of the art room being top on that list, she suspected.  Seriously, who did that kind of thing?  Those were creations, even if they weren't 'good', someone had made them, and who knows, maybe it was something of which they were proud.  But at least, her cat fight could be forgotten in the light of this new development.  Truth be told, her own adventures were probably long forgotten.  But her timidity dictated that she felt like she was under constant scrutiny.

In any case, she was on her way to the Lunch Hall now, her classes done for the day.  She'd heard they were serving steak today, and her mouth watered at the thought.  Steak sounded wonderful.  Especially if they had grilled vegetables to go with it.  Or steamed ones.  Especially summer squash and zucchini with onions and peppers.  She couldn't help but lick her lips at the thought.  She'd avoided the bar-b-que at the 4th of July celebration since she was on clean up duty, only grabbing a veggie burger to satisfy her growling stomach, but now she really wanted a bar-b-que.  She wondered if there were grills on the grounds like they had at state parks back home.

It was during these musings that she noticed a familiar form walking down the hall.  It was the boy who'd gotten lost last week.  While she remembered the whole encounter, she was perhaps a bit kinder in her memories to her own actions than what had really happened.  Sydni was not really one to bitchy or snippy, but she had been so Rudra.  Her memory, though, let her neglect that.  "Hey, Rudra?" she called out as she hurried to catch up.  "Hey, how's Ezra doing?"  She remembered how worried he'd been.  She hoped the professor was doing well.
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Jul. 19th, 2008


Week Fourteen: Wednesday

Who: Ezra and Rudra
Where: Thrift shop/clothing boutique(s)
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Ezra demonstrates that his greatest work as a Guide is being a fashion plate. or something. Anything to keep him from wearing all those layers of clothes.

Ezra walked through stores the way small children did after having that stern talking to outside the china department. Hands by your sides. Don't touch anything. Avoid perilous looking displays as if they were made of burning coals in the mouths of undead gorillas with a taste for living flesh (sharp teeth optional). Way too many altercations with usually benign retail paraphenalia such as the hanging rack, the circular display, and the dreaded utility hook wall had led him to this way of caution.

Still, he was a very good shopper, even if it was a long process. First he'd find an item that would catch his eye. Stare at it for a moment, consider what he'd wear with it. Pick it up, hold it away from him, bring it up close, inspect any details, and then possibly decide to try it on. Although occassionally, he just got the feeling that an item was juuuuust right. All he had to do was find the entire rest of the outfit to go with it. This involved bringing the item to stores and holding it up to things.

He had a notably hipper version of his wear for Kenzie. Ezra probably was not the target audience for magazines like Nylon Men, GQ, and the like, but not a lot of magazines targeted disabled Djinn's with a time and space cognition dilemma. Rudra, however, lived in the Real World and needed an updated look he thought. He'd started a small pile while Rudra was...somewhere. Ezra had a tendency to just hand him money and there had maybe been talks about pizza. Or piazzas. Although he wasn't sure what Rudra might think about piazzas, he wasn't one to say anyone would know anything less about architecture than what they might now.

"Now this is dapper." He said to himself, satisfied, having just inspected a black and white checkerboard hoodie in a size small.
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Jul. 16th, 2008


Week Fourteen: Monday

who: Kenzie and Alice
When: Monday Evening
Where: Some Random Corridor

Lost. If there was one word that described Kenzie to the T today, that was it. He had been lost in class, having never gone to class before, and was more confused after the class was over than he had been before it had started. He was lot in the halls between classes, trying to find the next place that he needed to be, and subsequently, had been late for every single one of them. And now, after class was over, he was lost trying to find his way to the cafeteria to get something to eat because he knew that Ezra had a meeting tonight. And this whole lost thing was starting to get just at tiny bit old.

Kenzie had to be the only supernatural that lacked any sort of sense of direction. It was probably because he had no added senses to help him out. His sense of smell was nothing short of human, as was everything else. On top of that, his attention span was rather lacking and he had a tendency to just sort of zone out while he was walking, and then he would come back to his senses and not even know which way to go from there.

Running a hand back through messy hair, he sighed. Left, right, or straight? He debated that for a moment, hand moving to pull up baggy pants and then adjust the hem of the bottom shirt that he wore, dressed in his typical overload of layers. Right, he decided. He took the turn, saw someone there, and right at that exact time, he tripped on his shoelace. His hands moved out to stop himself from falling but fall he did, right on top of her, his hands that were meant to stay him firmly planted upon her breasts.
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Week Fourteen: Tuesday

Who: Kenzie and Jesse
Where: The Halls of Halcyon
When: Late Afternoon

Kenzie had been in a much better mood now that Ezra was awake and he had started classes. Even school, having to learn things, was starting to settle in on him, though having to move into a dorm wasn't something that he cared to think about. They could say that he had to all they wanted, but he wasn't going to. And that was just that. He had spent his entire life being told what to do and fuck anyone who thought they could continue to do just that. He was done listening and never questioning things.

