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Sep. 17th, 2014


Aug. 17th, 2014


Our little Mouse is already five weeks old, cheeky little thing she is too.

I just want to say thank you for all the visitors and well wishes since she's been in the hospital. She says thank you too.

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Yes, this is a Mummy showing off her gorgeous little girl. But honestly, how can you not fall in love with those eyes?

Aug. 13th, 2014


Based on some of the chatter I'm seeing it seems that for my birthday I get my amazingly wonderful boyfriend back to his original fantasticness. I'll take it.

Aug. 10th, 2014


Auction setup!

Alright guys and gals, I gave y'all more than enough time to protest. And there were two whole pages of men and women that weren't! So, here is how we're going to do this, fill out the following information:

Do you prefer the bids of men, women, or both:
Something interesting about yourself:

This should make the process a little easier:

Bidding is over!!
This is what we'll be using to bid:Bidding System )

You can offer services unique to your talents and we will decide how much extra that would be worth based on what you offer.

I'll let you ya'll know when it's time to start bidding. Don't start getting all excited just yet. It is sign up first after all.

Aug. 8th, 2014


It's been a while since I made a call for one of these things. Some of you remember the rules. Some of you don't. But this is just a call for interest.

Sometime ago we did an auction, for dates, or time spent, however you want to look at it, for women of the island. I was thinking of doing both men and women this time. You guys interested in putting up some time for auction?

I also need some suggestions for time spent. The general go to is time at the farm, time in the pub, science monkeys, and so on. If you work in an area that needs help feel free to suggest it. This will give the newer people who haven't found their niche yet to get an idea of where they could work.

Here's an example for the new people:

I put myself up for auction, and my darling husband Clint comes along and bids four hours in the pub. Then my BFF Brain comes along and bids 6 hours in the pub, countering Clint's offer. Clint can raise his offer to ten hours at the farm, countering Harry's offer... Who ever wins, gets me all to themselves for however long we agree to.

Sex is not on the menu unless the person up for auction and the bidder agree to it. So guys, gals, this is not a quick and easy way to get laid. This is simply in place for the work that needs to be done to get done.

Any questions? Anyone interested?

Jul. 31st, 2014


I wonder how much of this switch will stick with us when we go back to normal. Because I really like playing the piano.

Aaron, we're getting a piano!

Jul. 28th, 2014


I really like my job, the diner is a fun place to work. But, I am in need of some help. Does anybody know of anybody that could be a reliable baby-sitter for Steven? I know my adult son is around, but he has a life too and I don't want him on baby watch all the time. Any takers for when I'm at work?

Jul. 16th, 2014



Jul. 15th, 2014


I think one of you science types swapped with Tim. Anybody randomly musically talented when you weren't before?

Jun. 7th, 2014


Filtered to those involved

Alright, so I finally got all of the genetic mapping and everything done and here are the results.

Max and Darcy. While you do share the genes that make up your eye color and hair color and so forth, you have no genetic markers in common. You are in no way related.

TJ and Bucky. Same goes for you. While you do have similar genes as far as physical characteristics are concerned, you're not related at all.

This is where things get interested.

Aaron. You are related to neither Clint nor Hansel. You just all happen to look alike. But here's the interesting part.

Based on the various information I could gather after doing the genetic test I have found that Hansel is actually Clint's Great Great Great Great Uncle. I was able to do some family tree research and figured all of this out. It's pretty interesting if you guys want to see it.

May. 31st, 2014


I'd like to welcome everyone to the 'Old Trinidad' which will be opening next Friday night from Quinn's new bookshop. We'll have a bbq, because I will hoping the weather holds up enough to be outside, and street food from Trinidad. My favourite are doubles. Curried chick peas and mango in a flat bread.

Roti- shrimp, pork and vegetable.

I'm also going to go with some traditional none Trinidadian favourites, some spiced pasties, specially for Quinn. Curried lamb for Teej and well as some nice none spiced things for the kids and lots of desserts.

There will also be alcoholic and none alcoholic punches.

I can't magic us a steel band, but MP3's will be happening.

If anyone wants anything specific, or wants to help shout me

May. 26th, 2014


Backdated to Saturday

I love my wonderful boyfriend so much. Thank you Quinn, thank you Teej, thank you Joe, thank you so much.

May. 20th, 2014


Hello island. My name is Ty and I arrived here a few days ago. This seems to be the easiest way to reach everybody and introduce myself. I'm from Auckland, New Zealand, where I had a small business. So far I don't know a lot of people here and it would be nice to get to know a few more.

May. 14th, 2014


It took me a little while but I believe I've finally got the hang of using the printer. For the Newspaper. I would like to run weekly editions. Daily seems a little much considering the ways of this place, and the lack of proper reporters, and other staff, it's a little out of my reach.

Anyway I would like to start by interviewing my fellow captives, perhaps have a 'getting to know you' column, or even just one of special interest. I would also like a census of how many people actually live here, so that I might have an idea of how many papers to print.

I suppose what I'm asking of you, is if anyone would like to be interviewed. Or if anyone would have interest in working at the Newspaper with me.

I'll be much obliged to anyone who answers.

~Josephine March

May. 11th, 2014


Most of us, in fact the vast majority, are here living without our mothers. They are lost to us for now but it does not mean we live without them.

Whoever you are here, even if you feel alone, rejected or isolated, remember that there you're worth something good.

I lost my mother in 1943 when a bomb hit our home. She and my grandmother and father meant more to me than I could ever verbalise. Now that I am one myself (thank you to whomever sent the flowers), it's harder and better than I could ever imagine.

I just wanted to say this I suppose.

I miss you, Mum.

May. 6th, 2014


backdated to the rescue

Is it me? Seriously? Better to die than have a future with me?

May. 4th, 2014


This place is a madhouse right now. I'm going to the beach, lighting a giant fire and toasting marshmallows. Who's in?

Loud rock music may also be involved.

EDIT: And this is a booze free party folks, gotta keep it fun and safe for all.

May. 2nd, 2014


Filtered from the under 18 crowd

I felt the need for a change. I thought I'd go for blonde. Thoughts?
image under cut )

Apr. 18th, 2014


Filtered to adults

Hello, my name is Abigail and I need your help.

Myself and a few others are setting up a school on the island for the children to continue their education in different fields and help them grow as people.

However, I need some help. My degree is in English literature and language with a minor in art history but I need volunteers to teach other subjects.

I definitely need someone to teach Math, all the sciences, computer technology, music, art, geography, history etc.

If you have a specialised skill and would like to help, put your name down below.

Thank you.

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Apr. 17th, 2014


The whale singing is nice.

I wouldn't even mind if Sebastian and Flounder showed up.

But if I hear dolphins singing thanks for all the fish, I'm going out the first door.

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