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Jun. 14th, 2018


Video post

[The camera pans along a beach in the early morning, just after sunrise. Jake's standing in the water and slowly turning round to show everything around him, before turning the camera round to show himself and a sleepy baby strapped to his chest. When he speaks, he's keeping his voice very low.]

"Alex couldn't sleep, so we came out for a walk. We just missed sunrise, sorry about that, but I thought this view was still pretty cool, so I made a vid. Hope you like it!"

[Alex then babbles something and reaches up to grab at Jake's face. The last thing the video shows is the camera dropping down to show Jake's legs and braces as the tide washes over his feet while he checks on Alex, before he remembers to turn off the camera.]

Apr. 26th, 2018


My wedding day is getting so close! I hope everyone is still coming. May 4th in the park close to the Pandora environment.


Will you help me with my dress? It's ready; I'm just thinking of adding a few special touches.


Will you walk down the aisle with me and stand next to Willow during the ceremony?

Her Jake

We should have something for Greg and Alex to do. We could pick something meaningful for them to read? Or they could stand with you as groomsmen? Is there anyone else we haven't found a role for yet? We'll have the first row of seats reserved for Sullys, of course.

I think the park is beautiful as it is without adding too many decorations. I was thinking of maybe a few decks of cards on the tables, after the meal - for people who don't like to dance. What do you think?

Apr. 23rd, 2018


Hi, so this is not Tommy. It's Tom. Turns out we've been placed in different parts of the universe and times.

So the rest of my family is somewhere out there and I need to find a way to contact them. Anyone got an idea, yeah?

[Private to human Jakes]

So the crazy biologist is back. Missed me?

[Private to Marta]

Happy birthday, you beautiful mind! I hope you have a great day, old friend.

Apr. 16th, 2018


So I've been through my phone and have a general idea of why I'm missing three weeks but why do I still have boobs?

Apr. 15th, 2018


Thank fuck for that!

Apr. 12th, 2018


So my balls are gone.

Apr. 8th, 2018


Other than the river up in the park, has anyone found anywhere that's good for swimming? Specifically, somewhere that I could access?

Mar. 28th, 2018


I don't mind being a girl so much (though for the record I would like to be a guy again soon please and thank you), spending most of the last twelve months in Elyssa's body cured me of that. Being short? Pain in the ass!

Mar. 19th, 2018


It's too bad Tortuga's not like the cartoons my father and I used to watch. Because I rock that pirate look.

photo )

Oh well. Maybe I'll save it for Halloween.


Is having me here grown up and having Willow strange for you?

Mar. 15th, 2018


I have very happy news and now that Greg is here, it seems like the perfect time to share. Jake and I have picked a date for our wedding! May 4th! Yes, as in may the force be with you.

Look at the ring Jake gave me. After our children, it's the most beautiful thing he's ever given me.

(ooc: attached would be pictures of the rings, on and off her hand - )

Her Jake

I couldn't wait any longer to share the date. I'm so happy!


Jake told me you agreed to officiate. Thank you!

Can you help me think of a special role for Micha? I already have an idea for Willow.

I will try not to drive you too crazy with wedding planning.

Blue Jake (even if he's not blue at the moment)

Do you know if there are any parts of the station with a window that overlooks the Pandora environment? So we could have it in the background and still be able to breathe on our own.

Mar. 3rd, 2018


I have a confession to make. There's a new guy in my life. I know this will seem sudden - he's moved in with me and Eli.

Adorable )

How could I resist a fellow that introduces himself so politely? I've named him Haiduc.

Katherine - can you come by to do what you need to, to keep him safe from the big animals?

Feb. 21st, 2018


Filtered to Sully Clan

All right we've let this go long enough. Mom and dad aren't here yet and we don't know if they ever will be in this timeline. We always did family dinners at their place and they were usually the ones who arranged it, but with them gone we have to step up.

So. Sunday dinner, my place. Be there.

Jan. 30th, 2018


So I found my phone! Sorry I've been quiet.

I've got great news though! I can switch back and forth between my tail and legs again! I don't know what happened, I just woke up today and I could do it again.

Sep. 17th, 2017


Sully Clan report in. Who's here and awake?

Added later: Hey mom, dad, Sookie and little Izzy are listed on the phones after all. They're at the bottom of the list and greyed out but there. Wonder what it means?

Aug. 12th, 2017


I was running!

I get that we're still stuck in a freezer with the door mostly shut, so running ain't that big a thing to everyone else, so you can ignore this if you want.

I was running, though. 5km.

Jul. 23rd, 2017


Fucking hell, this thing is wobbly.

Still, I stood up for the first time in six months! And then I fell on my ass.

Jul. 18th, 2017


Gwen doesn't like my cougar. She's trying to protect me from him. I'm gonna have to help them make friends with each other. Humungousaur was scared until I had a talk with him, but now he's fine.

I still don't know what to call him. I don't think I'll be continuing the Ben 10 naming scheme I used for Gwen and Humungousaur, since I'm not 10 any more. But I'm real close to calling him something like Barry or Jim or something like that.

Edit: Okay so I lied and he's called Hex now.

Jul. 12th, 2017


(backdated to after she arrived)

Hello. This isn't the 2019 I remember. It's good to see the spire gone.

Jakes, especially Jake from my time, Mom, everyone else at the temple, everyone in general - are you alright?

Jul. 11th, 2017


Filtered to Temple people

Hey. I've missed a lot, I know. Is everyone okay? Nobody got hurt, right?

I've seen where the Spire was, and I've spoken to a beardy older me on the network (who is reading this, I know) and everything is dark and cold and Kat's giving away animals. She's pushing for me to get a cougar. Is that okay?


What the fuck happened here?

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