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Mar. 10th, 2015


Son of a bitch. I had to go and jinx myself.

Oct. 14th, 2014


Okay folks in fifteen days I'm going to go from being a Sully to a Dresden!

Plans are for a wedding/birthday party the 31st an hour before sunset. I wanted to do it in the Grove but I think being that close to the forest that late at night wouldn't be a good idea. So instead I've been working on this beautiful Chateau that's just outside the city. Yes it's kind of in the forest but I've been monitoring the area for the past few weeks and it seems like that no creatures, besides birds, rabbits and squirrels, seem to venture into the woods that stretch about a half a mile in front of the house.

I'll have protection spells, that I've been building up for the past few months, surrounding the place just in case on the day and night of.

I haven't really said anything yet, but Aunt Sookie, and Maggie I'd love it if you two were my Maids of Honor.

The reception is costumes! But if you're coming for the ceremony you could just come in costume then too.

Um. There are things I'm forgetting I'm sure.

Oct. 11th, 2014


Banshee's friend is still hanging around, even though I'm not Tyr any more. Weird.

Or maybe my ikran's just got a brilliant personality.

Aug. 21st, 2014


Filtered to Ty, Shepard, Matt and Steve

You all owe me time at the bakery!

Aug. 19th, 2014


Filtered to the Sully household except for Sarah

I'm going to Scotland for a while. I'm not sure when I'll be back but it'll be sometime before the door closes.

Jul. 24th, 2014


To Sookie and everyone she lives with.

Hi. Sookie said I could stay with you for awhile, until things get back to normal. Is that still okay?

Jul. 14th, 2014


I can't do anything with my light. What the hell's happening??

Jun. 30th, 2014


Filtered to Sullys and partners of Sullys

Family dinner tomorrow night, if you're interested. There'll be cake!

Jun. 28th, 2014


I wanted to tell everyone...We're pregnant

Jun. 26th, 2014


Tahika cliffs tomorrow! This is gonna be awesome!

We left Jake on Coruscant, he's enjoying not sticking out like a sore thumb for once.

Izzy, Marta's got your list, she's gonna see what she can get when she's done being a science-nerd like Tommy.

Jun. 22nd, 2014


So I think I figured out what I wanna do with my life. Other from spoiling my family. I wanna be a vet. There's just one downside to this revelation: I have no idea about medicine and especially veterinary one. Could someone help me with it?

Izzy, Jake, Sookie, Rachel, Sarah (aka my family), what do you think of my plan? I'm really excited.

Jun. 17th, 2014


The house is so quiet! It's kinda freaky.

May. 31st, 2014


JAKE! Can we go to the beach tomorrow? Please?

May. 22nd, 2014


Oh look, the sky is back! How'd I miss that?

May. 10th, 2014


What the fuck?

May. 5th, 2014


Whys everyone going away?

I want my mom


I can't feel her. I can't feel her.. I only feel... It hurts.

... i can't breathe

May. 4th, 2014





Apr. 23rd, 2014


need food and sleep

or sleep and food, not fussy

Apr. 21st, 2014


Bye bye blonde. Thoughts?

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