As much attitude as he presently had, his sense of direction left a lot to be desired. It didn't help any that all the halls pretty much looked the same. And it was easy to get turned around, which he had. He had thought he was going back to the apartment, but then he realized, perhaps a bit too late, that he was nowhere near the apartment, and so he stopped, arms full of food, pizza, chips, soda, etc., and chewed on that lower lip of his as he looked around. He didn't recognize anything.

Kenzie was about to turn around and try again, head back in the direction that he had come from and attempt to retrace his steps, when a nearby door opened and someone, a boy, exited. "Hey!" Kenzie reached down to tug up the jeans that were far too big on him, coupled with the layers upon layers of shirts and his untied shoes with mismatched socks to boot. "I think I'm lost. Do you know how to get to the place where the teachers live from here?"
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Jul. 7th, 2008


Week 13: Tuesday

Who:  Kenzie and Sydni
What:  A sudden meeting
Where:  Lunch Hall

Being as frazzled as she was, Sydni was not sure how she'd make it through the week to Friday.  She was already anxious because Charlie hadn't contacted her at all.  After his breakdown Thursday night, she didn't think his sire appearing out of nowhere was going to be at all helpful.  There was too much guilt and anger, and she worried more for his mental well-being than his physical well-being.  It was a dark road to travel, and she was afraid he would bury himself walking it alone.

Add to that her betrayal of Justina, and her concerns now for Frankie and Davia, and she was an emotional mess.  She didn't dare call Justina, but she desperately wanted to find out if she was ok.  Of course she wasn't, but she wanted to comfort her, despite being the one who had caused the pain in the first place.  Davia seemed like a confused teenager sometimes and she worried that she'd end up hurt or in a dangerous situation.  Teenagers did that - got into trouble because their risk-assessment centers weren't fully developed.  She also felt a bit guilty, knowing that Davia had a crush on her and she'd had to turn her down.  Another broken heart caused by her, good job.  And then Frankie was upset about Clove.  And that was definitely something not in her power to fix.

Distracted by these thoughts, Sydni was only paying attention to the partially hidden table away from the general cluster in the center of the hall.  She hoped no one else snagged it before she got there.  She didn't want company, and she didn't want to find a new table for herself.  Of course, as busy as the caf was, she should have been paying attention to the people around, at least enough to avoid them.  This became painfully clear when she crashed into a small form that scurried in front of her.  Luckily, she hadn't gotten her food, yet.  Unfortunately for the person she'd walked into, he had.  Loads of pizza.  It looked like a pizza joint had exploded on his shirt and the floor in front of him.

A string of uncharacteristic curses streamed from her mouth as she bent to help pick up the mess.  Unable to hide the aggravation, she snapped, "I'm sorry."  Well, that wasn't sincere.  Trying again, she softened her words a bit, "I didn't see you coming.  You ok?"  She finally looked up at the poor guy, concern beginning to overwrite the frustration on her face.
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Jun. 19th, 2008


Week Twelve: Thursday

Who: Kenzie and Kat
When: Early Evening
Where: Outside of the school

Kenzie was not really a cat but sometimes he had a hard time distinguishing that fact. He spent so much of his life in the form on a white, fluffy cat that it was easy for him to think of himself as being primarily that and then secondarily human, but it was really the other way around. Because of this, his reflexes were nothing similar to a cat. He didn't have the same balance, didn't always land on his feet like a real cat did, and didn't have near the grace. That did not, however, keep him from doing things that other cats did when he was in cat form, and sometimes even when he wasn't.

That being said, Rudra was in a tree. Ezra was busy, doing what, he wasn't sure, wasn't even sure that Ezra was sure, but he was busy, and Kenzie was bored. So what does one do when they are bored and no one knows that you're anything other than a cat? You go wandering about as a cat, of course. And where is the best place to wander? It certainly wasn't in a tree. Now that he was up there, he had no idea how he was going to get down, and he found himself pacing back and forth upon a tree limb that was really none too sturdy, meowing. What a predicament!

While the meow was certainly enough to garner the attention of anyone who happened to be about, which happened to only be one person, the sound of the tree branch cracking under the weight of the massive cat was certainly enough to warrant even more of the aforementioned girl's attention. The branch snapped and down went the ball of flying fur, hitting hard upon the ground.

Now as mentioned previously, Kenzie lacked the grace of a cat, the balance, and the ability to land on his feet every time. So instead of on his feet, he landed on his head and was knocked instantly unconscious. There was just one thing about that. When he was asleep, knocked out, or otherwise incapable of conscious thought, he lost his form and went back to what was natural for him. It was not instantaneous, no, however the white fur began to disappear and the body began to lengthen and after a few minutes, in place of what was once a large cat, an apparent Main Coon, was a very human boy, completely naked and unconscious on the ground.
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