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Dec. 13th, 2013


Ice Skating anyone?

Dec. 3rd, 2013


So I spent the day helping my mom decorate our apartment for Christmas. It looks awesome and I can't wait until the holiday. Means more food and spending time with people that I care about.

Filtered to Amelie
My mom really enjoyed having you over for Thanksgiving....and I have to admit, I was glad that you were there as well. I was planning on going through the door that goes to you perhaps want to go with me?

Nov. 25th, 2013


My parents are gone.

Nov. 24th, 2013


I'm just going to say that even though I'm not in my time, I'm thankful that I have made so many friends here that feel like family to me. I'm ready for good food and maybe some beach football!!!

Nov. 9th, 2013


Wow that was some Halloween party. It took hours for me to get all that make up off of my skin though, but it was so worth it. The drinks were really good and killer music. I think I might have to frequent that club more often.

Also, I'm going surfing tomorrow, so if anybody wants to come along just let me know.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Man it was great to get out there and actually get to surf...the waves aren't as great as they were in Florida, but still. It was really amazing!


Okay, to all the new people: Hi, I'm Mitchell, I run the pub. I wanted to ask if someone would be willing to help out with it? Currently, Tim and I and sometimes my fiancée do the leg work. Maryanne's in the kitchen. Sometimes Clint hangs out there as well.

So, yeah, another helping hand would be good.

Oct. 13th, 2013


Wow...Florida is amazing!!! I had the best time there. The surfing was AWESOME! I had a lot of relaxing time and even brought back some stuff. Even gifts for my mom.

Oct. 4th, 2013


So I was thinking about taking the door into Florida. Who's down?

Sep. 21st, 2013


Oh man. What the hell was I drinking last night?


So.....its Saturday. What is everybody up to for tonight? Anything fun going on?

Sep. 16th, 2013


I guess Soph has gone back home.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


So I've noticed that the holes are I assume since I'm still here that I'm stuck pretty much. Out of all of the kiddos who are all here?? Just so I know that I'm not the only one that got left behind of course.

Also, Saturday is going to be the bonfire, BYOB, and if you want to donate food you are welcome. Figured we could do S'mores and roast hot dogs and have chips and different salads. Also music and dancing, and having a great time. And anyone that wants to help out with setup and all of that, let me know as well.

Okay, because I'm an egghead and forgot about everything going on in Manhattan....I am going to postpone this little bonfire party until things have settled down a little bit.

Mr. Stark you still need help? I'm good with my hands and helping people if you do need it. Just let me know.

Aug. 26th, 2013


I'm in the mood to PARTY IT UP!!!! I say lets have a BEACH BASH!! Bonfires, lots of drinks, food, volleyball, hey maybe I can get some peeps to bring some fireworks to end the night off right. What do you think?

Aug. 18th, 2013


Looking for Robin?

Just wondering if anyone has seen Robin? My brother? I get the feeling he's here, but I haven't found him.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Alright boys and girls. Kids. That is. Uh since there are so many of us, I want to throw us a shindig. I asked Uncle Mitchell, and he said I could use the pub.

Who's interested? Besides me and Richie.


So why is it that some of us show up here in the past but yet not all of us? Were we picked out of a hat or something of who would be dragged here?

Aug. 14th, 2013


Yep...Still weird seeing my mom so young with baby me. But its great to catch up and tell her about myself. So that she knows for future reference...I hope that the Universe doesn't explode or anything because she knows the future.

Aug. 15th, 2013


Filtered to all future!kids

Hey, just wondering who else is here from the future. Been a while.

Aug. 12th, 2013


What's going on?

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