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Jul. 28th, 2020


Keeping Busy

Hi everyone,

In order to keep my mind active I've picked up a few different things but variety is key;
Katherine mentioned that she gave flight lessons using some of the SVs in the hanger. I've found a few that look similar enough to share some tips on.

In addition, I was wondering if some of the station residents who had been here for a while would mind meeting up for a quick chat? I've got some questions about a few things.
Specifically why are we here? Why did we get taken off to the island and split up with different people? Who is this girl?

Just to name a few. I'm not angry, I'm just looking for some answers to stave off the crazy.



Jul. 16th, 2020


So, space, huh? That's cool, something new for me. Y'all gonna have to forgive me, I'm still new to these parts, still figuring some things out. You know how it is. Seem to come at a bad time too, I've been sensing lots of pain and loss since I got here. Hope y'all are okay and know I'm not about to go digging around in your heads outta respect.

I noticed this place ain't all computers and science and tech though. Feels like magic and other stuff. More my kinda stuff. Can somebody explain some of that to me? Or at least tell me what's going on with Wheel 5 and if it would smart to try to communicate with any lingering spirits? Thank you.

Jul. 5th, 2020


Island Network

This place has certainly changed. I cannot say I have missed it.

Oh, if you sent your partner through the portal, it shuts after a short while.


Island Network, Posted in the morning

I'm in the Spire. Does anyone know what's going on? Is anyone else of you on the island?

[Filtered to family]

Please tell me you are okay.

Jul. 3rd, 2020


I miss Asgard.

I would apologize for missing over a week of station goings-on, but I was on my honeymoon and I turned off my phone until about two minutes ago. So, what did I miss?


You're different. What happened, why are you different?

Jun. 29th, 2020


Distress Signal, sort of...

I admire a society with an open network with a history of things to read and I will freely admit that I am lost and in need of some assistance. I figure that this type of thing must happen often to you all so I would appreciate getting a bit of insight into; where, how and why I am here?

I think I can roughly gauge the following from a quick skim of your message board's history without doing a deeper dive on your data which I freely assume is a bad idea;

This is some form of space-station. You have doors to and beings from other amaranths.

Oh! I almost forgot, my name is Annastasia... or Annie.

Jun. 26th, 2020


Alright y'all, I know the wedding is still hopping over there but it's PRIDE month too and I'mma be loud about it for a few minutes, because that's half of my personality, and because in some alternate universe I was not, and that is just sad. Normally there is a party for this, but I think most of us are partied out.

Things here are pretty great, all said and done, but I know not everyone is from here and sometimes the shit you need to hear isn't said. So, as the resident disaster gay, I'm just gonna put it plain and simple: it doesn't matter if you're not straight. Literally doesn't matter. If anyone makes it a thing I would call them an asshole but those are more fun and it would be an insult to asses everywhere. You have every right to be who you are and if anyone wants to fight me on that I will sic an angry Eddie on you. He is very loud and talks VERY fast and it is terrifying.

Jun. 3rd, 2020


Hi all,

I would like to invite everyone for a little gathering in the Halls of Asgard this Friday. Maryanne has so kindly offered to help our kitchen prepare the food. Which means it is going to be amazing.

There will be a buffet and as much drink as you can imagine (both alcoholic and non alcoholic). We have a band for entertainment but if anyone else wants to play a few songs, there will be instruments there for people to use. I certainly plan on playing a few songs. If someone would like to team up for a duet, I would love it.

I am also sure if you can coax a member of my family into a tour around the palace if you wish one.

Please let me know of any dietary requirements. To make it clear, everyone is welcome (yes, that includes you, Brenna).


Jun. 2nd, 2020


Greetings, everyone on the station. I was told by a... Friend of mine that I should try and reach out to.

My name is Dr. Johnnatian Redel, and I apologize in advance for the information/question dump.

1. I have also been told that there are many other scientists here on the station. I would like to meet you, to exchange research and ideas. I was also told that there is a University somewhere on the station. I have not scanned the entire station yet, so I am not aware of where it is located. Would any one be willing to give me a tour?

2. I have created an autonomous companion: B.I.N.C.S., the Bio Interactive Natural Care System. It is a robotic entity that is in the form of a small cat. If anyone who would like to use it as a parenting tool, or anyone in want of a companion. The colors and size of the B.I.N.C.S. can be configured to your personal preferences.

3. Is there a place where I can destroy myself with little to no repercussions to any living beings or structures?

[Filtered away from Blank]

3a. There is also a favor to be asked: I require someone who is affluent in magic to help me change bodies. I would ask another friend, but it is an intense process, and according to my records, he has done it twice for me already. It would require you holding my soul and transferring it in to my new body. The side effect is that you may experience "highlights" of my life. If no one is comfortable with helping in this aspect, I will ask my friend, though I prefer not to.

{End filter]

I look forward to meeting and greeting you all.

[Filtered from Blank, again]

Edit: I have found someone willing for point 3a. I appreciate everyone's consideration for that task. It will take place on June 16th, in the evening, at Dr. Sarah O'Hara's "Boom Room."

