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May. 19th, 2014


I guess the island doesn't like me having friends.

It sent Clint back home. I hate this

I guess... He's probably happier there. I'll miss

May. 14th, 2014


It took me a little while but I believe I've finally got the hang of using the printer. For the Newspaper. I would like to run weekly editions. Daily seems a little much considering the ways of this place, and the lack of proper reporters, and other staff, it's a little out of my reach.

Anyway I would like to start by interviewing my fellow captives, perhaps have a 'getting to know you' column, or even just one of special interest. I would also like a census of how many people actually live here, so that I might have an idea of how many papers to print.

I suppose what I'm asking of you, is if anyone would like to be interviewed. Or if anyone would have interest in working at the Newspaper with me.

I'll be much obliged to anyone who answers.

~Josephine March

Apr. 18th, 2014


Filtered to adults

Hello, my name is Abigail and I need your help.

Myself and a few others are setting up a school on the island for the children to continue their education in different fields and help them grow as people.

However, I need some help. My degree is in English literature and language with a minor in art history but I need volunteers to teach other subjects.

I definitely need someone to teach Math, all the sciences, computer technology, music, art, geography, history etc.

If you have a specialised skill and would like to help, put your name down below.

Thank you.

Read more... )

Apr. 8th, 2014


Filtered to kids and their parents

We're thinking of using apartments to set up a school finally.

Anyone under the age of around 18, would you be interested in coming together on a field trip so we can all get to know each other?

Parents; if you want to come along, that'd be great.

My name's Abi by the way. I have a degree in English literature with a minor in Art History and have worked as a private tutor for high school kids and a TA in college

Mar. 24th, 2014


I believe I have finally deciphered how to use this device.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Filtered from Steve (kid)

I really hate this place sometimes.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Well, looks like my mom is pregnant. She had a little freak out, but she's doing just fine. I think she's going to be in a state of shock for a few more days though.

Jan. 20th, 2014


Filtered to Adults

I'm going to be bringing a woman to the hospital who's collapsed, she's recently given birth but was in the pony world until a few minutes ago and, as far as I know, is in good health otherwise.

Maryanne, can you meet us there as well? Without the kids.

Jan. 13th, 2014


So... Walking on hooves is definitely different.

Also, while everyone else seems to be naked... I'm actually dressed, how bizarre is that?

Jan. 12th, 2014


I'm a horse with a rose on her behind.


Jan. 8th, 2014


Oops Bucky posted to the whole network... )

Dec. 26th, 2013


Filtered from kids

I just wanted to thank all of you for helping restore Christmas for little Steve. I was afraid that the truth bug that bit me was going to ruin it when he asked me about Santa, but all of you did such a wonderful job of helping him believe again. You'll never know how much that means to me.

[Peggy and Steve]

I saw the note from "Santa." Peggy, I'd recognize your handwriting anywhere. Thank you so much for that. I'll never forget the smile on his face.

Dec. 17th, 2013


Uh. Kaltxi.

So, I'm not ten any more, and I ain't gonna be demanding any more games of Marco Polo. Reckon I'll leave that for Tommy.

[Izzy, Sook, Rach and Sarah]
Did anyone see where all my stuff went? Like my crutches and, uh, the rest of my stuff?

And thanks for looking after me and Tommy.

Dec. 16th, 2013


I had a wonderful time with Clint at Disney! I even got a photograph with a pair of giant chipmunks!

Click )

How is everyone doing? Have you prepared for a joyous holiday feast?

Dec. 6th, 2013


Well crap

Nov. 25th, 2013


Filtered away from the kids. (OOCnote: under the age not future)

Okay I'm bored, it's late, my kids are asleep. Or two of them are, one of them is still messing around with his birthday presents. ANYWAY...

I figure with all the glum around we could use a little fun. This is for the pervy ones out there. Because we could all use a bit of a giggle. This is called naughty numbers. Starting now, until you decide to answer, keep a tally of how many times you have a dirty thought about anyone. Remember the name and how many times. If that person answers this post you put that number down below their name. You can answer more than once, and they can answer you back. Numbers can go up, they can't go down. You can't unthink dirty thoughts.

Man, woman, it doesn't matter. If you want to play, put your name down below. And check back to see if the object of your depravity has put their name down.

And remember passing pervy thoughts count.

For instance, sorry Peggy and Steve, but I've checked Steve's ass out at least twice today. What can I say? I'm a naughty girl.

Remember have fun with it!

Nov. 11th, 2013


There will be a get together tonight at the diner for all the soldiers on the island, past, present, and future.


95 years ago today World War I officially ended.

Happy Armistice Day.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Backdated to October 21st

So I got my cast off today. My arm was so gross under there. I won't go into details. Anyway, I will be in a splint for the next three weeks just to help the break heal a little more. But this time next month I should be back to normal.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Message to Steve and Steven

How would you two like to do something good for the community?

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