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May. 21st, 2015


New door means road trip!

Who wants to go with me? I've got a motorcycle and a Jeep! If it's nice we can put the top down.

May. 17th, 2015


[Email to Rob, Mac and Hannibal]

Hey, would one of you be willing to lend me your horse for a day? I would like to go riding in the forest.


[Email to Stevie and Mary]

Hey you two,

would you like a photographer for your wedding? I could take pictures. I would give you JPG-files as well as edit the best ones in photoshop. Unless you would like RAW-files.


May. 5th, 2015


So would anyone want to get together for a karaoke night soon?

Also, I think beach weather is just about here. We should have a cookout either this week or next.


fail!Filter to Rachel Sully

click! )

May. 3rd, 2015


ooc note: She'd be wearing a scarf around her neck in both photos to hide her scar.

Katherine suggested I put up a picture. They aren't sexy, but this is my favourite photo.

photo )

And this one is a close second. In my old life, I never had a reason to genuinely smile, let alone, laugh. I like this one because it shows how much my life has improved. I owe that to all my friends on the island. You're my family now, especially my Papa.

second photo )

Apr. 21st, 2015


I just want to say that I'm really proud of this cast. You guys are going to be amazing. I can't wait for the island to see it.

(Ooc: since I was gone...we can just say that anyone that auditioned got the part they wanted and they've started rehearsals.)

Apr. 10th, 2015


I think we need to have a beard appreciation day.

Apr. 3rd, 2015


Could someone please direct me to the nearest spaceport?

Mar. 29th, 2015


Failed filter - Supposedly for Rob, open to everyone

I think your body is drunk and i hpe you do not mind. This brandy is excellent but itis not aalderanian.

Mar. 13th, 2015


You know, with everyone revealing such singing talent, I think we should put together a little group! Back in Equestria I was part of a quartet! It would be so nice to work on new songs and sing again, with my friends.

Would any of you be interested? We could meet once a week for an hour or so, just have some fun and work on some songs! All levels of talent would be welcome, of course. Why, we could have a whole choir if we had more than a few!


I feel... wrong.

And I seem to have developed scars without knowledge of the injury that caused them.

I know this is nothing compared to many changes on this island. But it's strange.

Mar. 6th, 2015


With the help of Jarvis, and what's left of EDI, I've managed to track down almost everybody who vanished. The ones that aren't lo Everyone is safe and sound back where they came from. Not sure how much that helps anyone that's still morning losses, but I had to hope that it would help at least a little.

Mar. 3rd, 2015


Just wanted to let everyone know that Saturday I am hosting a karaoke night at the club. Everyone is welcome, so come have some fun, have a few drinks, sing to your hearts content.


I can't believe that not only my fiance' is back, but my best friend is here as well. My bad luck has been turned into the best luck now. I think I'm finally ready to get back to doing musicals, so if this place would be so kind to me and not do anything, I'd like to put my production in motion for The Sound of Music. Auditions will be on Saturday.

Feb. 28th, 2015


Does anyone have a spare horse that they don't need?

Feb. 16th, 2015


To my dear friends,

I am leaving. I am going to find my husband. If you do not hear from me shortly, I have succeeded or this place has taken pity on us.

I love you all,

Feb. 15th, 2015


I hate this goddamn place. How many more have gone this time?

Jan. 16th, 2015


Mr Scott and I were talking, and we'd very much like to host a traditional Burns Supper on Sunday, January 25th, to which you are all invited.

Vegetarian alternatives will be available.

If anyone would like to take part, play any instruments, read any poetry or make one of the speeches, or just attend for the food and drink, please do get in touch and we'll get together a programme of the evening for you all.

Also, it is customary to invite foreign guests to present songs or poems from their own lands, so if you don't know Burns, but you have something to contribute, speak right up.

Jan. 12th, 2015


Email to Rob, Maggie & Peter [Backdated to Saturday]

Dec. 29th, 2014


Just a quick word to say Rob asked me to marry him and I said yes. So if you see me grinning like an idiot for about the next year, that's why

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