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Jun. 8th, 2018


If anyone would like some kid free time through the door, I'm offering my services as a babysitter.

May. 15th, 2018


I've been asked a few times about setting up a genetic database, and while most of this shouldn't be a problem (I forsee a lot of plants in my future), a natural subdivision of this database will involve you, the people on the station, and also the various animals and pets. Would this be something everyone would be okay with me setting up?

The database would ideally be something that will grow with each door, every new arrival and so on, especially if/when we start exploring local space. On the top level, it would be something that could be used for education (which plants in this part of the park belong to the same family), genealogy (finding out exactly who you're related to, if required, for both people and animals) and so on. Data on this level would be available to everyone and also pretty restricted for that precise reason. I would provide a more in-depth level of access for medical staff as well, for reasons explained below, and everyone would be able to access their own data.

Information/Disclaimers )

By the way, does anyone want a job helping me with plant samples? I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this place has a shock-load of plants.

May. 1st, 2018


Well, I think my toddler son is into Disney movies. I knew I raised him right!

Apr. 26th, 2018


My wedding day is getting so close! I hope everyone is still coming. May 4th in the park close to the Pandora environment.


Will you help me with my dress? It's ready; I'm just thinking of adding a few special touches.


Will you walk down the aisle with me and stand next to Willow during the ceremony?

Her Jake

We should have something for Greg and Alex to do. We could pick something meaningful for them to read? Or they could stand with you as groomsmen? Is there anyone else we haven't found a role for yet? We'll have the first row of seats reserved for Sullys, of course.

I think the park is beautiful as it is without adding too many decorations. I was thinking of maybe a few decks of cards on the tables, after the meal - for people who don't like to dance. What do you think?

Apr. 25th, 2018


Group Message to Sullys
anyone want to shoal in the tide pool
rohan is kicking me out for a date
i also just honestly need some company

Apr. 23rd, 2018


Hi, so this is not Tommy. It's Tom. Turns out we've been placed in different parts of the universe and times.

So the rest of my family is somewhere out there and I need to find a way to contact them. Anyone got an idea, yeah?

[Private to human Jakes]

So the crazy biologist is back. Missed me?

[Private to Marta]

Happy birthday, you beautiful mind! I hope you have a great day, old friend.

Apr. 15th, 2018


Thank fuck for that!

Apr. 10th, 2018


Katherine informs me I require more friends, and in truth I do not believe her to be wrong. Would anyone be interested in training or venturing into a hobby together?

Mar. 26th, 2018


Filtered to Sully Clan + Mers

Well I'm not sick.

It looks like there's going to be another mommy in the Sully family.


I've found a set of maps of the surrounding systems. I'm still trying to work out how to get data off the station's servers, so I can't send them to anyone just yet, but if you want to come and see them, they're here.

[Directions to his lecture theater, starting at the elevators closest to where all the Sullys live]

[Photo of one of the holographic maps being projected]

Mar. 19th, 2018


It's too bad Tortuga's not like the cartoons my father and I used to watch. Because I rock that pirate look.

photo )

Oh well. Maybe I'll save it for Halloween.


Is having me here grown up and having Willow strange for you?


To all the Sullys and Thomas (backdated to the 15th)

I need a Sully or an Uncle Thomas for babysitting tomorrow night.

Mar. 15th, 2018


I have very happy news and now that Greg is here, it seems like the perfect time to share. Jake and I have picked a date for our wedding! May 4th! Yes, as in may the force be with you.

Look at the ring Jake gave me. After our children, it's the most beautiful thing he's ever given me.

(ooc: attached would be pictures of the rings, on and off her hand - )

Her Jake

I couldn't wait any longer to share the date. I'm so happy!


Jake told me you agreed to officiate. Thank you!

Can you help me think of a special role for Micha? I already have an idea for Willow.

I will try not to drive you too crazy with wedding planning.

Blue Jake (even if he's not blue at the moment)

Do you know if there are any parts of the station with a window that overlooks the Pandora environment? So we could have it in the background and still be able to breathe on our own.

Mar. 10th, 2018


This place is terrible. Where do you all go to get drunk? I emptied out the store I woke up in.

Mar. 9th, 2018


How long was it? How long was I away?


At least I can have a little bit of fun in the city....who wants to go for a drink somewhere?

Mar. 3rd, 2018


So I found these two little cuties wandering around and I couldn't help but take them in before something bigger ate the poor things. I'm pretty sure they're not shifters but if I could get one of our more magically inclined peeps to confirm that I'd appreciate it. Katherine can you come by to do whatever you do to make sure the bigger animals know they aren't food?

pics of the cutie pies )

I'm still thinking about names but aren't they adorable?

Feb. 28th, 2018


Filtered to Sullys

Midnight wasn't a cat. He's a man, a shifter. I had a strange man in my room in my bed!

ooc: sent immediately after this


With Lady Luck fixed and secured against gravity going wonky again I need a new project.

Feb. 25th, 2018


Filtered to Sully Clan and Friends

To those who didn't already know, Bobby Sully is here and awake now. He hit his head and gave himself a concussion somehow in the process though, and Doctor Morgan wants him awake for the next twenty four hours.

The plan right now is to bring him to my place, since right now we have the room. But I want to make sure we have people who can stay with him to keep him awake. Can I get volunteers to take shifts? I plan to be in and out checking on him, but help would be appreciated.


ooc: sent during this

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