May. 28th, 2020


Asgard really knows how to make decent booze. Think we might need to stock the station up with more of that.

[Filtered to Gen.]

Fancy having another wander around Asgard while we have the chance? I found a nice little spot we could go to. We could take some food with us, relax, enjoy the day or night, whenever you feel up to going.

[Filtered to Zatanna.]

So, have you changed back yet? If you have, check at the side of your bed. And happy birthday, luv.

[She will find a small box wrapped in red ribbon. Inside is a simple silver pocket watch with a sigil engraved on it. Underneath is an old photograph of Zee and John from when they were younger.]

May. 9th, 2020


I'm not sure if people do these sorts of things here, I know they did back on earth... But here it goes anyway.

I would like you all to meet Reeve Adler.

He was born on the 26th of April, so he'll be two weeks old tomorrow.

Apr. 30th, 2020


Filtered away from Sophia

Good evening all,

As you will know, it is Sophia's 21st birthday on May 11th.

She's not planning on having a big party or anything, so I have invited her to meet me at Bryn's club for a drink on the evening of her birthday. She has fortunately humoured me, so you know, of course I am hoping that as many of you will join me as possible in throwing her a surprise party.

I will do what I can, but if anyone can help with catering, music, decorating and so on, it will be gratefully received.

Of course, do not breathe a word of this to Sophia.

Thank you.


It's that time again! And I'm not late! These are the birthdays for this month!

Lady Frigga's birthday is the 1st.

Finn Collins' is the 2nd!

My Birthday Buddy John Constantine's is the 10th!


Mr. Darcy's birthday is the 17th!

And Hrodolf's birthday is on the 22nd!

And for those who don't know I'm Sophia, if I've missed your birthday, or it hasn't come yet, let me know!

Apr. 25th, 2020


Forward-dated a teeny bit to about 0630.


That place looks so damn cool, guys. It's open from today until May 24, and it opens into an alleyway that's beside a bar. The sign says the year on Earth would be 1926.

Yet again, I find the door at the end of a run, so I haven't done too much exploring yet, but they look to be setting up for a market.

Edit because I'm a skxawng. The room of doors is in the park on Wheel 1, about half a klick away from the main elevator door thing. Near where Dan and Brenna's house is going up.

Apr. 13th, 2020


Don't ask me how I found out, it's a rather humiliating experience... But if anyone has a black card from my world, they work through the door. But I don't have away to make more, in my world it I had people who did that sort of thing for me. You can get cash the pin numbers are usually the last four digits of the card.

Mar. 30th, 2020


So, I've been enjoying having my grown children around me. They're cooks, and musicians. The three that have the X-gene have never known the prejudice that I did, and actually love their mutations. And it's all because of this place. Because of you guys. Because we come together in times of darkness.

So in celebration of each and every one of you, Clan Barton would like to have a concert. We'll take requests, and depending on how many we get will depend on the date. We'll take on everything from ACDC to ZZ Top, and everything in between.

We love you guys, each and every one of you.

Mar. 21st, 2020


You lot didn't have to come for me. I don't understand why any of you did. To all of those who have suffered because of it, I truly am sorry.

Hell was brought to our doorstep. I think it's about time we showed Hell some of the Stations hospitality. So who's up for a bit of a barney? Door closes soon. If you think you've got what it takes, might as well let off some steam. Let me know if you're interested. I can provide magical protections for those who might need them.

[Private to Loki]

How much would you like to topple the Kings of Hell? I make sure you get their crowns, you do something for me. It's that simple.

Feb. 29th, 2020


We have a new door, people. We've got it for a month, up until March 29, and the plaque says it's going to Hell. And then it says that "Abandon hope, all ye who enter" quote, and I swear the door's talking, so that's great.

I stuck my head in, just to check it, and it's a city that's like a load of ruins (some of it's on fire) and the sky is fucking angry like you wouldn't believe, it's red. And it stinks. I'm so glad I'm not Na'vi right now.

The door room's in the spine at the moment, just by Wheel 5. [Accurate directions]

Feb. 27th, 2020


[Filtered to Abra and Dan]

I'd like to know more about these dreams you two have been having.

[Private to Gen]

I'm going to have to hold off on our magic lessons for a little while, luv. I'm sorry.

Feb. 26th, 2020


I won't lie, I'm beginning to suspect that I'm not in SFO anymore. I knew they were doing some work on a few of their terminals but I feel like I would have remembered hearing about them opening a gate or two in space. We are in space, aren't we? Some sort of station? Admittedly, sensing ley lines within an artificial structure threw me off, it isn't something one sees often in my experience. Handy bit of magic, that. But still, we are in space, yes?

In any case, I am Zatanna Zatara, the mistress of Magic, the princess of prestidigitation, the headliner of the annual stage illusionists convention who apparently not only missed her plane to Vegas but has managed to literally fall off the face of the earth. If anyone would be so kind as to explain where we are, what is going on, and if whatever foodservice system is in place here offers a vegetarian option, I would be incredibly grateful.

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