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February 9th, 2020

[info]brennathequick in [info]compass_network

it is good to see so many of you accepted my challenge. i look forward to fighting the ones who have chosen to compete against me.

the tournament will take place next week on friggs day. anyone who will still want to join will be able to do so on the day. the rules are simple: you fight until someone has scored a hit which would actually wound an opponent. we will fight with blunt weapons. i will not have you kill each other. whoever scores three hits first wins the fight. everyone will fight each other whoever wins the most fights wins the tournament. we have had some prices volunteered. these will be presented to the winner.

these are the rules for the tournament i am participating in. i will leave the planning of the other tournament to someone among your ranks. i do not know what to look out for among the more capable and i will not pretend. who wishes to lead this group.

i would wish you that the favour of the gods will be with you that day but i believe they will keep them for themselves. hah.

[info]blue_eyed_force in [info]compass_network

I have an idea - friendly betting on the winners of the duels.  We  could bet on each duel and on the overall tournament winners.  Instead of money,  I suggest we gamble with our time.  For example, babysitting hours.  A person who lost a bet, could babysit for someone who placed a winning bet.   Doesn't have to be babysitting, it can be any useful/fun service - helping Bucky or Lacey with cooking/baking, helping in the medbay, teaching a skill, tutoring a student, helping at Bryn's club, etc.

Anyone interested?